Page 41 of Hello Stranger
“I… I’m not really sure how to do things… Liam was quite…”
I smiled at her. “Give yourself up to me,” I said. “Feel whatever you feel, just let yourself feel it.”
I took her fingers in mine.
She placed her coffee on the counter and I led the way back through.
She kicked off her heels in the hallway.
“I’m so damn nervous,” she said.
She took a breath before we climbed the stairs.22ChloeI wasn’t lying. Saying I was so damn nervous was an understatement.
My legs were shaky and my thighs were still soaking wet from where he’d touched me, and my clit was this crazy pulse of a flutter that was tickling right the way up through my tummy, and I’d never felt like that before. I’d never felt even close to anything like that before.
My lips were puffy, and my cheeks must have been scarlet, and I’m sure my fingers were jittery as hell in his. I’d never been more excited in my life as we climbed those stairs.
The landing was dark, but the glow from downstairs showed me the slightly open doorway as we passed by on the landing. I guessed that was his mum in there. I could hear the oxygen machine, a low steady rumble from inside.
Dr Hall’s steps were fast and firm as we stepped inside his bedroom. He turned on both lamps and my tummy did this lurch of nerves on top of nerves.
I couldn’t be in the light. Not like that. I mean, I had scars and birthmarks, and Liam always used to joke how my stomach did this weird jiggle when I rolled over. Embarrassing.
Dr Hall hung his jacket on the wardrobe door and took out his cufflinks. He turned away from me to place them carefully on the chest of drawers, and I looked at him afresh.
I don’t think I’d ever seen him without his suit jacket on.
His shirt was white and fitted just right. His hips were slim, and his ass was toned in his suit trousers. His hair was unique, and it was a strange feeling, how much I liked it like that. Shapes like a constellation across his scalp, from the nape of his neck up in three patches.
The man was the most stunning thing I’d ever seen.
For real. He was literally the most stunning thing I’d ever seen.
His smile was different than I’d seen before when he turned and approached. His eyes were different too. Darker. More feral somehow.
I’d never seen him like that.
So raw.
So powerful.
I’d seen him in control. Calm and in control. He was permanently the most solid and confident person in all creation in the hospital, but not like this.
This was a whole other kind of control.
Control of me.
I knew then that nerves wouldn’t mean anything to him. He wouldn’t back off from confronting them and pushing through, no matter how much I was screaming for lights out, there was no way.
I had to close my eyes when he unfastened my dress at the back and slipped it down. I sucked in my stomach and tried to raise my tits.
“Relax,” he said, and his voice was lower this time.
I tried.
“Relax, Chloe,” he said, and his voice was firm. In control like he was at the hospital. In control like he was as the doctor. “Just breathe.”
I listened.
I breathed.
I let myself feel the nerves.
“Good girl,” he said.
He led me to the bed, lowered me onto my back.
He unclipped my bra and tossed it to the side, and I couldn’t help but suck in my breath again, well aware of the birthmark on my ribs. Liam said it looked like a badly drawn llama. I’d never been able to see it as anything else since then.
And there was more. Further down. The scar from my appendicitis was really deep and made that jiggle in my tummy even more of a jiggle.
But Dr Hall didn’t care.
Genuinely, he didn’t care.
His eyes were every bit as feral, and every bit as hungry as they looked at me and my imperfections.
“You’re a beautiful girl, Chloe,” he told me, and I felt it. It gave me this weird little gulp and this weird relief, and happiness, and I couldn’t stop it. The word was out before I even realised.
One stupid word.
It made me giggle and cover my face with my hands.
His hands were firm as they pulled mine away from me.
And then he said it again.
“Truly. You’re a beautiful girl, Chloe.”
Again, I couldn’t hold it back. The words were goofy, and nervous.
“You’re pretty hot yourself, Dr Hall.”
“It’s Logan,” he said. “My name is Logan.”
I knew it was Logan. I’d heard it was Logan. But it was a whole other thing hearing it from him. A personal introduction.
I took a breath. “You’re pretty hot yourself, Logan.”
He smiled at that. A smirk.
I loved his smirk.
He ran his fingers right the way down my body, from my collarbone, down over my nipple, and down lower, tracing the scar on my belly.