Page 43 of Hello Stranger
I really didn’t care anymore.
It was the most natural thing in the world when I rolled to face him. I wanted to see him. I wanted to see all of him the way he’d seen all of me. I opened his shirt, desperate to soak him in the way he’d soaked in me. To know his body. To know him.
I wasn’t expecting the scar twisting so dark around his waist.
Mine was nothing compared to his. Nothing at all.
I felt like an idiot right there and then. My scar was a puny little nothing.
“I had kidney cancer,” he said. “A decade ago. I had a kidney removed.”
There were no words I wanted to say. My words were all in a movement, echoing his with everything I had.
I kissed his scar. Tiny kisses right the way up and around.
It only made him more gorgeous to me.
Everything that made him him, made him more gorgeous to me.
His cock was still hard. Veined and thick, still wet from being inside me.
I kissed my way down, and he was looking at me as I took him in my hand.
I didn’t let the nerves creep back in before I sucked him into my mouth. I didn’t care how I looked or how I was doing. My hair was a mess and my body was sweaty and my makeup must have been smeared to hell, but nothing mattered. Only the way I made him feel.
His hands reached down and took hold of my hair, and he guided me, over and over.
I loved the way he owned my mouth. Nerves had nothing to say.
My mouth was wet and noisy. I cupped his balls and swirled my tongue around the end of him, loving the way he moaned. Loving it so much as I sucked him back in. Loving him so much as he tensed.
“Jesus Christ,” he said as his cock touched the back of my throat.
I pulled free, sucking him hard along the way, and my tongue lapped as he started to spill.
His thrusts made me so proud. His groans as his cock pulsed made my heart explode.
And it was amazing. The salty taste of his cum in my mouth made me smile. It actually made me smile around his dick.
I’d never get enough of it. Not ever. No way. I could spend my whole life with my mouth around his dick and I’d never get enough of it.
I climbed up his body when he was done and he pulled me into his arms, and again, I felt so safe. So safe and so wanted there, without any words.
And that’s where I slept. Prosecco hazed and glowing bright, before the lights were even out, I fell asleep, as comfortable as I could ever feel.
I belonged there.23ChloeI woke up and stretched before suddenly remembering where I was. My heart started racing. I rolled over but he wasn’t there.
No Dr Hall – sorry, Logan – to be seen.
I’d fucked Dr Hall and now he was Logan.
It was when I rolled over again that I realised I was in a prosecco thump. My head was woolly, and I’m sure my makeup was a state, and I wondered if I’d been a clumsy idiot in my sleep. Hopefully not.
The light was shining through the bedroom curtains and I looked around the room. It was immaculate in a way I hadn’t noticed the night before. Hardly on my list of priorities, I guess, to look around the bedroom of the man I was about to have sex with.
The top of his chest of drawers had bottles and boxes arranged neatly in rows. His wardrobe was huge, with his suit jacket from the day before hanging neatly on the outside. He had a laundry basket that was closed shut with no trailing pants or socks dumped all over it. Not like mine usually was.
I stretched out some more, loving how the bed smelt of him. Musky but clean.
That’s when I noticed the fresh glass of water on the bedside table next to me. I gulped some down and got to my feet. My clothes were lying neatly over a chair in the corner, along with his shirt from the night before.
I didn’t fancy wrestling myself back into that tight little number like a dirty stop out, so I opted for his shirt instead. I pulled it on and buttoned up a few buttons, then crept my way out of there.
I hoped he wasn’t all set to pile me out of the front door and never mention our hook-up again. Because he could do. He could draw a line under it and say thanks, but no thanks. It wouldn’t be anything more than a one-night stand then. No biggie, I suppose.
Except it would be. It would be plenty big enough for me.
The door to his mum’s room was still open a bit. I was trying to creep by without disturbing anyone, but I didn’t manage it. I was barely across the doorway when a voice sounded out from inside, over the top of the rumble of the oxygen machine.