Page 9 of Edge of Obsession (SKALS 3)
He slit an eye open. Worry defined Josh’s angular features, making them appear even more sharp and rugged. Biting the inside of his cheeks, Sebastian gave a curt nod, watching as the other man settled onto the lounger beside his.
“You want to tell me what’s going on? At the risk of sounding like a nagging wife, you’ve been pretty closed off these past few days, Sebastian. Even for you.”
“Is that why you’ve been hovering?” he asked quietly.
His partner’s shoulders jerked in a noncommittal shrug. Pursing his lips in annoyance, Sebastian turned his attention back to the yard, his gaze combing the crowd in search of Taylor’s whereabouts. Finding her surrounded by a gaggle of overexcited women, he sighed and let his head drop back to rest against the chair. Today was going to be the death of him.
“I’ve told you before, I don’t need you to babysit me, Josh. In fact, I would prefer it if you and Monique went home. I appreciate everything you’ve done, but I am more than capable of standing on my own.”
His partner’s scrutiny weighed heavily on him. Uncomfortable, Sebastian pinned him with a blistering glare. Scrubbing a hand over his mouth, Josh sighed and hung his head.
“Yeah, Baas. If that’s what you want, okay. But you and I both know this goes deeper than that. I’m your partner. As much as it scares me to ask, you have to let me know what’s going on inside that fucked up head of yours.”
“Is that so?” he asked, narrowing his eyes.
“Yeah. It is. After all the shit we’ve been through, you owe me that much.”
He weighed that statement for a long moment and swirled the pale liquid in his glass. After several more tense seconds ticked by, he rose to his feet.
“Never doubt my gratitude or my loyalty where you are concerned, Josh. You may not understand this, but they have everything to do with why I won’t tell you what’s on my mind.”
Understanding dawned and the color drained from Josh’s face, leaving a deathly pallor in its wake. His throat strained and he swallowed as if he was going to get sick.
“Whatever you’re thinking here, Sebastian—whatever crazy scheme you’re cooking up—it won’t work.”
“You’re either with me or against me, Josh. There’s no in between.”
“I’m for you! When are you going to get that? No matter how good of a team we are, Marx, SKALS, they are a hell of a lot bigger than us. Don’t go down that road, Baas. Whatever happened or didn’t happen in the past, you need to fucking let it be.”
“I can’t,” he stated quietly.
“Seb, no. If Marx senses you pulling back, you are gonna be in a fucking world of hurt. The repercussions of even thinking about it aren’t worth it.”
“That’s not up to you to decide. Nothing is certain yet, Josh. I have some things I need to work through. Do us both a favor and allow me the space to do that.”
Taylor jumped at the light touch to her elbow. Sensing both familiarity and comfort, her smile deepened, and she turned to find Sebastian. Though troubled, his eyes still held a trace of tenderness as he peered down at her. One side of his mouth hitched in apology before he leaned over to whisper in her ear.
“I’ve tried to be good and give you your space but I am done being patient. It’s my turn to steal you away for a while.”
The husky rasp of his voice sent a thrill down her spine. Snagging her lower lip between her teeth, she peeked over at her guests and nodded. After excusing herself as quickly as possible, she threaded her fingers through his and allowed him to lead her inside. He said nothing as he steered her deeper into the house. Without a word, he pulled her into his study and shut the door. Memories threatened to resurface, the horror of what had happened in that room clawing at the back of her conscious with dark, wraithlike fingers. Rubbing down a ripple of goose bumps, she tried to force the thoughts of Laychee and his men aside, reminding herself that the masculine office with its potted ferns and earthy Tuscan tones had once been a place of comfort.
Her heart raced in uncertainty as Sebastian twisted the lock and turned to face her.
“Strip,” he ordered quietly.
Worried, Taylor searched his face, but his stoic expression lent no clues as to where his mood or thoughts lie. Wondering if she’d done something wrong, she shimmied out of her denim shorts and peeled the form-fitting tee over her head while Sebastian circled her in a menacing prowl. His stare trailed over her, caressing her body with slow appraisal. It seared her skin, stripping her bare, until desire warred with fear.
Hands clasped behind his back, he came to a stop in front of her.
“Bend over the desk,” Sebastian commanded, indicating in its direction with a slight tilt of his head.
Her mouth opened and closed on a wordless protest. Brow knitting with worry, Taylor edged across the room. She glanced over her shoulder before lowering herself over the glossy surface. The cold press of wood against her heated skin was jarring, and she couldn’t help but jump when Sebastian’s fingers traced the length of her back in slow perusal.
“You’ve never had a birthday party before. I am assuming that means you’ve missed out on other traditions as well.”
“Like what?” she whispered, almost too afraid to ask.
“You are naked and bent over my desk. You tell me. What do you think is going to happen here, Taylor?”
“I don’t know…”
“Yes you do. If all I wanted to do was bury my cock inside you, I would have done so by now. You and I both know this.”
Stiffening, she shook her head, a silent plea building in the back of her throat.
“Shh, baby,” he soothed, trailing a forefinger over her back again. “Maybe I haven’t given you much reason, but right now, you need to trust me. Do as I say and I won’t hurt you, Taylor.”
She swallowed, her eyes drifting shut as he leaned over her.
“I want you to enjoy this,” he whispered. “All of it.”
Words and reason escaped her panic-riddled brain. All she managed was a reluctant nod, though numbing doubt remained.
“That’s my girl,” Sebastian murmured.
He reached up and stretched her arms across the desk, his hold commanding and sure. Authority rode his voice as he instructed her to grip the other side. Wedging a muscled thigh between hers, Sebastian forced her legs apart. Her breath caught and she braced herself, listening for the telltale jangle of his belt when she felt him pull back. The broad width of his palm roamed over her ass in a firm car
ess, reminding her that she was helpless and exposed.
A breathless cry tore from Taylor’s throat when the first smack caught her off-guard. The deafening crack of his hand connecting with bare flesh startled her more than it hurt. She writhed in place, surprised by the way the sharp sting mellowed into a pleasant warmth that branched through her entire body. Sebastian alternated blows, pausing every once in a while to rub the heat into her skin, his touch possessive and reverent. A soft moan escaped her by the halfway mark. Much to her confusion, he stopped. Feeling him splay over her, she arched into his body, eager to make contact and please.
The soft brush of his lips grazed across her temple. “Talk to me. Tell me what you think.”
“It’s…it’s different,” she admitted, unable to make heads or tails of what she was feeling. All she knew was she felt a baffling and overwhelming desire to beg him to take her right then and there. She wanted more. She wanted him to make her submit to the deliciously sweet torment he offered.
“Mm. That it is, baby.”
His voice rolled through her, heightening her sense of need. She fought to hold still, flushing as his fingers explored the dampness pooling between her legs. He rumbled with approval finding her both eager and wet. Pressing closer, Sebastian ground against her in a gyrating tease, his erection prodding the warm landscape his hand had left in its wake. The shaky exhale he released added to her desire. Her body trembled with strain, as Sebastian ground his thumb against her clit and eased a thick digit inside her. It was all she could do to keep standing when he added another finger and pumped into her with hard, firm stokes. Wanting so much to please him, she fought to keep her position and not crumple at his feet.
Sebastian resumed his merciless assault. With each powerful plunge of his fingers, he smacked her ass, keeping a tempo that made her want to explode. All too soon, his hands and the delicious things they’d been doing were gone. Taylor groaned in frustration and tried to straighten, but a heavy hand shoved her back down, pinning the back of her neck.