Page 36 of Undone, Volume 2
“Yes!” Hands down at the waistband of his pants, I tore at them. I could see the bulge of him, pressing against the leather. He’d been teasing us all with that. Teasing time was over.
“Do you want to come on my cock, Ana?”
“Yes!” Finally, I got his pants unzipped, finally down off of him and wrapped my hands around the most delicious cock I’d ever fantasized about in my life. “Ash, I need you.”
“That’s right,” he groaned as I stroked him, admiring his long, thick shaft. He was so big and knew exactly what to do with every inch.
“I need you inside me.” I grasped him more firmly now, swirling a drop of precome around his wide crown.
“Ride my cock, baby.” He rested back against the table and watched as I stripped off my panties, stepping out of them in my heels. He took out a condom and rolled it out over his length. Then he brought a large hand to my thigh and helped me straddle him, bringing my wet sex right up to where I needed it. I stood up at my full height, a hand at his shoulder to steady myself.
Looking him full in the eye, I impaled my wet pussy down over his rock-hard cock.
“Ash!” I called out, throwing my head back at how much he filled me, the intense stretch of his huge shaft going into me deep.
“More,” he bit out, and I realized I hadn’t taken him all the way in, not yet. I straddled him wider and sank myself down full into his lap, taking him in to the hilt. I screamed out at the feel, almost painful, as he pushed into me so deep.
“Ride me, baby.” Ash brought his hands to my hips and I couldn’t have stayed still if I’d tried. I didn’t try. I wanted to move so I did, thrusting myself against him, working myself up and down his long, hard cock. I could angle him exactly right so he hit my sweet spot every time. I panted as I worked, sinking myself down onto him again and again.
“Use my cock, Ana.” Ash panted, sweaty, watching me work my pussy along his slick length again and again. “I want you to make yourself come on my cock.”
Grunting, I clung onto him for leverage, straddling him wide and moving faster. Pushing the strap of my dress to the side, he took my breast out so he could squeeze it in his large hand. I moaned as I bucked against him, frenzied.
“So hot, you like this.” With one hand at my waist, Ash kept his eyes fixed on where our bodies joined, where my slick juices lubricated our fucking. I’d never felt so crazed, so uninhibited, so overcome with animal lust. I was using his cock just like he’d told me and it felt so good.
Fixated on my pussy coming down again and again on his huge cock, Ash asked me, husky, “Are you my little slut, Ana? Are you my slut for me, getting off on my cock?”
“Yes,” I moaned, so close, the throbbing in my sex pushing me so close.
“Say it,” he demanded.
“I’m your slut, Ash!” I cried, thrusting down on him. He squeezed my breast hard and dug his fingers into my ass, pushing me down even harder.
“Show me,” he commanded.
When I came, it felt like every fantasy I’d ever had engulfing me, backstage with this rock god, and together we exploded. He clasped his hand over my mouth as I screamed, muffling my cries of ecstasy as I felt him shudder and come inside of me. He buried his mouth in my neck, on my throat, a visceral, guttural groan coming out of him as he brought his cock up deep, so deep inside of me.
A knock sounded on the door. Panting, the roaring tide still rushing around us, we both still heard it.
“One minute, Ash.”
That’s right. He still had more of his show to do. He’d finished his set, but still there was more. And I played a starring role.
“You know what’s next?” he asked me. He brought his forehead against mine and we sat there, panting, our faces so close together. I nodded.
“Are you ready?” he asked me. I pulled back and we looked into each other’s eyes. But before I could answer, there was another knock.
“OK, coming,” Ash answered. He helped me climb off of him and pointed out where I’d flung my panties, over in the corner.
“Thanks,” I said as I hustled over to put them on.
“I always try to be a gentleman.” Ash winked at me and I had to laugh as he buttoned up his leather pants and I straightened out my sparkly dress after our nasty, dirty, backstage quickie.
We stepped out and Lola stood there next to the bouncer who’d summoned us. Her eyes shot out daggers.
“Christ! Look at you!” She was talking to me. It didn’t matter if Ash Black had the just-fucked look, but I was supposed to be a goddamned librarian. Lola snapped her fingers up in the air. Two ladies came at her beck and call. “Tame it!” she demanded and they set to work on my hair, brushing and combing and spraying while also moving me toward the stage with Ash.
One of the girls whispered in my ear, “Is he as good as he looks?”
The other girl answered for me. “I’ve heard he’s huge. Aimee had him last year.”
Oh, that felt great. I wondered how many women had shared my Ash in the past? How many would in the future? But now wasn’t the time for wondering, now was the time to stand up in front of thousands and put on a show.
“You ready?” Ash took my hand, looking into my eyes. I wish I could say that everything else fell away as I stared into his twin pools of liquid love. But that wouldn’t be true. I was about to go out on stage in front of tens of thousands of people. I felt like I was going to throw up. But I swallowed and nodded yes, even though I really felt like yelling, “No!”
But then it happened. He pulled me out on my wobbling legs onto the stage. The band was already in place, just like Lola had told me. Everything was going as planned.
“Sorry to keep you all waiting,” Ash spoke into the microphone he had attached to his earpiece, apologizing to his screaming fans. “I couldn’t keep my lady waiting. If you know what I mean.”
The crowd roared its bawdy approval and my cheeks turned a bright shade of scarlet because not only had he just made a dirty reference to me, it was 100% true.
“Tonight’s a big night! It’s New Year’s Eve, people!” The crowd went wild. I stood, deer in headlights, a broad fake smile plastered to my face. Ash was as natural as I’d ever seen him, though, talking to the huge audience like it was no big deal. Like he wasn’t being photographed and videotaped and viewed by thousands, make that millions by the time this video spent some time up on YouTube.
“Now how many of you have heard about my girl, Ana?” He held up my hand, making me step forward with him in the spotlight. Thankfully, he then wrapped his arm securely around my waist, propping me up. I wondered if he could tell how close I was to toppling over.
“She’s too good for me, I know that. But tonight, I have a very special question I want to ask her.” The crowd’s fevered pitched cranked up another notch I hadn’t even thought possible.
Then Ash bent down on one knee. We were flanked by four huge cameras trained right on us with their wide, black, blank lenses. I broke out in a sweat, trembling, feeling the seconds drag on, endless.
Ash took out a box and held it in the palm of his hand. Then he lifted up the top. Two cameramen rushed in to get an up-close shot. With so many flashing lights, the sparkles and shimmers practically shot off of the rock.
Ash looked up at me. Speaking clearly, he asked the question, “Ana, will you marry me?”
Right then, more than anything I wanted off that stage. It suddenly felt like everything was too much, the ring, the crowd, the cameramen, even the calm and composed way in which Ash displayed our fake romance. That was all this was, a big, public display for his image, and yet I’d just climbed up and humped him backstage like a monkey in heat.
A flicker of nerves passed over Ash’s face. “She’s making me wait,” he told the crowd.
Right, I was supposed to respond. I nodded my head like a good girl. “Yes,” I whispered. They hadn’t fixed me up with a headset, though. Smart of them. They knew I was a wildcard.
So Ash had to anno
unce it. “She said yes, people!” he declared to thunderous roars of approval. He took my hand and pushed a ring with a gigantic, cockroach-sized diamond sticking out of it onto my finger. He held it up for the cameras.
I might have managed to still smile. If I did, it was merely because I could no longer feel my face. Whatever expression had been on it a minute or so ago was the one I still had on, might have on for the rest of the night. I didn’t see this shock wearing off any time soon.
“You’ve made me a happy man!” he exclaimed to me, for the crowd, then sent me packing with a kiss so he could launch into a few more songs.
I stumbled off the stage, my legs wooden, my head throbbing. Lola was there to meet me. I was now wearing a nice chunk of the Ash Black asset portfolio.
“Don’t you fucking lose that,” she said with a smile, her arm around me protectively. “Look, don’t touch, ladies.” She offered my hand up like I was a marionette to the surrounding throng of groupies, all clustered around to see my rock.