Page 74 of Undone: Ash & Ana (Beg For It 2)
“You want this?” he asked, his voice thick with desire, his eyes darker than I’d ever seen them.
“Yes!” I cried out, pulling against my wrist restraints.
“You need to watch it all,” he warned me, pointing at the mirror. “If you want me to fuck you good, you need to watch me do it.”
“Ah!” I cried out, quivering, my desire literally dripping down my inner thigh. “Yes.”
Finally, he brought his hands to my hips. I stood on tiptoe, spreading my legs as far apart as I could, giving him as much access as I could manage. When I felt his thick tip at my wet entrance, I nearly came from the contact. I was right at the edge, panting.
In one, long, completely satisfying thrust, he parted me and shoved his cock all the way inside. I screamed, loud and long, my orgasm building up and cresting over me as he held onto my hips and began driving into me again and again.
“Watch!” he commanded in my ear. I looked sideways into the mirror and saw his large, firm hands guiding my hips, my breasts giggling and bouncing with each hard thrust. My wrists bound tight, my body was stretched out and held exactly where he could fuck me hardest. He stood with his feet firmly planted on the ground, his thick, thighs corded with muscle, his ass flexing as he ground his cock into me over and over again.
The sight of him fucking me nearly made me come again, the way he owned me, controlled me. He brought a hand down to my clit and started rubbing me in rhythm with his strokes. He was supporting almost all of my weight now, assisted by the tie at the ceiling. I had nearly no strength left, all melted, molten desire quivering through me.
“See how you take me in? All of me.” I looked at his slick cock entering into me again and again, to the hilt, burying himself into me until his balls slapped against my pussy. He stretched me to the point of hurting, but I only wanted more.
“Are you going to come again, Ana, when I come in you?” He worked me like a giant beast, sweaty, pounding, controlling all of me.
“Yes!” I called out, every inch of my body responding to him, craving him, needing his seed deep inside of me. The feel of him tensing, tensing, then exploding inside of me released my own orgasm, bursting out from within, shimmering up and out through every limb. Gasping, screaming, I took in his come, my pussy clenching around him, milking out every drop.
“Ana,” he cried out my name, giving me his last shot of come, holding my body against his as I’d now lost any ability to stand. I collapsed against him, letting him support me, pull me close against him as if he couldn’t bear even the slightest amount of separation. We’d melted into each other.
I wasn’t completely aware of how he unbound me, or how he scooped me into his arms. I think I might have blacked out for a few moments from the intensity of the orgasm. When my eyelids fluttered open, I was pressed against his chest, held in his strong arms. He set me down on the large bathroom counter and took a soft, warm washcloth to my limbs.
“So beautiful, Ana.” He kept an arm supporting me as he cleaned me, gently washing off our mingled juices. Then he took my wrists in his hands and held them, warm and secure, working them, massaging. “How do you feel? Does anything hurt?”
I shook my head no, unable to speak yet. I felt like I was floating on a warm cloud of fucking awesome, that’s how I felt. And nothing hurt, nothing at all.
“I still want you to take a couple of Advil. I’ve been rough with you. I can’t stop myself.”
I took the Advil he handed me and swallowed them down with water. Then I looked up at him and found some words. “I don’t want you to stop yourself.” I grinned up at him shyly.
He smiled back, then scooped me back into his arms. “You’re going to kill me.” He nuzzled into my hair, carrying me back into the bedroom, and then out into the main room of the cabin.
“We’ve got to get out of the bedroom or I’m going to try to fuck you again. And then I think we really both might hurt ourselves.”
I burst out laughing and he started in as well. We really were crazy for each other. Who knew the hazards of dangerous attraction? I certainly hadn’t experienced it before.
He found a soft blanket and wrapped it around me. “Here. I think it’s a necessary precaution.” I laughed again, enjoying the thought of my body like a weapon. I rather liked the idea of him finding me so devastatingly sexy. I could threaten him, “You’d better watch out, or I’ll get naked.”
I stood, wrapped in the blanket, and he surveyed me. “Shit, you still look fucking tempting.”
Behind him, I saw the answer to our problems. “You, go put on some pants.” I used my stern librarian voice on him. “Then meet me over at the piano.” He grinned and did as he was told.
If someone asked me how long we spent playing piano together that afternoon, I honestly wouldn’t have been able to answer. It could have been an hour. It could have been three. The snow swirled around us outside. The music swirled around us inside. Together, we created our own private world, conversing in the best language I knew.
We played each other bits of pop tunes we’d grown up with, singing along or belting it out as appropriate. Ash Black, shirtless and tousled with a day’s worth of stubble, singing Justin Bieber or Brittany Spears just about killed me. I had yet another moment of gratitude that no paparazzi were present to capture the performance. It would have gone viral in sixty seconds, and I would have been in it as well, half-naked. I had a feeling my just-fucked beehive of hair wasn’t as sexy as his black, reckless tumble, but with Ash alone, I didn’t care. He made me feel like the most gorgeous woman on the planet, so desirable I was hazardous to his health. Who needed stylists and makeup artists? Ash made me feel like a glorious incarnation of the goddess Aphrodite, brought back to life in the form of a piano-teaching librarian. Implausible, yes, but here it was happening right before my eyes.
“Play me something from way back. Like, one of the first songs you ever wrote.”
“Yeah?” He looked at me, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
“I want to hear it.”
“Even if it sucks?”
He played me a basic tune, catchy and simple. I mostly listened, joining in when I could feel where.
And then he started singing. “You’re so hot, so hot, so hot. You’re so hot you melt my face off.”
“Um, what was that now?” I turned to him, unable to stop a smile from playing at my lips.
“Some early lyrics.” He grinned at me. “I told you I had some really sucky early stuff.”
“Melt my face off?”
“That’s disturbing.”
“And never made it onto an album,” he confirmed. But then he took the tune he’d been playing and morphed it into the chorus of one of his more famous rock anthems. I could hear how he’d developed it, grown it, and changed it into the hit it became. We both belted out the famous lyrics that did not in any way reference melting faces.
“Much better,” I told him as he hit the closing notes.
“Now you.” He looked up at me, taking his hands off the keys. “Play me something you love.”
“It might be classical,” I warned him. I still found it strange how many people said they loved music, but never listened to classical. To me, pop, rock, jazz, hiphop, classical, they were all pieces of the same glorious puzzle. But I’d had enough conversations with enough people to realize I was a bit of an anomaly.
“Give it to me.” Ash settled back on the piano bench, his arms folded against his chest.
My fingers tickled their way along the keys as my mind roamed among songs, solos I’d memorized for auditions, pieces I’d absorbed over the years because my parents had played them so many times. Then it came to me, the Rachmaninoff concerto.
From the opening chords, it commanded great swells of emotion, rumbling along the keys, evoking dark, fraught trouble but moving, slowly, effortlessly through the piece into lighter, swirling moments of sweetness. I’d always been in a
we of this concerto, how subtly it changed between emotions, how fully it ranged across the keyboard from bright, prancing, showy notes ripening into full, deep tones. It blended, creating an entirely otherworldly mood, another space in time. I could hear the piano together with the sweeping strings, woodwinds and brass of a full orchestra, swelling and accentuating and bringing it all to life. As my fingers came off the final, triumphant notes, I opened my eyes and wondered, what did Ash think of all that?
He watched me, mesmerized, as if he hadn’t taken a breath the whole time I’d been playing.
“What was that?” he asked, as if he’d just seen a UFO.
“Rach what now?”
I laughed. “He’s a Russian composer.”
“Holy shit!”
“I know, right?” He’d felt it, too, the power of it all.
“Here I was thought I was making music all this time!” He brought a hand to his hair. “Holy shit, Ana. You’re amazing!”
“Thanks.” Shyly, I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. “Not amazing enough to make a career out of it. But…”
“Why do you put yourself down like that?” He brought a hand around my waist. And I realized that the blanket had slipped completely down around my waist while I’d played. I’d performed it all topless.
“Whoops.” I brought the blanket up around my shoulders again, folding it demurely over my torso.
“I have to admit, that added to my enjoyment,” Ash teased me. “But, seriously, do you know how talented you are?”
I shrugged. It was complicated. And hard to explain it to a musician so famous he had the world eating out of the palm of his hand. “The thing is, going into music isn’t exactly an easy way to make a living.”