Page 4 of Enemy's Secret
An hour or so later, after Madison's been tucked in, my doorbell rings.
"Sorry I'm a bit late," Pamela says, grocery bag on arm.
I roll my eyes. "Are we honestly trying to recreate the last time? Because it was bad enough then."
"No-o-o," Pamela says. "Just - ice cream makes everything better."
"That I can't argue with," I admit. "And you got the mint?"
"Did I get the mint," Pamela says, with her own eye roll, then sighs. "Yeah, they were actually out, so Rocky Road will have to do."
"I'm just glad you're here," I say.
She hugs me, and I hug her back, hard. "Don't worry. You're going to get through this. You already did once."
"I know," I say. "I'm not worried. It's just annoying, more than anything."
She nods. "Right. Want to talk first, or Angel?"
"Why not both?"
Pamela tosses a red curl out of her face with a smirk. "We have watched every season like - what - eight times?"
"You can never over-watch a masterpiece," I say firmly.
"Yeah, and it has nothing to do with the fact that Landon looks like Angel, at all," Pamela says significantly.
"None whatsoever," I reply icily.
A few minutes later, we're plopped on my couch in front of season three of Angel, eating Rocky Road out of the tub.
"Kyra," Pamela says quietly. "It's OK if you're not completely OK, you know."
Something I'd been holding tight loosens. "I know. It's just... I can't afford to take my eyes off the goal. But seeing him like that - and how he acted. Just like before. Just like in the beginning. You know - crazy about me. Like there's nothing else on earth he wants. Except me."
"That dick," Pamela mutters.
"But that's the thing," I say. "That's just Landon. He sees something he wants, he goes for it all-out. He isn't doing it to screw with me or anything." I scowl. "But then how he gloated to Nolan over the phone, like he was some big-shot who could get me, easy. Ugh. I just wish I could... forget it."
"Get him back for what he did to you?" Pamela wonders with an evil grin.
A smile touches my face, although I don't reply.
"Why not?" she presses. "He deserves it."
"Maybe," I say. "But I can't afford to take my eye off the goal. I just have to get through this case in one piece, hopefully even win it. Anyway, maybe this will be my revenge: seeing his company finally sunk by all the unethical things they've done."
"Hell yeah." Pamela grins. "It's my company they screwed over."
I shake my head. "It just seems so unlike him, Storm Media, even - plagiarism. Although I guess I shouldn't be surprised, with all the other sketchy shit they're embroiled in lately."
Pamela lightly squeezes my hand. "You don't really know him anymore, Ky."
"I know, Pompom." I close my eyes. "Not sure I ever did."
I force a smile as I lean my head on her shoulder. "Although I do know one thing."
"I never would've gotten through the break-up or these past years without you. Honestly."
"Hey, you would've done the same for me, if I had a relationship that lasted more than five minutes," she says with a chuckle. "And by the way: yes, you totally would've gotten through it. Now, speaking of, did I tell you about my insane date with that Italian chef?"
"No." I sit up, a smile climbing on my face. Yes, a change of subject was long overdue.
I've spent enough time being sad over Landon to last me two lifetimes.
Chapter 3
"If it wasn't clear before, I still hate you", her voice echoes in my head as I drive home.
My hands tighten on the steering wheel just as my cock flexes. For fuck's sake, why am I getting another hard-on just thinking about what a bitch Kyra was?
Maybe because there's something of a challenge in it. Unlike Nolan, always playing video games on the easy level, going for whatever bar slut gives him the most intense fuck-me eyes, I've always liked a challenge.
But Kyra isn't a challenge. She's suicide. I heard her - "I'd rather drink bleach than go out with you again." Then why do I get the feeling she was saying it as much to shield herself as to push me away?
It doesn't matter. Kyra is the definition of no-go zone. I was a dick to her before; the least I can do now is leave her the fuck alone. I screwed up. And no matter how much I regret it, I need to go away and stay away.
Easier said than done, now that I'll be seeing her in court every week.
Fuck, what I wouldn't do for ten minutes with her in a closed room...
I can't go down this road, even mentally. I need to stay focused to win this case. I'm the President of Storm Media now. There's no room for mistakes. Nothing less than complete annihilation of any threat - Goldtree's case included.