Page 42 of Enemy's Secret
"Weirdo," I mutter.
His grin says it all. "Don't pretend you don't like it."
His leg against mine, his face kiss-close, how could I not like it? How am I supposed to keep my head, though?
I swallow, grabbing the menu to take a look.
Maybe with a bit of food in me...
"So, in there," he says, looking at the menu too. "You killed it."
"Good," I say simply. "Just doing my job."
"Don't I know it. Still, it's a bit of a surprise - the girl who used to shy away from any sort of conflict."
I put the menu down and look at him. "I'm not the girl you dated all those years ago, Landon."
"Yeah, I know. I'm not that guy, either."
I can't stop the smile from touching my face. "We'll see about that."
Under the table, his foot taps mine.
Thank God - there's the waitress. I wave her down. "Sorry, we're kind of in a rush - could I order now?"
"Sure thing, hon," she says, producing a pad of paper from her apron. "What can I get ya?"
"The breakfast special, please. Brown toast. Scrambled eggs. And bacon."
She bobs her head. "Sounds good."
After Landon's ordered and the waitress has left, he eyes me. "In a rush, eh?"
"Do we have to spend all of today fighting?"
He frowns. "I thought you liked it. It is your job."
"I'm just tired of..." I trail off.
"Go on."
"My brain going gummy when I'm around you. There." I glare at him. "Happy now that I said it?"
He sure looks happy. "Thought I was the only one."
"Yeah, well. It's not great when I'm supposed to be suing you. And have a kid to worry about. Today I was so frazzled I almost packed her the salt and pepper shakers for lunch."
Landon cracks up, but soon sobers. "So. About that - what's she like? Madison."
"If you feel comfortable telling me about her," he adds quickly.
"Well, she's... just amazing." Not the word, but it'll do. How am I supposed to do justice to the coolest kid on Planet Earth? "Top of her class in reading, devours every single book and magazine in the house, even got halfway through War and Peace before I realized what she was doing. I guess I'm biased, but she's turned out way better than I would've even hoped. Always in a good mood. She's the best of me. You'll see."
I freeze. How the hell did that last part slip out?
Landon's eyeing me carefully. "Will I? You sure?"
"No," I say quickly, then, "Sorry."
"Don't be." Landon sips his water, his face guarded, though his blue eyes give away his disappointment. "You're just trying to protect her."
I shoot him a thankful smile. "Thanks for being so understanding."
His smile is lopsided but true. "Thanks for coming. I didn't relish a lunch with Nolan. He's been badgering me for days."
"You're avoiding him?"
"He..." Landon makes a face. "Doesn't agree with some of my choices lately. And is making no secret of the fact."
"Oh. You mean me."
Just then, the waitress arrives with our food. We start eating. The scrambled eggs are done to perfection, but I can't let it drop.
"He's just trying to look out for me," Landon says, dipping the corner of his toast into his poached eggs. "Not a big deal. He's worried about the case too."
"I get that," I say. "He wasn't my biggest fan back in the day, either, if I'm remembering correctly."
Swallowing, Landon smirks. "He was just pissed that you told Miss Haggerty that he was the one who pranked her office with all those fish."
"Well, she was suspecting Pompom, so I had no choice," I shoot back.
Landon shrugs. "Nolan had it coming. He tormented that poor woman. Although, I'm pretty sure she did suspend him for wearing a shirt that looked like a gang slogan but was actually some profound Japanese quote about the afterlife."
We chuckle. My phone goes off.
One look at the message, and I get up.
"Sorry," I tell Landon, "but I have to go."
Chapter 17
God, I hope she's OK.
Madison doesn't get sick. Ever. But barfing and not being able to stop?
And why was my mom the first to hear about it and not me?
Whatever. I'm pretty sure the vice-principal is so-so on me, since I'm a working single mom and don't return all of her calls within five minutes.
In any case, I'm on my way there now, weaving through cars like I'm getting paid for it. I dare a cop to stop me right now.
It sucks having to leave Landon like that, but I have to get to Mom's place ASAP. Make sure my baby is OK.
This is what being a parent is. Madison will always be my number-one priority. No exceptions.
If Landon can't handle that, well...
Once I get to the door, Mom answers with a gentle smile. "She's asleep."
"What?!? I thought you said she was projectile vomiting and wouldn't stop."