Page 49 of Enemy's Secret
As soon as I've gotten Madison calmed down enough to tuck her in and am out of the room, I call up Landon.
Better make sure this plan is 100% on before getting Maddy's hopes up any more. Although, if it's not, I might just take her there myself.
"Hey," I say, "how's it going?"
"Great," he says. "What about you? You sound exhausted."
"Guess I am," I say, realizing it as I say it. "I had to go get Maddy from school early today."
"Oh. Something wrong?"
"She locked herself in the bathroom to escape her bully."
"Shit. She OK?"
"She's fine," I say. "The principal is going to discipline the girl responsible, but she suggested that Maddy take a few days off school. Maybe even go on a little trip."
I can hear the smile in Landon's voice as he says, "Like a trip to Disney World?"
"I may have mentioned it to her."
"So, you'll go?" he asks.
"Yes," I say, "but I'm footing the bill. I don't want anything on record that could be misconstrued as you paying me off."
"You're winning the case and probably will win the case," Landon points out. "And if I'd be paying you off for anything, it would be for spending time with me."
He pauses. "OK, that came out wrong."
I just laugh. "When are you guys flying in? Maddy and I can try to get a plane around the same time. And are you staying in the actual park?"
The next few minutes we spend back-and-forthing different hotel suggestions and flight options. Finally, we settle on flying in Friday night, and staying at the Four Seasons right in Disney World.
"Guess that's it," Landon says.
"Guess so," I say.
I try and fail to think of something else to say to keep the conversation going.
"Pamela coming over tonight?" Landon asks.
"Any other plans?"
"Maybe start packing for the trip. Usually I leave it to the last minute."
"Want company?"
I let out a little uncertain laugh. "For packing?"
"For anything, really."
God, what that voice of his does to me, the excitement just a suggestion of his can bring me...
He exhales. "Can I see you tonight?"
I pause.
Do I want to see him? Yes. Should I see him? Why not?
Things are going so well, and when he gets close, I...
"I miss you," he says.
"Let me come over," he says.
My wall of self-control crumbles.
"I miss you too," I admit, "And fine, but just for an hour or so. And no sleepovers."
"Wouldn't dream of it," Landon says in a voice that I can tell is coming out of a wolfish smile. "See you in 15."
'15' is just enough time to change out of my ugly slacks into my cute ones and give my teeth a quick brush (the fish sticks we had for dinner tonight wouldn't do me any favors). Before I know it, my phone is ringing.
It's Landon, at the door. "Wasn't sure I should ring the bell," he explains. "Since Madison's asleep."
"Oh, that girl?" I say with a little laugh. "She'd sleep through the apocalypse."
"In that case," he says.
"Don't freak out," he says when I open the door. "But I come bearing gifts."
My jaw manages to drop and grin at the same time at what I see: two bouquets of red roses. One big, one small.
"You trying to bribe my child into liking you?" I joke.
"She already likes me," Landon shoots back.
"Thank you, though!" I say, wrapping my arms around him.
"I'm just glad I get to see you," he says, wrapping his arms around me.
As soon as they close around my back, all the tension of the day falls away. Everything does.
God, being in his arms feels so good, safe. He feels so good. And that warm piney musk of his, settling over me like a balm...
Hell, I adore this man.
Whoa there, Ky...
But it's true. Every time we touch, everything softens. Straightens out. Clears up. I should be with him. Need to be.
Hang the hell on there...
I pull away with a smile that hopefully doesn't give away my crazy-person thoughts. "You probably want to come inside."
A gentle smile. "That would be nice."
As I let him in, it occurs to me that we never talked about what we'd do once he got here. And that that, in itself, could suggest something.
"I'll put these in water," I say, bustling away with the two bouquets.
Madison's first bouquet. She's going to love it.
Really, I'm buying myself some time. If Landon tries for... that... I'm not sure I can say no. I've missed him. My body has missed him.
But things are going so well. I don't want to jinx things.
"There's a new Bond movie out," he says. "If you're interested?"
"Sounds good to me," I say, heading to the TV room gratefully.
That's another thing I've always loved about Landon. He always takes charge. Knows what to do.
The latest Bond movie is as exciting and funny as I'd hope. The couch we're on is comfortable, but what's even more comfortable is cuddling with Landon, resting with my head on his chest.