Page 10 of Campus Player
What the hell is going on here?
Why is my body reacting like this?
“It won’t be an easy win,” he continues, as if unaware of the anxiety spiking through me, “but I think you guys will pull it off in the end if you play with an offensive strategy in mind.”
We’re discussing soccer. Tomorrow’s game, to be specific.
Focus, Demi!
I blink, attempting to rein in all the strange, out of control feelings he stirs up inside me.
Nope. I can’t do it. I can’t sit here and nonchalantly shoot the shit with Rowan. He makes me nervous. Twitchy. I have a difficult time concentrating when he’s this close. More than anything, I don’t want to feel this way about him.
Before I realize it, I’m popping off the couch like a Jack-in-the-Box and jumping to my feet. “I need something to drink.” That being said, I race out of the living room like my ass is on fire. “Want anything?”
“Nah, I’m good.”
I don’t have to turn around to realize there’s a smile lighting up his face as I haul ass to the kitchen. Once there, I exhale and attempt to collect myself.
This is ridiculous.
I am not attracted to Rowan.
I don’t even like the guy!
It’s true, I don’t!
My nerves are jangled because Dad has sequestered Justin in the study, and I can only imagine the kind of grilling that is taking place. I rub my temples and suppress the groan fighting to break free. I really hope he hasn’t opened the safe and brought out his rifle in an attempt to scare Justin.
He did that once before. Other than my father, no one else found it the least bit amusing.
It takes a few minutes to lock down all of the emotions rushing around inside me. If Dad isn’t out of the office in approximately three minutes, I’m storming the room and busting Justin out. With a firm game plan in mind, everything inside me settles as I yank open the refrigerator door and grab a bottle of water before slamming it shut again.
I spin around, only to find Rowan standing a foot away. A squeak of surprise escapes from me. He’s so close that one step would have me bumping into the wide expanse of his chest. The plastic water bottle gets bumbled, falling to the hardwood at my feet before rolling away.
Rowan doesn’t release my gaze as he drops to the floor. I’m held spellbound as he reaches out and grabs the bottle before straightening to his full height. Only then does he hold it out for me to take.
When I remain frozen in place, he smiles. “I changed my mind about that drink.”
The deep scrape of his voice jostles me from my paralysis, and I reach out, nipping the plastic from him before stumbling in retreat. It’s only a step before my back hits the stainless-steel door. Electricity crackles in the air as he moves closer, invading my personal space until his warm exhalation is able to feather across my lips. I flatten against the fridge as my heart pumps painfully.
His gaze holds mine captive as he yanks open one of the doors. His forearm brushes against me as he reaches inside and grabs a water. His chest is so close that I feel the suffocating heat wafting off him. Once the bottle is wrapped in his fingers, he closes the door but doesn’t back away. He continues to crowd me. When my tongue darts out to moisten my lips, his attention drops to the movement. The black of his pupils dilate, and a punch of arousal hits me.
For a sliver of a moment, I wonder if he’ll close the distance and kiss me. Only now am I willing to acknowledge how much I want to feel the soft pressure of his lips coasting over mine. Maybe I’ve always wanted it. This isn’t something I’ve ever allowed myself to admit. Not even privately.
Especially privately.
Everything in me becomes whipcord tight as I wait for what will happen next. It’s the opening of the study door that shatters the tension-filled silence that has fallen over us and knocks me out of the thick Rowan-induced haze.
Holy crap!
The air escapes from my lungs in a rush as I duck beneath his arm and flee to the safety of the living room where Dad waits with Justin. My gaze arrows to the dark-haired boy, and I feel—
It’s disappointing but not surprising. It only solidifies my decision to pull the plug on this relationship sooner rather than later. From the corner of my eye, I notice the smirk on Rowan’s face. It’s like the bastard knows exactly what I’m thinking and couldn’t agree more.
My shoulders collapse.
There’s only one thing I know for certain and that’s tonight will be a long-ass night.
Can you stop by the office when you get a chance?