Page 101 of Campus Player
It seems like the end, unfortunately, has done very much the same.
As soon as Demi disappears through the crowd, I push Annica away. I’ve never felt so sick to my stomach. Every instinct is screaming at me to run after the only girl I’ve ever cared about and apologize for causing her even an ounce of pain.
That had never been my intention.
All right, so maybe it was.
What’s become clear over the last couple of days is that I needed a clean break from Demi. If our relationship had lingered even for a day or two, there was the distinct possibility I wouldn’t have been able to go through with the breakup. I couldn’t allow that to happen. There’s no way I could permit Demi to get sucked into my bullshit. I’d assumed that once my father had been sent to prison, I would be free of him, but that hasn’t turned out to be the case. He’ll continue to suck off me like a leech, and nothing short of death will ever get rid of him. He soils and destroys everything he comes in contact with. I only have to look at my mom to see the truth of that. I don’t want him anywhere near Demi.
In the end, cutting her loose was the only way to protect her. No matter how much pain it causes me. She might not realize it right now, but I’m doing her a massive favor.
“Hey,” Annica stares up at me with lust-filled eyes, “I thought we were going to hookup.”
Thankfully, she has no idea Demi saw us together. I’m sure this girl would only use it as another way to inflict pain on her teammate. “Sorry, not tonight.”
Or, more than likely, ever.
Her smile turns seductive. As if she’s used to getting what she wants from the opposite sex. “Are you sure about that?” When she reaches out to trail her fingers over my chest, she’s yanked away.
“Ow,” the redhead howls as Sydney buries one hand in her hair, dragging her back a few steps. “Get off me!”
The blonde gives her a vicious shake. “Someone needs to put you in your place, and if Demi won’t do it, then I sure as hell will!”
Annica winces, her lips twisting into a snarl as she tries to free herself. “Let me go, you crazy bitch!”
“You have no idea how crazy I can be, but you’re about to find out! You should know better. You mess with my girl, you mess with me!”
As I consider jumping between them, arms wrap around Sydney from behind. The blonde struggles, attempting to fight her way free. Annica screams again as her head is jerked one way and then another. Brayden whispers something in Sydney’s ear before her body goes limp, and she reluctantly releases the other girl.
“You fucking psycho!” With a glare, Annica lurches a few steps before righting herself. One hand goes to the back of her head to gingerly rub at the spot. “I think you pulled some of my hair out!” Her lips curl. “You’re as talentless as your stupid friend!”
The insult renews Sydney’s fight. It’s like a light switch being flipped as she tries to break free from the tight grip Brayden has on her wiggling body.
“Get the hell out of here,” Brayden barks to Annica, “before I let her loose. I doubt that’s something you want to happen.”
Annica’s eyes widen before narrowing. Without another word, she swings away, shoving through the crowd. If she’s got any brains whatsoever, she’ll leave the party. My gaze slides to Sydney with renewed appreciation. That girl is definitely a fighter. I’m not going to lie, I’m kind of frightened.
I glance at Brayden who still has Sydney held captive in his arms.
“You can let go now,” she growls, attempting another escape.
“You sure about that, killer?” Brayden asks with a grin. He doesn’t seem to be in any hurry to turn her loose. A moment later, Sydney drives her elbow into his ribs, and he releases her with a grunt. “Fine,” he chuckles, “have it your way.”
Sydney takes a moment to straighten her clothes before turning and shooting him a withering glare. I’m almost surprised when his balls don’t shrivel up and fall off his body. Then she swings around.
Sparks of fury flash in her green eyes as she advances, shoving the palms of her hands against my chest. “What the hell were you doing with that viper? Actually, a better question would be—what the hell are you doing with any girl?”
Brayden’s brows jerk up as something hardens in his eyes. “Were you fucking around on Coach’s daughter?”
I glower at my wide receiver. Like I need shit from him? He needs to stay the hell out of my business. “I wasn’t fucking around on anybody.”
“That’s not the way it looked to me. And more importantly,” Sydney snaps, “that’s not how it appeared to Demi.”