Page 112 of Campus Player
The most challenging part has proven to be when we’re both in season. My training camp starts mid-July and goes through February, depending on if we’re knocked out of the playoffs. Professional soccer runs April through October. It’s a constant battle to find time together.
While Demi has enjoyed playing in the NWSL for two years, she’s decided to hang up her cleats and attend graduate school for a master’s in Exercise Science. She’s already been accepted at the University of Milwaukee-Wisconsin and is now moving here permanently.
Demi makes a visual sweep of the kitchen and living area. “I like it.”
The place is just shy of three thousand square feet and is located on the thirtieth floor. There are three spacious bedrooms and a study with wood paneling.
“Did I mention there’s a rooftop garden?” Cindy, the realtor, takes a step toward us. Her high heels click against the sea of shiny hardwoods. “I’d be happy to show it to you.”
The woman is a little pushy for my taste, but she’s shown us everything under the sun.
I clear my throat. “Would you mind giving us a little time to talk it over?”
Her eyes sharpen with the thrill of a potential sale. “Of course!” She rushes past us on the way to the foyer. “I’ll pop downstairs for a few minutes and speak with the building manager to make sure all of the necessary paperwork is in order.”
I dip my chin in acknowledgment. “Great.”
“Tootles,” she calls out in a sing-song voice, closing the door behind her.
“Finally,” I sigh, pulling Demi to me, “alone at last.”
Her arms thread around my neck. “Yup. I’m sure we have a good ten minutes to ourselves.”
“Unfortunately, that’s not nearly enough.” I brush my mouth across hers for a quick kiss. “You know I like to take my time.”
Her lips bow up against mine. “Yes, I do. And trust me, the effort is always appreciated.”
“Damn right it is.”
When Demi groans, I reluctantly break away before we ignite a fire that can’t be extinguished.
“Give it to me straight. What do you think?” I wrap my arm around her waist and walk us toward the large picture windows to inspect the million-dollar view. I point to the path across the street that winds its way along the shoreline. “How amazing would it be to run along the lake every morning?”
The sexual haze I’d stoked to life moments ago clears from her eyes as she surveys the vast blueness of the water. “That would be nice.”
“Plus,” I add, “there’s a gym on the third floor. If you can’t run outside, you can lift weights or use the elliptical.”
She narrows her eyes before slanting a look in my direction. “It sounds like you’re already sold on the condo.”
“Yeah, I like it.” It would certainly be the bougiest place I ever lived, that’s for damn sure. “But you have to like it, too.”
She wraps her arms around my neck again before leaning into me. “I do, it ticks all the boxes.”
I squeeze her body to mine before dropping a kiss on the top of her head. “I love you.”
A smile wreaths her face as she tips her chin up to meet my gaze. “I love you, too.”
“You know what?” I make a big production about looking around the living room and kitchen. “I think there’s something missing.”
“Really?” The smile disappears as she frowns. “What? This condo has every possible amenity. A gym, amazing views, rooftop garden, security, underground parking, a small convenience store next to the lobby...” Every item is ticked off on her fingers. “What more could you possibly want?”
When she shoots me a perplexed expression, it’s all I can do not to grin like a lunatic.
“This.” When I drop to one knee, Demi’s eyes widen. I slip my hand inside the pocket of my khakis and pull out the signature light blue box with a white bow wrapped around it.
Her hands fly to her gaping mouth as her eyes fill with tears, and she shakes her head. “No.”
“Yup.” I pull off the silky ribbon and pop open the lid. “You saying yes to being my wife is all that’s missing.”
“Rowan,” she whispers, emotion flooding her features.
“What?” Before she can respond, I say, “I’ve wanted this for the past two years, but I needed everything to be perfect. I wanted us to be in the same city and state. And now that we are, and we’ve found the perfect place to call home, I want to make that home with you. I want to marry you, Demi. I want to be your husband and spend the rest of my life with you. What do you say, baby? Will you marry me?”
Her hands fall back to her sides as she presses her lips together and nods. “Yes!” Even though her voice is wobbly, it grows stronger. “Yes, I’ll marry you!”