Page 69 of Campus Player
That’s the thing...
Why wouldn’t he be drawn to them? They’re all beautiful in that airbrushed sort of way. And clearly, they’re sisters who enjoy sharing.
Most guys would be all over that.
“Demi?” His voice deepens, and I blink the errant thoughts away. “You know you’re the only girl I want, right? It’s always been you. And that won’t change any time soon.”
All of the jealousy eating me up from the inside out dissolves.
When it comes down to it, I do know that. Rowan has been nothing if not straightforward and totally honest with me. Unflinchingly so.
I nod, feeling like a jackass. I’m the one who wants to keep this relationship under wraps.
“All you have to do is say the word, and this won’t be a secret any longer.” As if reading my thoughts, he jerks his head toward his admirers. “They’ll be the first ones I tell.”
A slight smile tugs at the corners of my lips. “Soon, I promise.”
“Fine.” He shrugs. “Whenever you’re ready.”
As tempting as it is to take his face in my hands and smack a kiss against his lips in front of everyone, I hold back. What I’ve come to realize is that it’s getting more and more difficult to keep these feelings to myself.
I want them out in the open.
I want us out in the open.
It’s only a matter of time before my need for Rowan overtakes the fear I have of going public.
“Shhhh!” I peek my head inside the darkened apartment to see if Sydney is home. I tried to assess the situation through text, but she failed to respond. Half the time, she spends the night at Ethan’s place.
When they’re not fighting.
A couple of days ago, they got into another spat, but I think they patched things up already. Their relationship gives me whiplash. “You have to be quiet!”
“I am being quiet,” Rowan whispers, wrapping his arm around my waist and hauling me close to nuzzle my ear.
Before he can distract me from my mission, I fight my way free and continue creeping into the tiny entryway before hitting the kitchen and living area. The rooms are shrouded in darkness. There’s a stillness to the place that has me suspecting Sydney is with Ethan.
Which means—drumroll, please—that Rowan and I finally have the place to ourselves.
Other than the weekend we spent at my dad’s house; we’ve only been able to steal time here and there. Sneaking kisses in the library when no one is looking. We can’t hold hands on campus, but every once in a while, our fingers will brush. Sparks of sexual tension explode inside me like a firework. When we’re sitting in class, his knee will rest against mine. All of these little touches are driving me insane in the membrane, especially since we’ve yet to have sex.
There hasn’t been an opportunity. With any luck, it’ll happen tonight. I can’t stand to go another day without having him inside me.
Is there a term for lady blue balls?
If so, that’s exactly what’s going on here. I’ve never been this revved up.
My muscles loosen as I spin around to face him. “Sydney’s gone, which means,” I waggle my eyebrows suggestively, “that we’re officially alone.”
“Excellent.” With a grin, his arms slip around me, and this time, I allow myself to sink into the embrace.
As soon as his lips settle on mine, I open under the gentle pressure. My knees weaken as the velvety softness of his tongue brushes against mine. It doesn’t take long before my world shrinks, only encompassing the two of us. At that moment, nothing else matters. I wish it could always be like this.
My hands delve under his shirt until they meet warm flesh. His muscles are so rigid, as if chiseled from marble. I could stare at him for days and not get bored by the sight. I gather the material in my fingers before dragging it over washboard abdominals until his upper body is revealed. From somewhere in the background, a choir of angels sing. Even they can appreciate a well-sculpted chest. I pull the fabric over his head before dropping it to the carpeted floor.
“Are you really that impatient?” he asks, a smile simmering in his voice.
“You have no idea.” All I want is to get this guy naked. Even the thought is enough to have my panties flooding with heat.
“Can’t say that’s not sexy as hell.”
“You just wait, buddy, and I’ll show you sexy as hell.” Surprise floods through me that I would even say such a thing.
Seriously...who is this girl?
I’ve never been this horny in my life. And I’ve certainly never been this vocal about it either. It’s kind of a revelation.
“Mmmm, I like the sound of that.” His voice turns gruff as if he’s as turned on as I am. It strums something deep inside, only making me want him more. My palms rest against the delicious musculature of his chest as I gently push him backward into the hallway.