Page 73 of Campus Player
“I’m sorry, Syd. It was never my intention to keep this from you.” I pause for a beat. My gaze drifts to Rowan before glancing back at my best friend. “After everything with Justin and all the rumors that were flying around, I wanted to give it a little time to die down.”
Some of the rigidity leaks from her shoulders as she glances toward the locker room again. “You didn’t need to keep the truth from me. I would have backed you up no matter what.”
Regret slices through me. Ever since Sydney and I met in training camp before freshman year, we’ve been thick as thieves. She’s become a solid presence in my life, and I can’t imagine college or soccer without her. She’s my sister from another mister, and nothing will ever change that no matter where life takes us next year. Instead of sneaking around behind her back, I should have been honest with her.
Needing to make this right, I slip from Rowan’s arms before wrapping mine around my bestie and tugging her close. “Sorry, girl. You’re the last person I should have worried about.”
“I forgive you.” Sydney squeezes me in a bone-crushing embrace. As she releases me and steps away, her gaze returns to the handsome football player. “This must be the real deal if you’ve decided to break your own rules.”
I glance at him. “Yeah, it is.” Even though it’s still early, the feelings I have for Rowan are deeper than anything I’ve ever experienced before. Maybe that’s because he’s been a steady presence in my life for so many years.
With her arm wrapped around my waist, Sydney’s gaze narrows at him before her expression turns threatening. “I’m warning you upfront that I’ll kick your ass if you do anything to hurt my girl.”
His lips hitch as he raises his palms in a gesture of surrender. “You don’t have anything to worry about from me.”
Sydney shoots another glance toward the locker room. “And stay far away from that red-headed viper. If I know that bitch, she’ll make a play for you in order to hurt Demi.”
The smile dissolves from Rowan’s face as his attention shifts to the squat building. Understanding dawns across his expression. “Is that the girl you found with Justin?”
“Yup.” Sydney beats me to the punch. “It’s not the first time she’s gone after someone Demi has been with.”
Rowan’s troubled gaze slides to mine. “Is she still giving you problems?”
I shrug. I suppose that would depend on your definition of a problem.
“She’s jealous that our girl is not only a better player but is a starter. Annica wants her position. Demi is competition, and if she can’t wipe her from the field, then she’ll destroy her off it.” Sydney’s expression hardens. “That chick is a real piece of work.”
“There’s got to be more to it than that.” I roll my eyes as heat suffuses my cheeks. “Annica is a good player.”
“You’re right, she is. But she’s nowhere as dedicated as you are. Maybe if she put half the amount of time into improving her skills as she does running her mouth, she’d get more playtime on the field.”
Before I can argue with Sydney’s assessment of the situation, she untangles herself from me and hitches a thumb toward the locker room. “I need to grab a shower. I’m meeting up with Ethan for dinner.” Her lips twitch. “Guess there’s no longer a need to sneak around the apartment, huh?”
Now that everything is out in the open, it’s like a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders. Not even Annica can ruin this for me.
“Nope.” Rowan’s gaze holds mine.
With that, Sydney takes off at a slow jog, leaving us alone on the field.
Rowan closes the distance between us before reaching out and tugging me into his arms. I tilt my head until I can meet his gaze.
“Any regrets?” he asks softly.
It’s not even a question in my head. “None.”
“Good.” His lips drift across mine. “I didn’t like sneaking around. I want everyone to know you belong to me.”
The possessive sentiment sends a thrill shooting through me. “I like the sound of that.”
For one glorious moment, all feels right in the world.
Rowan shatters that peace when he says, “You know we’re going to have to talk to Coach, right?”
My heart hitches.
Somehow, in the chaos of the moment, I forgot about him. Is it too late to put this under wraps again? How about we consider filling him in after graduation?
Rowan’s lips quirk. “Think I’ll get benched for the rest of the season?”
I really hope not.
Then again, with my father, anything is possible.
“You need to relax.” Rowan squeezes my fingers as he drags me up the sidewalk of my childhood home. Even though we’ve been doing this since the first week of college, nothing about this particular dinner feels normal. I’m a ball of pent-up anxiety. “Everything will be fine.”