Page 97 of Campus Player
We sit in silence for a few minutes, watching the fast-paced action on the field before Coach says, “I think she has a damn good chance of getting picked up by the NWSL. A few scouts have contacted her, expressing interest.”
That would be amazing for Demi. She’s talked about playing professional soccer, but I also know that she’s not pinning her hopes on it either. She has a backup plan in mind. My girl is so damn smart.
She’s as talented as she is beautiful.
Demi Richards is the total package.
The girl of my dreams.
Which is exactly why I won’t be the one who stands in her way. I won’t allow my past to alter her future. My heart lurches as the realization of what I need to do sinks inside me like a boulder. I spent all these years trying to get close to Demi and now that she’s mine, I have to let her go.
She deserves the best, and I’m not it.
When the buzzer sounds, signaling the end of the game, I blink back to the present. The Wildcats have pulled off their third win in a row. This was the most challenging team they’ve taken on this season. A few players surround Demi, hugging her before they line up and congratulate the other team on a good game.
Demi’s gaze seeks mine out in the crowd of spectators before she flashes me a grin. That one smile is enough to have everything stilling inside me.
How the hell am I going to cut this girl loose?
Not only will I break her heart, I’ll shatter my own in the process.
Tonight’s the night.
I’m going to tell Rowan what’s in my heart. The feelings that have taken root inside me have come on so hard and fast. It’s almost enough to make my head spin. In the beginning, I held them in because I wanted to be sure they were real. Over the last couple of weeks, they’ve managed to multiply, growing out of control and intensifying rapidly. Now that I’ve come to terms with my own emotions, I don’t see a reason to hold them inside any longer. I want Rowan to know how much he means to me.
This is a massive step. I’ve never told anyone other than my parents that I love them. It’s as thrilling as it is scary.
The plan for tonight is to meet up at a party. The Wildcats won this afternoon’s football game, and everyone will be out celebrating like their lives depend on it. It’s kind of cool that we both won our respective games this week. How often does something like that happen? Adding to the celebratory mood is Rowan’s statistics grade. It’s sitting at a solid B. He’s worked so hard to get it there. We both deserve to relax and have some fun tonight.
There’s a light knock against my bedroom door. Before I can call out a response, Sydney pushes it open and pokes her head inside.
Her gaze roves over me as I hold out my arms and do a little twirl. “What do you think?”
“That you look hot, and you’ll definitely be getting laid this evening.”
My lips quirk as a gurgle of laughter breaks loose. “I certainly hope so.” I haven’t been able to spend much time with Rowan this week. We’ve both been busy, and I’ve noticed that he’s been a little preoccupied. Now that today’s game is won, I think he’ll loosen up. If not, I’ll have to get him there, and I know exactly how to do that.
Sydney grins and takes another step inside the room. “I wasn’t kidding, girl. You look seriously hot.” She raises a brow. “Special occasion?”
A flutter of nerves wing their way to life inside the pit of my belly. I chew my lower lip before shrugging. “Just want to look nice.”
“Mission accomplished. Rowan won’t be able to keep his hands off you.”
That would happen regardless. But this sexy little skirt and cleavage-baring top should clinch the deal. I glance at the mirror and scrutinize my reflection before turning one way and then the other to get a better look at my ass. I’ve never felt so far out of my comfort zone. I’m almost tempted to tear the clothing from my body and throw on a comfy sweater and a pair of well-worn jeans.
Needing to get my mind off how momentous tonight feels, I say, “You never told me what happened with Ethan.” Which, now that I think about it, is odd. Usually, Sydney gives me a blow-by-blow of their relationship status. She’s the queen of oversharing.
“We’re still broken up.”
I meet her gaze in the full-length mirror. It’s been a week. Their usual pattern is to work everything out within a couple of days. So, this is odd. I twirl around to search her face. “I’m sorry. Do you think you’ll get back together again?”