Page 14 of Jingle Bell Rock
When I nodded, Shaw zipped the bag I’d be taking to the Jingle Ball event later and set it by the door. Standing at an imposing six-five, and with muscles for days, Shaw Jennings looked more like my bodyguard than my boyfriend, but that wasn’t the only reason he got stares wherever we went. The man was damn gorgeous. The first time I’d walked into his tattoo studio, I’d lost my words—and who wouldn’t, with those dark brown eyes made for falling into, and the way his tailored clothes molded to his body so perfectly? I trailed my eyes down his body over the white collared shirt he wore paired with black slacks. There was something about the way he kept the top buttons undone and rolled his sleeves up his thickly muscled forearms that always sent a shot of lust straight to my cock.
He smirked. “I know that look, Trent.”
“Oh yeah?” I started toward him. “And what’s it telling you?”
“That someone is in a dangerous mood.”
“And that’s a problem?”
“Only when our car service is scheduled to be here any minute.”
I moved closer, backing Shaw up against the door, and his eyes sparked. Oh, he wanted it, our schedule be damned. I fingered the opening of his shirt, and the heat of his skin was scorching. I’d kissed those tattoos rising up his neck so many times, but it was never enough.
The second my lips hit his collarbone, Shaw sucked in a breath, his hands moving to my hips to hold me close.
This was exactly what I needed to take the edge off before tonight’s show. I’d just lose myself in my man’s body and—
Knock, knock, knock.
—answer the fucking door.
I groaned and pulled myself off Shaw, but not before stealing one last kiss.
“What the hell do you want?” I said as I opened the door a crack, only to see Killian standing there, hands shoved in his jeans pockets. “Oh. Hey, man.”
He lifted a brow. “Bad time?”
Shaw squeezed my ass, and when I glanced over my shoulder at him, he smirked. Damn troublemaker. “Course not. Come on in.”
I opened the door and moved out of the way, and as Killian entered the suite, he got a good look at the front of Shaw’s tented pants.
“Shit. Sorry to interrupt.”
I snorted. “No, you’re not.”
Killian held back a grin. “Yeah, you’re right. I’m not. But this won’t take long.”
“I’ll go check on the car—” Shaw started, but Killian shook his head.
“Actually, I’d like to speak to you both.”
“Oh.” Shaw looked at me, and when I shrugged, he gestured toward the couches. “Have a seat.”
Always the most chill guy in any room, Killian swaggered into the suite and dropped down into one of the leather chairs. Other than yesterday’s soundcheck, I hadn’t seen him in a while, but not much had seemed to change since our TBD touring days. He wore his dark brown hair a bit longer now, not the close-cropped ’do he used to sport, and from what I’d heard, he was a one-man guy now, no longer entertaining groupies on a nightly basis. But he was still Killian, the only member of my former life who’d bothered to reach out after I left, so whatever he wanted to say, I’d hear him out.
Shaw and I sat on the couch across from him, and I rested my forearms on my knees.
“So, what can we do for you, Kill?” I said.
He didn’t answer right away, only narrowed his eyes slightly as he looked between the two of us. Then a grin slowly lifted his lips. “You two secretly married yet?”
I blinked. “What?”
“Engaged? Living together?”
“The hell are you talking about?”
“I would’ve figured you’d jump right on that.” Killian’s smile grew, and he winked in Shaw’s direction.
I rubbed my hand over my face. “Is that what you cockblocked us for? To ask if we’re still together?”
“Just wondering if I’d get an invite to the wedding, that’s all.”
Shifting back on the couch, I looked at Shaw stretching out his long legs, crossing them at the ankles. He didn’t look half as uncomfortable with this topic as I did—not that the idea of being tied to Shaw in any way wasn’t something I already thought about on a daily basis. It was more a matter of when than if.
“You think after the shitshow that was yesterday’s soundcheck that I’d invite any of you assholes? What the hell was that?”
Killian lifted his hands. “I know. That’s why I’m here. To apologize.”
“You’re not the one who needs to.”
“True. But Viper’s not…in the right headspace to do that right now.”
“Oh, give me a fuckin’ break.”
“It’s true—”
“You’re seriously gonna defend him? Again?” I shook my head. “Of course you are, because that’s what you do. You play peacemaker and cover his ass, not that he deserves it. Same old story.”