Page 24 of Jingle Bell Rock
“Maybe, but that doesn’t change the fact that there’s only one person’s sweat I’d kill to be covered in.”
Tate pressed a hard kiss to my lips, and my cock throbbed in response. “How about you stand here and pretend to enjoy it while I grind all over you? I promise to get hot and sweaty with you after.”
I groaned and slid my tongue inside his mouth for a deeper taste, and when he rubbed his erection up against the tailored black pants covering my ass, I pulled back. “Fine. But don’t start something I’m gonna have to wait hours to be able to finish. It’s just mean.”
“Yeah, but that’s half the fun.”
I was about to turn around and show Tate the exact kind of fun I was interested in when a piano riff began to play over the speakers and the crowded arena erupted in a frenzy of cheers and wolf whistles.
A spotlight then lit up the center stage, and there, sitting behind a gleaming white piano with wings soaring high up into the sky, was a man with his head bent down over the keys. With blond curls falling down all around his face, and dressed in all white, the guy could’ve passed for a higher being as he continued to play a melody that sounded like the stuff of angels. Then the drums, keyboards, and guitars entered the mix and the blond looked up and began to sing.
Damn, okay, there was no mistaking how this band had gotten its name, because the man behind that piano looked and sounded like some kind of heaven-sent creature.
“Remember them now?” Tate said by my ear.
I shook my head, my eyes fixated on the blond stepping out from behind his piano and making his way up to the front of the stage.
“But if I knew blondie up there was in the band, I would’ve paid much more attention. Look at those curls.”
Tate flattened his hands against my abdomen and pulled me back into him as the song continued. “How about you stop looking at those curls?”
“But you told me to enjoy it.” And suddenly I was.
The members of the band had now moved to the front of the stage, and as the angel in white sauntered up to the surly guitar player standing directly in front of us, I couldn’t take my eyes off them.
Mr. Surly had long, dark hair that fell down around his cheeks and chin, and the comparison of his devilish looks with the pure white angel rubbing all over him was hot as hell.
Tate’s lips on my neck made me rock back into his body in time to the music as he slid his hand down to massage my throbbing cock. The angel’s eyes locked on us, and then he gave a wicked smile and slid an arm around his guitar player’s chest.
Mr. Surly tipped his head back against the angel’s shoulder, and when the angel licked a path up his guitarist’s neck, Tate squeezed his fingers around me.
Fucking hell. Tate hadn’t told me this band was scorching hot. But suddenly I didn’t care if I went deaf—my only hope was that I didn’t go blind…
“OKAY, WE’RE SO close to the stage that I think we were just breathing the same air as Ace Locke.” Solo grinned at me as the lights dimmed, and the excitement in the crowd hit an all-time high. “Fallen Angel is about to be right there.”
It wasn’t often that I got to see Solo as tripped up as he was now. As he bounced on the balls of his feet in an effort to make himself taller, I couldn’t help but laugh. He was pumped, like he was about to strap himself into a fighter jet and blast up into the sky.
I took hold of his hand, not quite believing I was about to see Fallen Angel perform mere feet from me. But when “Invitation”’s piano intro boomed out through the arena, I squeezed my fingers around Solo’s and strained to see whatever was about to happen on that mammoth stage.
Like a calling card to all Fallen Angel fans around the world, the familiar tune echoed around the sparkling arena then the stage lit up, and there he was—Halo.
The man dubbed “angel” by his boyfriend—and now the world—sat at his piano with his angel wings flanking him, and when Slade joined in with a thumping rhythm on his drums, the rest of the stage lit up and Solo and I shouted at the top of our lungs.
This was unfuckingreal. With the buzz of alcohol and the thrill of seeing one of our all-time favorite bands, the high coursing through me was out of this world.
A feast for the eyes and ears, it was hard to drink it all in as colored lights and massive screens on either side of the stage switched between videos and Halo as he made his way out from behind the piano and headed toward the front of the stage.