Page 32 of Jingle Bell Rock
Taken. Mine. All those possessive terms I thought were bullshit before I met Halo were all I could think and feel anymore. I’d waited long enough to make things official between us. I wasn’t wasting any more time.
“Goddamn, he’s gorgeous, isn’t he?” I shook my head as I stared at my guy, who turned ten shades of red as the crowd answered with wolf whistles and applause. I loved that even though his confidence onstage had grown in leaps and bounds since his time with Fallen Angel, he still got embarrassed when attention was focused directly on him for any reason other than singing. It was endearing and cute as hell—the complete opposite to me, but hey, that was why we worked, right?
I lifted the strap of my guitar over my head and handed it off to one of the stagehands, then did a quick swipe of my palms against my jeans. As I reached for Halo’s hands, the hoots in the audience grew louder, like they could anticipate what was about to happen. Or maybe it was that they could hear how hard my heart was battering my chest through the microphone in front of me.
The last thing I’d expected was to be standing up here nervous as fuck. I’d thought about this moment for so long, but as the day drew closer, unfamiliar butterflies had begun to swarm in my stomach, and they were raging now.
He’ll say yes, right? God, the thought of him turning me down hadn’t even entered my consciousness before, and no way was I going to consider that option now.
I blew out a breath, getting myself back under control and focused on the man in front of me. From the first time I’d seen Halo, all sweet innocence and golden curls, I’d been lost to him. At the time, I’d assumed whatever happened between us would be a casual thing, but then I’d caught feelings, and nothing had been the same since.
“Halo,” I said, grinning like a fool already. I rubbed my thumbs along the top of his hands, and he swallowed hard, like he knew something big was coming. He didn’t look out at whoever was watching us, only stared at me, waiting patiently.
“Hands down, you are the best fucking thing that’s ever happened to me. I knew I was in trouble when I met you—I just didn’t realize how much my life would change.”
A shy smile lit up Halo’s face, and he squeezed my fingers.
“I know I’m a selfish bastard, and I don’t plan to stop being that way, because I want you with me every day, every night, every second. I want everyone to know you’re mine, and I want a ring on your finger that you flash every time someone so much as looks your way.”
Halo’s eyes went wide as gasps rang out around the arena, and just like that, the secret was out.
I dropped down to one knee, only letting go of one of his hands so I could reach for the ring in my pocket. Halo’s mouth parted as he got a good look at the platinum band gleaming under the stage lights, and then his eyes met mine.
“Yes,” he whispered, nodding, and dammit, I couldn’t stop my huge smile.
“Angel, I have to ask you first.”
“Oh, right. Yes in advance, then.”
Even though I’d blocked everyone else out, I could hear the laughter and cheers at Halo’s exuberance, and all those butterflies left my stomach permanently.
I brushed a kiss along Halo’s knuckles and looked up at him. He even looked like an angel standing there staring down at me, the lights above him shining down to give him a halo around those curls. I’d never seen a more beautiful sight. He was perfect, and more than that, he was mine for the rest of our lives.
If I could manage to get the words out.
“Angel,” I said, as a calm washed over me, and for the first time tonight, my voice was sure and steady. “It’s no secret I want you to be mine forever. You make me a better man, which I know the rest of the guys are grateful for.” I cracked a smile as Halo beamed. “But more than wanting you, I need you. Say you’ll put me out of my misery and marry me.”
I’d never seen a bigger smile on Halo’s face as he nodded again and said, “Of course I’ll marry you.”
I was on my feet in half a second as the arena exploded into thunderous applause and cheers, and as I wrapped my arms around Halo, he grabbed my face and kissed the breath out of me. I didn’t know how long we stayed tangled together, but when we finally broke apart, my head was spinning, my feet no longer touching the ground, or at least it felt that way.