Page 6 of Jingle Bell Rock
I grinned. “Ah, I see. Would it help if I promise to pull down the shade if that happens so you don’t see it coming?”
“I’m glad you find my fear so amusing.”
I leaned over and placed a hand on Logan’s thigh, the warmth of his skin radiating through his jeans. “I don’t find it amusing. But three gin and tonics in and your dire predictions are getting the better of you. Maybe you need a little distraction…”
Logan’s striking blue eyes locked on mine as I inched my hand up his thigh.
“A distraction, huh?”
This close to Logan, it was easy to forget I was on a plane that was quickly filling with people, when all I wanted was to lean forward and take his mouth with mine. But knowing that would do nothing but leave us both frustrated for the next handful of hours, I did the next best thing—I teased my husband mercilessly.
I lowered my eyes to Logan’s wicked mouth and imagined the way he’d used it on me earlier in the day, the sinful way he’d traced his tongue over every inch of my skin until I demanded he get inside me.
“Fucking hell, Tate. Whatever you’re thinking about right now, I want to know.”
I slipped my hand down the inside of his leg and squeezed, and a low groan left Logan’s lips. “I was thinking about your mouth, and how good it felt on my—”
“Logan? Tate?”
We froze and blinked at one another.
“Oh my God, it is you!”
Logan’s jaw clenched as Robbie’s voice surrounded us, and as I slowly removed my hand, I grinned. “Well, if that’s not enough to distract you, I don’t know what is.”
Logan took a deep breath in, let it out, then turned to see Robbie had stopped in the aisle beside him, Julien and Priest right on his heels.
“This is crazy,” Robbie said as his eyes ping-ponged between the two of us, and then to the three empty seats in the aisle. “What are you doing here? I mean, hello, obviously you’re flying to L.A., but what are the odds we’re all on the same plane? This is awesome.”
“Totally,” Logan said in such a droll tone that I couldn’t stop my laughter.
As Robbie continued to talk a mile a minute, I read the words on his shirt and then raised my eyes to see Julien and Priest smiling at the two of us.
“This is part of the surprise, princesse. Logan and Tate are coming to L.A. with us.”
“What?” Robbie’s eyes became round as saucers. “Shut the hell up.”
Logan mumbled something that sounded a lot like Yes, please do, and I bumped him in the shoulder.
“Julien and Priest thought it would be fun to keep it a secret.”
Robbie grinned, and when he turned to face his husbands and I read the back of his shirt, my mouth fell open. He’d actually walked through the airport in that? Of course he had. I wasn’t sure why I was so surprised. This was Robbie, after all. The guy didn’t have a subtle bone in his body.
Robbie wrapped his arms around Julien’s neck and kissed each of his cheeks. “This is going to be the best Christmas ever—”
“So far,” Priest said, then started packing their bags in the overhead bins. “Why don’t I take the far seat? Julien, you take the middle, and Robbie, how about you sit on the aisle here and help Tate take Logan’s mind off the flight.”
“Oh, that’s right.” Robbie crouched beside Logan’s seat and patted his arm. “You’re scared to fly.”
“Not scared.” Logan glared over Robbie’s head at Priest and mouthed, I’ll get you for this.
“We could play games,” Robbie suggested. “I’m good at car games, word games. I think I might even have a pack of cards—”
Logan held a hand up. “Do any of those games include alcohol?”
I caught Robbie’s eyes from behind Logan’s shoulder and shook my head. He’s had enough.
“Uh…no.” Robbie dug around in his carry-on bag and pulled out a bar of chocolate. “But they could involve candy.”
“Do you mind if we work out the particulars once we are seated?” Priest looked behind himself at the line gathering.
“Oh, shit, sorry. Let me get out of the way.” Robbie moved out of the aisle, perched his ass on Logan’s lap, and batted his lashes at me. “Sorry, Tate. This was the only place to move to.”
“Uh huh. Sure it was.”
“It was. Oh, would you look at that, I think Logan’s happy to see me.”
Logan groaned and turned to glare at me, and I took his drink and downed it in a quick gulp. It was going to be a very long weekend.
Priest arched a brow at Robbie and took his chin between his fingers. “Behave.”
“Aww, where’s the fun in that?”
“Do you want the rest of your surprise or not?”
Robbie pouted. “Not fair.”