Page 14 of Shiver
Christ, this is mortifying. This rich, gorgeous man wanted to help me fix my piece-of-crap car, and all I could think was how freakin’ humiliating it was. I’d been around Brayden and all his money, of course, but never had I been more aware of what I didn’t have.
The Aston Martin’s door opened and the man stepped out, his movements as graceful as that of his car’s namesake. Dressed in a midnight-blue suit, he was perfectly polished from the top of his head down to the immaculate Oxfords he wore, and as he walked toward me, my heart stuttered. I wiped the rain out of my eyes, all the better to see him, but the crappy weather didn’t even seem to faze this guy. He was so devastatingly attractive that I wanted to tell him to get back in his car, not to get his hands dirty by dealing with my mess.
And damn, he was tall. As he came to a stop in front of me, I had to look up at him, and the power I felt radiating off him had me dumbstruck. Then a slow smile curved his lips.
“Let’s see what we have here, shall we?”
The perfect plan required patience and precision, and as I stared down at the young man in front of me, I knew both had been achieved. Jesse Clark was looking up at me with a mixture of admiration and lust stamped all over his features, and that was exactly where I wanted him.
When I’d wound down my window and gotten my first real look at him up close and personal, I knew my decision to come after the guy had been the right one. With his sky-blue eyes and flushed pink cheeks, his innocence was a beacon to all that was depraved in me.
Wanting to keep him off guard, on that edge of awe and awareness, I peered under the hood of his car and took a look at the filthy engine the piece of shit housed. I could sense his gaze upon me and wanted him to look, enjoyed the feel of his perusal, as I took my time to inspect what he’d clearly given up on.
After ascertaining what the issue was, I straightened and pivoted to catch Jesse’s gaze traveling over me, and decided it was time to make the man speak. I reached for the buttons of my suit jacket, and as I unbuttoned the first one, and then the second, those curious eyes flew up to find mine.
“Uh, umm, what are you doing?” he asked, as I continued to the third. Once it was undone, I shrugged out of my jacket and noticed the way he caught his plump pink lip behind his teeth as I handed it over to him.
“I’m going to fix your car for you.”
Jesse’s eyes darted to the vehicle even as his hand automatically, and without question, curled around my jacket, doing my bidding. Yes, he is going to be ideal for what I have in mind.
“You know what’s wrong with it?” he said as his attention came back to me.
From my vantage point, which was much higher above his five-ten frame, I could see tiny droplets of rain clinging to his lashes, and it just added to the allure of him. His blond hair, his fair skin, it all drew me in. It was exhilarating to think I could corrupt all that was good in him. All that was pure. “I do. It’s an easy enough fix.”
With my eyes fastened directly on his, I undid the cuffs of my sleeves and slowly rolled them up my arms, and Jesse shuffled on his feet as though he was suddenly nervous.
I liked that.
I wanted that.
And when he dropped his eyes to what I was doing and his fingers tightened around my jacket, I was more than aware that the nervousness was also tinged with an excitement I was purposely provoking.
“So, umm, what’s wrong with it?” Jesse asked, pulling his eyes away from me and turning back to the car. I moved in beside him and, while his eyes were fastened on the engine, shut my eyes and inhaled. I could smell the scent of the soap he’d used earlier, and knew if I stripped him down, the fresh, clean scent of it would be headier at the hotter, more intimate junctures of his body.
Not wanting to cause alarm in the little lamb, I opened my eyes and focused back on the task at hand. “It’s the spark plug here,” I told him, and pointed at the offending plug. “It looks as though it might’ve come loose.”
Jesse moved in under the hood and bent over the engine. Then he turned his head to look at me, and the smile that hit his lips was brilliant. “Really? That’s it?”