Page 16 of Shiver
When one of his dark eyebrows arched, I realized I’d just used the ridiculous name I had for my car. I gestured over my shoulder with my thumb. “That’s my car’s name.”
“Pretty Baby?”
I shrugged. “Yeah. Like most things, she responds best when I compliment her.”
Salvatore’s lips twitched, as though he was fighting back a grin. “That’s…good to know.”
I had a feeling he was saying more than what he was actually saying, and as he turned to go, I realized he hadn’t told me a time or a place to meet him on Friday.
“Wait,” I called out, not wanting to let him go without a definite way of seeing him again, because sweet Jesus, he was something to see. Salvatore stopped and turned to face me. “What time should I meet you Friday? Where?” I winced at how eager I sounded, but shit, it wasn’t as if guys like Salvatore Wolfe showed up to rescue you every day. You had to trust fate was dropping him in your lap for a reason.
His eyes creased at the sides as his lips curved into a smile. “I’ll come and pick you up at four. Take you for a ride.”
I sank my teeth into my lower lip and nodded, loving that idea, and slightly giddy over it. “Okay, see you then,” I said, and then I waved like a lame asshole and wanted to roll my eyes at myself. I was acting like someone with a high school crush.
“See you. Take care, Jesse.”
And then he walked to his car, his long strides eating up the pavement as he went, the rain bouncing off his strong shoulders as though they were shields, and all I could do was stand there and watch. Watch as the most magnetic man I had ever met slid into his car and drove away.
As a man of wealth and means, I was often asked what drove me. And if I were honest, I would’ve said moments like these. Moments where I was doing something that got my blood pumping. Moments that were stimulating to the brain. And as I stood in the shadows across the street from a deserted laundromat, I was keenly aware it was moments like these that made every nerve in my body feel alive. Watching Jesse enter the run-down facility on the corner of his block made it feel as though electricity thrummed through my veins.
This morning had gone according to plan. I’d fucked with the lamb’s car just enough to make him need assistance, and lucky for him, or unlucky for him, I’d been right there waiting. I’d figured it would be easy. His type were my favorite to play with, after all. So that made me somewhat of an expert when it came to manipulating the exact response I wanted from him. But where my past playthings were simply tools I used my toys on to relieve sexual frustration, I’d made it a point to involve Jesse on a scale I’d only done one other time before—and with him, I intended to touch. I was weaving a web that had once become so tangled it had eventually killed the one within its grasp. But what else could I do when I’d been given a do-over? It was destiny offered in some fucked-up, twisted kind of way.
The rain had become heavier since earlier, and it provided a natural blur to one’s sight, which both aided my cause and hampered it. Hidden in a side street where it was dark, no one would be able to spot me from inside the small laundromat, but it also made it more difficult for me to see the one I was there to watch.
I tugged the hood of my black coat over my head and scanned the surrounding area, trying to decide the best way for me to get closer without detection. The side alley looked promising; there were no windows running down the building there. I could see Jesse moving about inside, and thankfully, he was alone.
The front door was propped open with a trash can, to no doubt let out the heat from the dryers, and I had to thank whatever “good boy” part of Jesse told him not to remove it, even though he was the only one in there.
Deciding that plan was a good one, I shoved my hands deep into the pockets of my coat and jogged across the street. As I went, I saw Jesse with his back to me, his head cocked to the side with a phone lodged between his ear and shoulder. He had the lid of a washing machine up and was tossing clothes inside of it. As I drew near, I could hear him laughing with someone on the other end, and the pure joy of the sound made me want to get even closer.