Page 23 of Shiver
“Charlemagne is a goddess,” I said, as I lifted the top off the platter that housed the delicious spinach and feta triangles I could never get enough of when I visited Brayden.
“I’m starting to feel used.” Brayden pretended to pout and then winked at me as he swiped one of the triangles. “You only love me for my cook.”
“I do. Guess I’ve gotten what I came for and can leave now.” As I bit into the savory pastry, I moaned. They were still warm, and it melted in my mouth.
“Not so fast. You owe me a movie night and all the dirty details about your date with the Wolfe.”
The very mention of Salvatore’s name had my heart beating a little bit faster. I tried to bite back a smile and failed.
“Wow. Check out that goofy look on your face.” Brayden leaned over to grab another triangle, and I slapped his hand away.
“Speaking of goofy faces, what’s this scruff all over yours? Trying to grow a beard or something?” I was teasing, of course, because the dark stubble that lined Brayden’s face now only made him look more handsome, the bastard. All-American in looks, with his light brown hair and matching eyes, and that perfectly sculpted body of his, he was a guy that had no problem getting what and who he wanted—and he knew how to work that like a charm.
“Don’t even think about changing the subject,” Brayden said, grabbing the platter from in front of me and forcing me to follow him into the living room, where a massive television took up one of the walls. He set the platter down on the coffee table and then flopped onto the soft leather couch. “So, you had coffee, blah blah blah, he took you back to his place, tied you up and had his way with you…”
I rolled my eyes as I took the seat beside him and leaned forward for another triangle. “It was just coffee. And it was…nice.”
“Nice? That’s not a word that would ever be attached to Salvatore Wolfe.”
“Then what would be?”
Brayden shrugged. “Hot. Sexy as fuck. Bossy and in control.”
“Yeah, I’d say all of those things too.”
“But you said you just had coffee.”
“We did.”
“Then how do you know he’s bossy?”
I thought back to the way he’d told me to stop talking and how I’d complied without even thinking. He’d done it again later in the conversation, just to further prove his point, and both times I could only think of how hot that commanding tone would be in the bedroom.
“I think that’s just his personality.”
“Hmm. So he’s a dominant outside the bedroom as well…”
“I didn’t say that.”
“Did you ask him?”
“Um… I might’ve accidentally mentioned it when we sat down. But you’re not gonna believe how we got on that subject.”
Brayden stretched his arm out along the back of the couch. “Try me.”
“He told me he’s the one who kicked me out of the Wolfe’s Den that night.”
“He did what? Why the fuck?”
I pulled up one of my legs underneath me on the couch as I faced Brayden. “Apparently, he saw me there and wanted me for himself. Can you believe that? He didn’t want anyone else near me, so bam. Had me escorted out.”
“No fucking way,” Brayden said. “He admitted that?”
“Yep. Insane, right?”
“Uh, yeah. But…kinda hot too, I guess. I mean, I wouldn’t be too pissed about it if that meant I’d end up in his bed. But you ended up having to walk home, so that’s fucked.”
“It’s not like he knew that would happen,” I said, some part of me feeling defensive on Salvatore’s behalf. “Besides, he gets a pass, since he got Pretty Baby up and running again.”
“So we know he’s good with his hands—that’s promising. And he’s not afraid to get dirty—also good.”
“And his body is unreal.”
Brayden raised a brow. “I’m sure, but how the hell do you know that?”
“It was raining the day he fixed my car,” I said, grinning as I recalled that hot visual. White shirt plastered to his chest as it flexed and—
“Ugh, I’m gonna try not to be jealous. Tell me more.”
“Well, he gave me his phone number…”
“Oh shit. So this means you’re gonna see him again.”
I shrugged, trying to play it casual, but it was all I could do not to check my phone every five seconds to see if he’d called or sent a message.
“You are soo gonna get fucked by the Wolfe. You gonna make him howl?” Brayden leaned forward and waggled his eyebrows, and then he began to mimic exactly how he thought I’d make Salvatore howl.
I burst into laughter and pushed him away. “You are whacked in the head, you know that?”
“I do, thank you.”
“We didn’t talk about any of that stuff anyway, so get your mind out of the gutter.”
“Really? What did you talk about? I’m dying to know.” He propped his head up on the arm he had on the back of the couch.