Page 27 of Shiver
“Yeah, I got the call after we last spoke.”
I slowly nodded, knowing exactly when Jesse had been informed. “You should’ve called me. I would’ve liked to have known.”
Jesse’s mouth fell open. “I should’ve called you? Umm…” He stopped then and said under his breath, “You’re Salvatore Wolfe. I figured you were probably busy buying, I don’t know, another high rise or something.”
“I have enough of those already,” I said, and looked beyond Jesse’s shoulder to one of the shadowed walkways that led off from the packed rotunda. I wanted to take him down there. Get him alone. And I had no doubt in my mind that he would follow, with the way he was staring at me. “But something I don’t currently have is—”
“Salvatore.” My name being said from somewhere behind me was an unwelcome interruption, but I knew who that voice belonged to, so I took a step forward until I was beside Jesse, and before I turned, I told him quietly, “Say hello and goodbye quickly.”
Jesse’s head whipped around, and whatever he saw in my eyes must’ve relayed my message loud and clear, because he took a shaky breath and nodded. As he faced forward, I turned also to face Dr. Berkovich, and made sure to stand close enough to Jesse that our arms brushed.
“I thought that was you,” Dr. Berkovich said as he came to a stop in front of us and held out his hand to me. As his most generous benefactor, I was used to the attention and praise he gave me at these events, and usually I was ever the accommodating businessman. Tonight, however, I was in no mood to be fawned all over. This meeting, though, was crucial for Jesse, so I would play nice for the moment.
“You would be correct,” I said as I shook his hand, not engaging in any small talk and not asking any questions. Instead, I gestured to Jesse. “And this here is Jesse Clark. Your newest intern.”
As I released his hand, Dr. Berkovich turned to Jesse. “Oh yes,” he said as he took Jesse’s hand in his. “You had quite the impressive résumé, young man. You’ll make a fine addition to our paleontology department. We’re lucky to have you.”
“Thank you so much,” Jesse said. “I can’t tell you what an honor it is to meet you. I’ve read countless papers and studies by you.”
Dr. Berkovich gave a hearty laugh as he let go of Jesse’s hand. “You flatter me. I thought most of those papers were used as sleeping aids.”
“Oh, no. They were very informative and interesting.”
Dr. Berkovich clapped Jesse on the shoulder and then angled his head in my direction. “And I see you’ve met Mr. Wolfe? Our most generous benefactor.”
“I—” Jesse stopped and looked up at me, and when he did, his cheeks reddened. “Uh, yes. I’ve met Mr. Wolfe.”
“Good. Good. Salvatore, make sure to stop by on your way out tonight. Dee would love to see you.”
I inclined my head ever so slightly. “I’ll be sure to track you both down. We were just on our way to the hors d’oeuvres table.”
“Of course,” Dr. Berkovich said, and sent a beaming smile in Jesse’s direction. “It was lovely to meet you, Mr. Clark. I look forward to working with you in the future.”
“Yes, I do too. It’ll be my absolute pleasure.”
As Dr. Berkovich gave us a farewell wave, I took Jesse’s half-finished glass of champagne and put it with mine on one of the waiters’ trays. I then touched a hand to his elbow. Jesse glanced down, and then slowly raised his eyes to meet mine. It was time.
I wanted him alone. And I wanted it now.
“Come with me.”
Salvatore led me through the crowd, and my stomach churned at the suspense of where we were going—and what we would do once we got there.
Don’t be silly. Nothing’s going to happen. I knew that much, but I couldn’t deny that as Salvatore lifted the rope that closed off one of the hallways off the rotunda, I desperately wanted to be alone with him for once. I nervously looked over my shoulder to see if anyone was watching us break the rules. But no one seemed to be paying us any mind, so I turned back toward the hallway to see that Salvatore now had a frown on his face. I quickly walked past him, and after he refastened the rope, I could feel his presence looming behind me.
The hallway was unlit, but up ahead I could make out the faint red lights of the Pompeii exhibit.
It felt wrong to be there, away from the party, especially on what was technically my introduction to this world.
“Should we be here?” I said, biting on the inside of my cheek as I looked at Salvatore. In the soft glow from the party, I could just make out his face as he stared down at me. “I don’t want to get in any trouble—”