Page 43 of Shiver
A dog, he’s got to have a dog. What the hell is going on here? Is this some kind of game?
I should’ve told Brayden where I was going tonight. It only occurred to me then, as I was trapped inside the penthouse of a man I barely knew, other than he was rich, powerful, and probably had the ability to make nobodies like me go away if he wanted me to.
He won’t hurt me…right? He only wants to play… This is just to scare me… I can always say my safe word.
I tried to tell myself it was all okay, but the truth was that my breaths were coming out in erratic pants and my heart was beating so hard and fast I knew it had to be giving away my whereabouts.
“Salvatore?” I whispered. I trailed my fingers along the wall as I walked farther, and then I felt something like the frame of a door. But the door itself wasn’t there, only empty space, which meant it was open, and—
A hand clamped down on my wrist, and before I could scream, I was pulled inside the room and another hand covered my mouth.
“You told me to make you run. Still want to play?”
It’s only a game, I thought, closing my eyes in relief. It didn’t stop the heavy pounding in my chest, though, as my trepidation turned into excitement now that Salvatore was near.
With his hand still covering my mouth, I could only nod. Time would tell if that was a smart decision or not, but as Salvatore’s hand left my mouth and a sexy, throbbing beat began to play, I realized for the first time since I’d set foot into his condo that I was hard—painfully so.
Fear is such an interesting emotion. One which echoes lust so nicely it’s always merged as one for me—and tonight is no different. As I swept my thumb over the pulse point of Jesse’s wrist, I enjoyed the way it thudded against my fingertips. It was racing a mile a minute as his body heaved in my arms where I’d pulled him seconds ago, yet he stood there nodding in acquiescence to my question.
If the lamb was wise, he’d be telling me no and be demanding I let him go. But at some stage, the both of us had passed the point of no return.
With the house plunged into pitch darkness, all other senses were heightened, and the soft, rapid breaths I could hear coming from Jesse let me know the gears had been effectively switched. The fright had now merged into lust as he stood in my arms with his back flush to my chest, my hand still firmly wrapped around his wrist. He was both trapped in the house and within my hold, yet his brain was telling him it was okay because he was no longer scared, but excited by it.
Without a word, I began to walk backward in my room, giving Jesse no choice but to move along with me, and when he stumbled, my hold tightened on him. “Careful, now,” I said. “If I want you on your knees, I’ll tell you to get there. Until then, try to stay upright.”
As we came to a stop, I released him and walked around to stand in front of him, and Jesse remained frozen in place like any lamb caught in the path of a hungry wolf. The music had replaced the silence, but beyond the steady, thumping beat, there was nothing—just pitch-black and thump, thump, thump, to go in time with his heart and my dick.
“Give me your belt,” I said as I stared at the man I could sense was only inches from me, but who couldn’t see me, and I wondered if Jesse would do as he was told or would question me. With my own senses accustomed to the dark, I was acutely aware of every noise in the vast condo even above the steady beat, so when I heard the snick and clink of metal, I felt a feral smile curve my mouth. Good little lamb. A couple of seconds later, the swish of leather being pulled from belt loops hit my ears, and then the air between us shifted and I knew he was holding the belt out to me.
As I took the leather from his hand, I grazed my fingers across his and said, “Now take off your shirt.”
I folded the belt in half, stroked my fingers over the supple leather, and knew it would be perfect for what I had in mind. I waited for and then heard the soft flutter of material hit the floor by my feet. That would leave him in those khaki pants and not much else.
I stepped in close to him until I could feel the warmth of his body radiating off him, and then I traced the bent end of the belt down the center of Jesse’s chest to the waist of his pants. As I nudged the material, I lowered my head until my lips were brushing his and whispered, “And now the rest.”