Page 69 of Shiver
His hair was sticking to his forehead as the rain ran down over his face and neck, soaking the black designer suit he wore, and he jerked against the hold my guys had on him as I started toward him, hands in my pockets, Faolán at my side.
“Is this how you greet your paying customers now, Wolfe?” Sean said. “By having your thugs haul them outside? I know my payment went through this month. So what’s this about?”
I never would understand men like Sean. Those who believed they were untouchable. Who believed that they were more important than they really were. Well, tonight Sean was going to learn just how insignificant he was.
“Oh, your payment went through. Thank you for that,” I said as I stopped a couple of feet from him and looked to my men to indicate they could leave us.
As they released his arms, Sean yanked them free, and the move had him taking a step forward, making Faolán growl. Anyone with half a brain would take that as a warning, but as I suspected, Sean was lacking even that much mental prowess.
He looked down to Faolán and scoffed. “Gonna sic your guard dog on me, Wolfe? What’s your problem, anyway? If my payment went through and I didn’t break any of your precious rules, why the hell am I out here?”
I strolled closer and removed my hands from my pockets, and when Sean’s eyes dropped to the action, he took a step back. Glancing up and down the alley, he seemed to realize he was now alone with me, and finally got a clue as to how much trouble he might be in.
That’s right, fucker, no witnesses. It’s just you and me.
I clenched my hands by my sides, and Faolán took the command for what it had always meant to him and stalked forward, a menacing sound rumbling from his large body as he backed Sean up against the ridiculous vehicle he drove around town, and aimed his muzzle at the dipshit’s cock and balls.
“You really don’t know?” I asked conversationally, as though we weren’t standing in a deserted alley with rain pounding down and a wolf dog between us. “Why don’t I jog your memory for you? He’s about five ten, blond, and has the face of an angel. He’s also mine, and you’ve been sniffing around him.”
“This is about Jesse?” Sean said, his eyes flicking from Faolán to me and then back to Faolán, who looked an inch away from biting Sean’s balls off. “I don’t understand the problem. You already had him. So I figured he was fair game and was just taking my turn.”
Jesse’s name on Sean’s tongue made my blood boil, and the idea that Sean thought of Jesse as game he could hunt down made me murderous. In an instant, I was on the fucker. I punched him clear in the face, and the satisfaction I got from the blow was immediate. As I took a fistful of his shirt, yanking him off the car toward me, Sean raised his right hand in a move to retaliate—stupid fuck. I was quicker and stronger, I always was, and my hand was right there, catching the swinging fist mid-punch. With a sneer, I slowly twisted it and took unholy pleasure in the way Sean’s eyes reflected agony. Faolán had repositioned himself to the left of Sean to make room for his alpha, and was snarling and snapping his teeth.
“Let me clear something up for you,” I said, my muscles relishing the resistance they were encountering, until finally Sean’s arm gave way with a jerk and I thrust it down by his side. “I will never be done with him. And you will never fucking have him.” I twisted Sean’s flaccid arm in one quick move, and he yowled in pain. “Because what’s the unspoken rule in my den, King?”
Blood was dripping from the cut I’d made on Sean’s cheekbone, and he winced as I increased the pressure on his wrist. His breathing was labored as he gritted his teeth, and I knew he wanted to attack. A man like him hated being so fucking helpless. And that made this all the sweeter.
“No one…touches…what’s yours,” he finally said, gasping around each word.
“That’s right,” I said, and brought my mouth in by his ear. “And in case it wasn’t clear the night you saw us at the gala…” Sean’s head snapped around at that, his pain-filled eyes finding mine. “That’s right, he told me. And you know why?” I asked, and took great pleasure in watching Sean’s nostrils flare. Fury swirled in his eyes at my supremacy. “That little lamb is mine.”
With a vicious pull, I wrenched his arm down and heard a distinct pop as Sean’s arm dislocated from his shoulder socket. His tortured shout echoed off the walls, and as I let him go, he crumpled to my feet, where I kicked him off me.