Page 96 of PLAYED
I needed to be careful around him. Despite how much he had changed, it was obvious that he still thought of himself first and everyone else second.
I looked down to the floor, and almost embarrassed feeling rolling through me for not seeing this sooner. I was a detective. I should have seen this coming, asked more questions, demanded more answers. After all of this, Pierce was just setting me up as collateral damage.
“Sandra, if Captain Pierce is involved, this whole thing might go deeper than even I suspected. I knew Mr. Wallace had men on the inside, but I never would have guessed the good captain was one of them. If he gets access to my computer…”
“What is on the computer, Nathan?”
I snarled. I was tired of his cryptic bullshit, his “cover my ass” attitude. “What the hell do you mean?”
“It doesn’t matter,” he said evasively. “Look, we have to stop him,” he continued, reaching out and laying his hand on top of mine. His skin was soft and warm, and it felt nice to connect like this.
I shook my head. That was hardly an answer, but he was right. Time might be of the essence.
“How do we do that?” I asked softly, staring back at him.
“We give him what he wants,” Nathan replied, lifting the t22 transmitter into the air and smiling. “We give him exactly what he wants.”
If I was going to make this believable, I had to play my part. That meant spending a lot of time around Mr. Hale for the next few days and reporting back to Captain Pierce on my progress at getting him computer access.
On the plus side, this gave us plenty of time to explore each other’s wild sides.
Some people deal with stress by drinking, some do it by smoking, and I was dealing with stress by riding Nathaniel Hale’s incredible cock. His hands gripped my luscious hips and rocked me softly as I straddled him, bringing our flesh together. Everything about it was primal, animal, beyond the scope of human control. It was just what I needed: less thinking, more doing.
There was something to be said about living like this. Nathan rarely had to leave the house, choosing to do most of his work via his computer, and although we were holed up here in his mansion for a few days, it wasn’t like we were lacking for things to do, or places where we could have a little fun.
For one, there was the indoor pool. And the hot tub. And the sauna. And the kitchen…
Okay, maybe that last one was a little impromptu. Turns out, granite countertops are cold, and it’s not nearly as fun as it sounds to be propped up on top of one.
“I can’t hold out, baby…” Nathan whispered beneath me, my body bouncing on him ever so softly. We weren’t fucking right now. This was love making, the oldest and purest thing in all the world. Nathan had once pushed my limits, drawn out the experience with such delicious agony that I’d almost lost my damn mind right there in his arms. Now I wanted to return the favor.
“You’re vibrating…” Nathan said. I laughed, throwing my head back and riding him faster.
“I’m good, but I’m not that good, Nathan,” I replied with a sultry voice. Lowering my eyes back to his, I saw that he’d grabbed the phone from my pants, still strewn across the bed.
“No—vibrating,” he replied, his voice straining.
I didn’t even stop, lifting the phone to my ear as I bore down even faster on Nathan, rocking my hips wildly. Was it wrong to mix a little business with pleasure this way? Probably.
I found myself suddenly frozen in place as I realized who was on the other end of the line, though. Why the hell was Captain Pierce calling me at one in the morning?
“Captain, it’s early” I whispered, clamping down on the cock inside me, trying to curb Nathan’s little thrusts of his hips from beneath me. I didn’t want him to spill into me with the captain on the phone. I wanted to enjoy his release just as much as he did, and I couldn’t do that while talking to the enemy.
“It’s time, Detective. That container ship is twenty-four hours out, and I need access to that computer. Have you managed to get your hands on the key?”
“I’m still working on it. You need to give me more time.”
“There is no more fucking time, Sandra. That asshole is going to be responsible for a whole container of little girls hitting that dock, and you know exactly what’s going to happen to them. Now, either you provide me with some fucking results, or I’m pulling you off this case and doing this the hard way.”
Inside I was seething, but I couldn’t let him know that just yet. I took my frustration out on Nathan instead, rotating my hips in little figure-eights that made his eyes roll back into his skull. “Twelve hours, Captain. Give me twelve hours.”
“Don’t fuck this up, Detective.”
I hung up the phone, looking down at Nathan’s twisted and sex-hungry face. “Well… where were we?”
“I think I was about to fuck this pussy into submission,” Nathan said, smiling up at me.
“From where I’m sitting, it looks like I’m in charge this time around, Mr. Hale,” I replied teasingly.
“Maybe you should be paying better attention,” he said, smirking as he reached down and lifted one of my wrists. One of my pairs of handcuffs was locked onto the wrist, the other cuff open and dangling as Nathan thrust upward into my willful depths, lifting me up and rolling us with his cock still firmly planted within me.
“Oh, God,” I gasped as he threw my arm toward the headboard, swinging the chain of the handcuffs around one of the thick metal posts and grabbing at my free hand, dragging it up and slapping the other cuff on it even as he fucked me mercilessly. I lost all control, squealing and moaning as he drove deep, but he stopped just before I was sent off the cliff, my body crying out for the ultimate release.
I’d never let anyone have such control over me since the first time we’d fucked, when he’d taken my virginity... I strained at the handcuffs, keening in desperate pleasure and arching my back beneath him, trying to draw his retreating body back inside. I was thankful that his men had swept the house clean of bugs, because as loud as I was being, the neighbors could have probably heard us.
“I love how wet you get for me, baby,” Nathan whispered, pulling his cock completely free of my folds. Even my attempts to catch him with my legs had failed. Now he was gripping one of my strong calves, forcing it down to the bed as he tied it to the bed post with one of the silken sheets.
“Untie me, Nathan… please,” I pleaded, desperate to get myself back on top. I wanted to ride him until all of my worries disappeared. Tomorrow would come, and with it, all of the danger and fear would finally come to a head. I didn’t want to think about any of that now. I just wanted to be with Nathan.
“No. I need you to understand that with me, you’ll never be in control. You’re here to satisfy me, and when you do that, I will give you pleasure like you have never known…”
“Oh God yes…” I moaned loudly as he pulled my other leg toward the far corner of the bed, spreading my thighs as I struggled, tying me in this demeaning and incredibly sexual position.
“Please, fuck me. Lick me,” I said, gasping as his hand came down on my toned stomach. I could barely even contain myself as he leaned down between my legs, his soft lips delivering a devastating kiss just on the inside of my thigh.
“Oh, yes,” I whispered, squirming in place. Every kiss was closer to my center, closer to my core. “Like that, Nathan… Please, give me your tongue.”
He didn’t hesitate, rocking his tongue against my clitoris, shattering my own connections with the ground. I felt like I was floating, becoming wetter for him as his hands cupped beneath my curvaceous ass and pulled me tight against his mouth.
“Let me inside,” Nathan whispered, his finger pressing against my delicate tunnel as my body held everything tight, reveling in the sensations his wonderful touch was providing. I obeyed his voice, relaxing my thighs and letting his fingertip explore my depths. My mouth fell open with a de
sperate moan as I felt him press deep, a second finger following the first in delicate slow motion.
“I love your obedience, Sandra.”
I just whimpered, riding the thrusts of his fingers as he returned to write love letters with his tongue. Explosions of pleasure overwhelmed me as he pressed deeper with every motion, dragging an orgasm from my agonized body. He tried to withdraw his fingertips, but I clamped down around them, shifting my hips as best I could to capture them, my flesh shuddering around him.
“Naughty little Sandra,” Nathan said, pulling his fingers free and bringing himself up between my legs. I was desperate for his cock, but he didn’t stop there. I found him moving over my legs, his body straddling my chest.
Oh, God…