Page 4 of Chased (Savage Men 3)
Chapter Two
Accompanying Song: “Bottom Of The Deep Blue Sea” by Missio
The first thing I do when we get far enough away is take off the mask. Finally, I can breathe.
It’s deadly quiet as we drive.
It’s not a coincidence.
Whatever Graham gave her to keep her meek still has the girl paralyzed. But that won’t last much longer.
It’s mostly Brandon whose silent treatment doesn’t even make me flinch.
He keeps glancing my way, raising his brow, as if it will make me speak.
I know what he’s thinking, what he wants from me, but I’m not gonna give it to him.
I’m dead set on doing this.
The second I set foot inside that compound, I’d already sold my soul to the devil.
Nothing will change that.
Not even his venomous glares.
“There’s still time,” Brandon says, grinding his teeth.
A smirk spreads across my lips as I rub them. Oh, lord … he really can’t stop himself, can he? Self-righteous prick.
“I know,” I say, biting the insides of my cheeks.
“We can keep driving,” he adds.
I gaze outside at the barren wasteland, counting down the seconds until we arrive at our destination. It isn’t far from here. Not too long now and I’ll finally know the truth.
The girl next to me groans. It’s time to switch.
Brandon does what I ask, and I quickly exit the car and get into the passenger’s seat. “Lock the doors.”
He tsks me but does it without saying anything else. The look he’s giving me is enough. I know what he’s thinking, but I don’t care.
He starts the car again, but before he drives off, he mumbles, “Chase ….”
“No. Drive.”
I keep deflecting his attempts to sway me. There’s no use. I made up my mind a long time ago.
This must be done. Whether he likes it or not.
“I know I promised to help, but don’t you think this has gone far enough?”
“No. I need to do this.”
“But she’s just a kid,” he says.
“She’s not, and you know that. Don’t try to use lies against me. It won’t work.” I say, gazing at myself in the side mirror.
I cock my head and run my finger along the small indent in my chin. My skin feels tense. I am tense. I just don’t want to admit it, and no one needs to know because it’ll only make this more difficult than it needs to be.
“Are you sure?” he asks, as if I can still change my mind.
It’s way too late for that.
“Yes,” I reply, setting his mind at ease. Not mine.
“Fine. But don’t say I didn’t warn you.” He clears his throat, like he’s so high and mighty.
“You know why this has to be done,” I say, looking his way.
“Really? Does it have to?”
“Yes. You would too if you were me.”
“No, I wouldn’t.”
I raise a brow. “Did you forget we’re playing the same game?”
“I’m just looking out for both our interests. I’m not gonna pick you up off the ground when you ruin yourself. No way.”
“I didn’t ask you to.”
“But you’re asking me to just sit here and watch.”
“Then close your eyes.” I shrug. “Simple.”
He narrows his eyes. “I’m driving.”
“You know what I mean.” I wave it away.
A groan emanates from the back, and I turn my head only to smile. The drugs are wearing off.
“It’s time.”
“We’re not there yet.”
I quickly roll up the privacy partition between the front seats and the back. “Drive faster.”
As we drive across the rocky, uneven terrain, the girl starts to move around, calling out in desperation, but I try not to pay any attention. Doing so will only make this harder. I want to go at this with a clear mind. I don’t want emotions to weigh me down, so I refuse to have any.
It doesn’t take the girl long to start banging on the window.
“Who are you people? Where are you taking me?”
She’ll know the answer soon.
We’re already approaching the area. I can see the bushes and deep canyon from here, and it won’t be long until we are outside, sniffing the fresh air.
And animals.
“Let me out!” the girl squeaks, kicking the car door.
My skin crawls, so I cover up my arms by pulling down my sleeves.
Brandon drives down the canyon across a gravelly path until we’re in the middle of nowhere, and he stops the car.
I straighten my collar and clear my throat.
Judgment time.
The girl is still banging on the window between us, so I guess she’s recovered. Good.
I get out.
“Chase.” I pause and look at Brandon. “Don’t do this.”
I slam the door shut.
I don’t need his opinion right now. It’s an added weight I can’t carry right now. I need to do this on my own terms.
Two steps and I come face to face with the blind girl. Syrena. But I’m not nearly as excited as I imagined I’d be. My smile immediately disappears at the sight of her.
So help me God … I will do this, no matter if it is the end of me.