Page 141 of Bad Teacher
She clutches the doorframe but doesn’t close the door on me, so that’s good I guess.
“A few years ago, I worked for the Morrows, and this story resonated with me so much.”
The look in her eyes changes from skeptical to curious as I explain my fake story slowly.
“More specifically, TJ. I worked directly with him too, and when I saw how badly he’d treated you, I just knew I had to come talk. I asked the newspaper for your information. I hope that’s okay,” I ask, swallowing away the lump in my throat. I hope to god this works. “I’m sorry,” I mutter. “This must be really weird to you. Do you want me to leave?”
“No, it’s okay.” She takes a step forward and opens the door completely now.
Good. No more fear. Bait thrown. Attention lured in.
“Did he do something to you?” she asks.
I nod, biting my lip to put emphasis on the fact that I hate to discuss it. “I … found him sniffing panties. And I think he even stole a pair of mine.”
“Oh, no …” She looks like she’s sorry for me. I’m not. “I can’t believe it.”
“I know, right? I didn’t know what to do. When I asked him to return them, he didn’t want to give them back. Then he fired me on the spot.”
She puts her hand over her mouth and gasps. Furrowed brows and an angry expression follow. “That asshole.”
“I know. I hate him too.” I scrunch up the newspaper in my hand. “Now I have to start all over with my career.”
“I’m in the same boat as you are,” she says.
“That’s why I came to you. I don’t know why, but the moment I realized I wasn’t alone, I knew I had to talk to you.”
She puts a hand on my arm, and Pepper looks like she’s about to snarl at the woman for doing so. “It’s good that you came. He’s too dangerous to be left alone like that.”
“What did he do to you?” I ask. “I saw the piece in the newspaper, but it wasn’t the entire story, was it? I could never tell them everything Morrows did.”
She nods and glances around as if she’s checking if no one else hears. “He didn’t just sniff panties. He acted like a swine around me,” she says. “Kept farting everywhere, especially when I was around.”
I find it hard to keep my laughter inside while I pretend to care about her lies.
“He even flaunted other girls at work.”
“Really?” I ask, trying to sound genuine.
“Yeah, he was always acting like a playboy.”
“True, he does like to show off his charm,” I reply, and it’s not even a lie.
“Not just that.” She leans forward and lowers her voice. “He flirted with everyone.”
“Sounds exactly like how I know him,” I say, and I pause for a second. “God … I really hate him.”
“Me too,” she says. “If it wasn’t for that fucker, I’d still have my job.”
“He fired you, right?” Now we’re getting to the good stuff.
“Yes, after I’d kissed him …”
“That’s harsh,” I say.
“I know, right? I thought he was into me. You know? That he actually wanted me instead of all those other girls he regularly hung out with. But then he gave me the cold shoulder and acted like nothing was going on between us.”
“Huh, strange …” I mumble.
“Yeah, and the worst part is that he never actually wanted my panties. I even offered them to him, but no, he wouldn’t take it,” she growls. “Other girls gave him panties all the time, but he refused mine. Like, I know I said he stole them, but it wasn’t true. I wish he did, but he wouldn’t give me the time of day. It was the ultimate insult.”
“What an ass,” I continue.
“Exactly. That motherfucker deserves to be shamed.”
“You sure showed him,” I say.
She smiles deviously. “He should’ve loved me back. I told him what would happen if he didn’t, and now look. It’s all on him.”
“Agreed,” I say. “He deserves this.”
She nods and says, “So you wanna come in? We can talk more about that douchebag over a cup of hot, steaming coffee.”
I’m momentarily stunned by the sudden invitation, and I stumble through my response. “Uh, no, sorry. I … have an interview for a job in about a half an hour, and I still have to take my dog home, so …” I look down at Pepper who’s eagerly wagging her tail. If only she knew how dire the situation is … and how much of a doggy-to-the-rescue she really is.
“Oh, of course. Gotta find something better than that dumb shit Morrows, right?” She winks.
I grin. “Yeah, I’m glad I got fired. At least I’m now rid of him.”
“And it won’t be long now until everybody’s rid of him,” she muses, laughing maniacally afterward.