Page 149 of Bad Teacher
“What are you doing?” Lesley whispers.
“Just let me do this,” I whisper back, waiting for anyone to speak up.
“I don’t think it matters, TJ,” Beau says. “Everyone already knew, and they’re fine with it.”
“Yeah, what are you talking about, TJ? We already knew you were a perv. No need to shout it from the rooftops,” one of them says, and they all laugh.
“So … you’re all okay with this? With us?” I point at Lesley.
“Sure,” Gillian says. “As long as you’re being safe.”
“And just as long as you don’t start sexing up the work floor,” another one says, and that even made me laugh.
“We won’t,” Lesley says, licking her lips while her face turns even redder.
“Great. All settled then?” Beau says, folding his arms.
I wrap my arm around Lesley’s shoulder and pull her closer. “Well, I’m happy you all took it so well.”
“Could’ve gone worse,” Lesley says.
“But don’t get all sappy around us, okay?” Beau cringes.
“Right.” I release Lesley again and hold up my hands. “Okay, show’s over, everyone! Back to work.”
As I try to walk off, a hand smacks my ass, and I turn around to see Lesley giggling.
“Sorry, couldn’t help it.”
“You just had to do it, didn’t you?”
“Obviously, since we’re now officially a couple.”
I raise a brow and turn around to face her again, and I grab her chin. “Oh, really? So I get to call you my girlfriend now in front of everyone? Officially?”
“Only if you don’t embarrass me. Because if you do, I will pretend I don’t know you.”
“What? You mean I embarrass you?” I joke, and I’m just about ready to moon the fuck out of everyone here, but Lesley’s hand on the waist of my pants stop me from doing just that.
“Showing my ass to the world. Now that would be embarrassing, wouldn’t it?”
“Not like you haven’t done worse,” she quips, making me grin.
“Fine, I’m a bastard. Sue me.” I pull her close.
“Maybe I will … Mr. Panty-snatcher.” Her hand dives into my pocket, and I’m barely able to keep her from grabbing my cock along with her panties.
She quickly tucks them away before I can grasp them. “You know what happens when you don’t give those back, right?”
“Do tell,” she taunts. “Because I think you’ve stolen enough of my panties for now.”
“Oh, no, I’m not even close to being finished with hoarding your panties yet,” I murmur. “And I will get them from you …”
She narrows her eyes. “You can try.”
I get up close and in her personal space, grinning like the motherfucker I am. “Oh, gladly.”
“Get a room!” Beau yells from behind his desk.
“Yes, please!” Gillian adds. “I’ve heard and seen too much already.”
We both burst out into laughter … and afterward, I lock my mouth with hers, finally claiming her for real.
With my feet perched up on the desk, I call my brother.
“Flynn? It’s TJ.”
“Hey dude, how are you?”
I relax in my chair. “Pretty good, considering the circumstances.”
“That article, right? Did you manage to get it solved?”
“Yes. Actually, that’s why I’m calling. I want you to tell Mom it’s all going to be okay. The article has been retracted. All the newspapers posted a statement. Oh, and I’m not losing my spot as CEO.”
“You almost lost it?” he growls.
“Almost is the key word here.”
“But you did.”
“I didn’t,” I say. “I’m still sitting here behind my desk at work.”
“Tell me you didn’t risk Pop’s business by being a panty-stealing pervert.”
“Hey, I can’t help myself. You know that.”
He sighs. “You should. You gave Ma quite a scare.”
“I gave myself a scare too.” I snigger. “But everything’s sorted now. You and Ma can relax. I’ve got it all covered.”
“You sure you don’t want me to come over and help?”
“Oh no, god no,” I say, laughing it off. “Please don’t.”
“Well, since you ask so nicely,” he says.
“Sorry, I just … I know this isn’t your thing. And I really wanna make Pops proud by doing it right.”
“Without me, you mean,” he says.
“Uh …”
He laughs. “Relax. I’m the one who chose not to get involved with the company. I don’t even wanna be there anyway. Narrow spaces give me anxiety. A desk job wouldn’t be right for me.”
“I’m glad because I really don’t wanna work with you.”
“And I never wanna work with you.”
Now we’re both laughing.
“I’m going to do it,” I tell Flynn on the phone.
“That thing I talked about. Remember?”
“Ooh … right. I get it. And I guess you need my help?”
“If you could be there, I’d appreciate it.”
“Sure, why not. It’s not like I have anything better to do,” he says.
“Great. I’ll text you the time, date, and place. I really need your input here. You’re the playboy, not me.”
“Who are you calling playboy, perv?”
I grin. “I wonder what Ma and Pa used to be like when they were our age, considering the way we are.”