Page 160 of Bad Teacher
“I apologize for the way this introduction has gone,” I say. “But let me make it up to you.”
I put on a purple shirt and close my closet, walking toward her. “I’m ready for whatever you need me to do.”
She slowly opens her eyes, revealing those beautiful irises again that continue to draw in my complete attention. “As long as you’re not naked.”
“Oh c’mon, I’m sure you liked what you saw. Besides, it’s not as if you didn’t like it when I gave it to you,” I jest, taking a long sketchbook from her hand. “What’s this?”
She tries to snatch it back from me, but I turn away and walk toward my desk.
“Those are my drawings,” she says, approaching me. “Give that back, please.”
I open it and flip through pages and pages of beautiful sketches and outlines of amazing dresses, skirts, tops, pants, and pretty much anything else you can wear.
Suddenly, her fast fingers grasp it, and she takes it away from me. “Those are personal.”
“They’re amazing,” I say. “Love it.”
She blushes again. It looks good on her. So good, it makes me want to keep pushing her, so I can see those red cheeks again and again.
“Thanks, I guess.” She swallows when I catch her looking at me, and then she immediately looks away. “Anyway, let’s get started then.”
“Right … because that’s what you’re here for. To design clothes.” I clear my throat as I sit down behind my desk. “I didn’t know you were the one they hired.”
“As if I knew.”
“What do you mean?” I ask, frowning.
“No one told me I’d be working directly for the royals,” she says.
“Really? I’m surprised it wasn’t mentioned,” I reply.
“They only said I’d be working in the palace.”
Interesting. I’ll definitely have to speak to Mrs. Adallah about that.
I point at the chair in front of the desk, and say, “Sit, sit.”
She grabs the chair, slowly turns it, and carefully sits down as if she’s afraid to break the thing or something. That, or her ass is made of porcelain. Honestly, it makes me want to laugh.
“What? What’s so funny?” she asks.
“Nothing,” I say. “It’s just so extraordinary …” I gaze up at her from under my eyelashes. “To see you again.”
She licks her lips, and for some reason, I imagine it’s me licking them instead. “It was quite a surprise to me too, actually.” She makes a face. “Especially with the whole … bathing scene.”
“Oh, yeah, I’m sorry. If I’d known Mrs. Adallah was going to immediately let you in, I would’ve been dressed already.”
“Hmm … right.” She gazes down at her sketchbook, almost as if she’s thinking about something else right now. I wonder what’s on her mind.
“Is that … Those women …” Her lips are still parted, but she doesn’t finish her sentence. “Never mind.”
I smile, and say, “You mean the ladies who washed me? That’s normal, yes.”
She nods, clearly confused. “Right … Because you’re a royal and all.”
“Exactly.” Why do I get the feeling they don’t do that where she’s from?
And why, when I look into her eyes, do I sense a slight hint of jealousy?
“If you’re curious, I don’t do anything with them. Physically. They just wash me. That’s it.”
“I didn’t ask.” Her voice is blunt, almost as if she’s embarrassed.
“But you wanted to know, so now you have the answer,” I reply with a grin.
She seems even angrier now, and I love how it looks on her.
“No, I was just confused, that’s all,” she says, clearing her throat. “Anyway, let’s begin.”
Chapter 5
I don’t think anything as remotely uncomfortable as this has happened in my life.
Like catching him while he’s naked. Watching a bunch of girls bathe him.
Not to mention the fact this is the same dude I hooked up with at the club mere hours ago.
I’m starting to wonder if I should doubt my sanity right now. I mean, if this isn’t otherworldly, I don’t know what is.
Especially the women touching him like that, both outside the palace and in the bath … it gave me the itches. Made me want to rinse myself off and tear my hair out. But why? Why am I so upset when I don’t even know this man? At least not beyond the quick kiss and fuck we shared.
Part of me feels a little deceived because he could’ve told me he was the prince before he hooked up with me. Though, I’m not even sure whether that would’ve stopped me from jumping his bones. Because damn … was I horny last night.
Still, I can’t help but feel a bit begrudged over what I just witnessed. And not just that, but how the hell did this guy go from flaunting his expensive car outside the palace to taking a nude bath with a bunch of women? Apparently, my conversation with Mrs. Adallah took a lot of time. There’s no other explanation.