Page 167 of Bad Teacher
I don’t even know what I’m feeling right now except that I find it hard to resist touching him.
Apparently, I’m not the only one.
Before I’ve realized it, his hands have already snaked around my waist to the small of my back, pulling me close. I suck in a breath as his sultry eyes settle on mine with an intense gaze, one that could melt panties in the blink of an eye.
I can’t look away, no matter how hard I try. Can’t stop my body from gravitating toward him, despite my brain telling me no.
He’s a prince. He’s way out of my league. We’re from two different worlds. This couldn’t ever—
Right then, his mouth crashes into mine.
Every thought, every worry instantly disappears.
Sparks run all the way through my body, filling me with a desire I didn’t know I had. And I kiss him back.
His lips taste like sweetness and sin wrapped in a heavenly package. Everything I shouldn’t crave, and everything I need at the same time.
He sucks on my bottom lip, and my mouth draws open as he forces his tongue inside, claiming my mouth as though it already belongs to him. I’m powerless to stop it. Defenseless against the onslaught of emotions and lust coursing through my veins.
Only when I hear someone giggle behind us do I come back to reality.
My eyes flash open only to find the lady who owns the house hiding her smile behind her hand. She caught us.
“I see you’ve already found a way to cool down,” she says, sniggering.
My cheeks start to glow, but Amir doesn’t even seem to notice she’s interrupted us. All he can focus on is me.
However, a sudden sharp pain makes me shriek. I look around me.
The lady almost drops the two drinks she was carrying as she puts them on the table.
“What’s wrong?” Amir asks, clutching my arms.
“My leg!” I squeal, trying to run past him while simultaneously kicking everywhere. “I think something just bit me!”
That’s when I see it slither past us through the pond.
A snake.
Chapter 8
I apologize to Mrs. Saida and immediately take Maya to the hospital. The poor woman only just managed to put some blankets around her before I lifted her off. We don’t have any time to lose right now. This could be serious. Dangerous. Deadly.
We don’t know what kind of snake it was. It could’ve been anything. And if it’s venomous … I don’t even want to think about what could happen then. In this country, the chances are very high, which is why I’m rushing her to a cab right now.
Even though my clothes are still soaking wet, I get in too and give the driver some cash. I don’t care that he recognizes my face, and mumbles, “Your Hi-highness.”
“Just drive,” I say.
“Of course, Your Highness, sir!” he rambles, clearly flabbergasted that the prince just stepped into his cab. “Where to?” he asks.
“Hospital. As fast as you can.”
“Yes, My Prince,” he replies, immediately hitting the gas.
“I’ll give you more cash if you get us there safely and without alerting the press.”
“Got it.”
As we race to the hospital, I ask her, “Where’s the wound?”
She holds up her leg and points at the two marks.
I rip a piece off my clothing and wrap it around her leg. “Keep that on tight.”
She nods, beads of sweat trickling down her forehead as the blood seeps through the compress.
I’m feeling anxious too. My heart is pounding in my chest, and I keep glaring out the window, wondering how much longer it’s going to take. Every second is too long.
“Are we there yet?” I growl.
“Almost, Your Highness,” the cabby answers.
“Go faster,” I snap. I know I’m an asshole, but being nice isn’t on my top list of priorities right now, knowing what just happened. She could be in serious pain … or worse.
Snake bites are deadly, but I’m not about to let her die. Not on my watch.
I’ve been through that once. It won’t happen again.
When we finally get to the hospital, I immediately ask the ER for help. Showing them my passport is enough to speed things up. I know I’m not supposed to abuse my power as a prince, but I can’t let this girl wait in line. Not when we don’t know what bit her.
So they bring her to a private room and put her on the bed, immediately checking her over.
I sit in the chair next to her bed and wait until the doctors leave for a few blood tests. Meanwhile, she seems to have calmed down a lot. I haven’t, though.
“Doctors say it’s probably not venomous,” she says, smiling. “Otherwise I would’ve felt something by now.”
“We don’t know for sure until the test results are back,” I say, biting my nails.
She smiles and reaches for my hand. “It’s okay.”
“How are you so calm?” I ask. “You could …”