Page 17 of Bad Teacher
Thomas: Good. Then you can come to class like you’re supposed to.
It takes her a while to respond. She must be feeling pressured. Good. She should learn to listen sometimes. It’s in her best interest to go to class … and to be near me. I could teach her a few things no one else can.
Hailey: I wouldn’t tell you, even if I were.
Thomas: I know. And you don’t have to tell me, just as long as you get to class right now.
Hailey: Or else?
Thomas: Oh … you don’t even know what I’m capable of, but I think you get the picture. Now … Come. Here.
She stops replying to my messages, so I guess she turned off her phone. Pity.
If she doesn’t materialize within ten minutes, I don’t think I’ll be able to contain myself. I can’t believe she skipped class again.
What is she thinking? Just because we fucked does not mean she can jeopardize her schoolwork. I won’t let her do that. That would look bad for me too, since I’m the one who fucked her.
I close my laptop and pick up a pencil, watching the class work. I don’t interrupt them, as I have far more important things on my mind. Like how I’m going to make her pay for skipping class again. What would be a fitting punishment?
Extra homework, so she can catch up?
A lecture in front of the whole class so she won’t screw up again?
Or should I just wait until we’re alone, then bend her over my desk and spank her ass until it’s red?
I put my pencil in my mouth and start biting, as I need something to calm myself down before I get a boner. God, right in front of these students.
It’s so wrong, but I can’t stop thinking about it either.
When she’s in front of me, I can see straight through her clothes. Her naked body is still so vivid and in the forefront of my mind … it’s like I can’t even think about anything else anymore.
All I want is to fuck her again.
And then tell her how stupid she is for wasting her time in college like this.
I wonder why she’s doing this. It can’t be just because of me … or maybe it is.
But I don’t want to give myself that much credit. After all, I was just a way for her to get rid of her virgin status.
There must be more going on in her life that makes her so careless. I should’ve known. When a girl like her fucks a man like me, it isn’t just random. There’s always more to it. Just like there is to me.
When class is over, I spit out my pencil and tap the table. “That’s it, guys! Time to pack up. See you Monday.”
The students pack their things, get up, and leave, while I sit here and stare ahead. The clock ticks on and on, and nothing happens. I enjoy the silence, as long as it lasts.
When the door creaks open, I’m all ears.
Chapter 7
When I open the door and peek inside, the seats are completely empty. Fuck. I’m too late.
“Come in.”
My ears perk up at the sound of his voice, and I push the door open farther.
Thomas spins his chair around and greets me with a warm, seductive smile. “Hailey. How nice of you to come.”
He puts so much emphasis on that last word that it makes me quiver in place.
I swallow away the nerves and walk inside.
He picks up a pencil and starts to play with it, casually flipping it between two fingers, his eyes completely focused on me. I struggle not to blush from his blatant stare as I stand in front of his desk, waiting for him to tell me how I broke the rules.
“So … you’re finally here,” he muses, as if he wants to rub it in.
I cock my head and take a deep breath, but I don’t respond.
“What made you come?”
Again, that emphasis … it’s as if he wants me to think about other dirtier things. “You told me to come.”
“Yes. Where you should’ve been for about an hour or two. Class is over now. You missed it.”
“Guess so. Sorry.” I shrug.
“No, you’re not,” he says, narrowing his eyes. “And still, you came back. Why?”
I rub my lips together. “I don’t know.”
“You … wanted to come back.”
“Not really.”
“Yes, you did. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have. The power of persuasion.” He smirks. “You came back because I told you to.” He leans back in his chair, one leg over the other.
“I came back because I know I should’ve been here.”
“But you only came back after I told you to. You felt like you needed to listen to me.”
I frown. “Where are you going with this?”
He smiles and then scoots back his chair and gets up. “Nowhere.”
God, he’s playing me. Again.