Page 24 of Bad Teacher
Things that I push away the moment they even try to get to the forefront of my mind.
At the moment, besides my job, Hailey is pretty much the only bright spot in my life, which says a lot. She seems to kill the pain like nothing else.
I stare at the bottle of painkillers on my nightstand and hesitate to take one.
It would make it easier to sleep.
But I don’t want to. I don’t want to keep relying on those pills to bring myself into a state of happiness. Or sleep. But I know what can.
Thinking of her.
She’s been all over my dreams lately, and not just that. Every night, I catch myself scrolling through the photos on her profile just to get a little closer. Maybe that makes me a stalker, but I don’t care.
So I reach for my cell phone and start looking, just as I do every day.
It makes me smile.
Her face makes me feel warm and wanted.
Her body makes me hard and greedy.
Without thinking, I reach for the message button and start to type.
Thomas: Wear something nice to class tomorrow.
Hailey: Xcuse me, but Y are U PMing me on Facebook?
Thomas: Because I can. And stop using that awful text language. You know how to write.
Hailey: Geez. Grumpy? Need another jerk off?
Thomas: I need you to behave, or I will jerk off on your ass again. Now, are you going to wear something nice tomorrow or not?
Hailey: Nice? Like pink socks and unicorn shirt nice, or Japanese-schoolgirl-outfit nice?
Thomas: You know what I mean.
Hailey: Okay … I see where this is going. But why?
Thomas: Don’t ask questions you already know the answers to. I’ll see you tomorrow.
Hailey: Or else?
Thomas: Don’t test my patience.
Hailey: Sorry, can’t help it. I’m a rebel.
Thomas: If you don’t stop teasing, I’ll spank you again.
Hailey: Is that a threat or a promise?
Thomas: Good night, Hailey.
Hailey: I wanna know what I’m doing it for.
Thomas: Go to sleep.
I turn off my phone and place it on the nightstand.
If she replies again, she’s in trouble tomorrow. Big time.
But I suspect she won’t.
After all, she’s finally learned what happens when you don’t listen to the teacher …
* * *
The next day
It’s ridiculous.
I look ridiculous.
Why? Because I’m wearing a fucking miniskirt with actual pantyhose and high heels, coupled with a crop top. I look like a certified hooker. Like I could go out onto the streets right now and get money thrown at my face.
Actually, that’s a good thing. I like money.
Although I wouldn’t sell my body for it, I’d sure let them throw it at me if they wanted.
Hot damn, I really look nice … and so totally not like me.
This isn’t an appropriate school outfit anyway, but who cares?
I don’t, that’s for sure.
If people are gonna stare, so be it.
He asked me to do this, so I will.
Yes, I’m doing this for him.
Yes, I have lost my mind.
I mean, after what he did—squirting his cum all over my panties and making me wear them the entire fucking day—I should’ve been pissed off beyond control. But I wasn’t. Well, at first I was royally pissed, but when I first sat down and felt his warmth flow between my slit, I felt so turned on.
I couldn’t stop thinking about him. All day long. All I could think about was his cum and how I could feel its slickness mingling with my own.
I just knew that was his intention from the start.
Getting me to fantasize about him … that’s just his thing.
And now this.
Dressing up like some doll.
I don’t even know why I enjoy it, but I do.
I like being naughty and wrong.
“Wow, you look …” Lesley says as she walks by. “Different.”
“Different good? Or different horrible?” I ask, turning around.
“Neither. No comment.” She slams her lips together, but her eyes are still judging me.
“Oh, c’mon. Tell me what you really think.”
“Nuh-uh.” She shakes her head. “You do you.”
“No, I wanna hear it. Give it to me straight.”
“I don’t wanna be a bitch.”
“How is that different from any other day?” I muse, raising a brow.
She rolls her eyes. “Oh, fuck you. Okay, fine, you look like a hooker. Happy now?”
“Yes.” I grin.
“Why is that a good thing?” she asks as I grab my backpack.
“Because that’s exactly what I was aiming for.”
“Are you looking for a job on the side or something? Jesus, Hailey, I know you had fun on your first time, but I wouldn’t start hustling on the streets.”
“Relax,” I say, laughing. “I’m not gonna.”
“Then why? Who are you trying to impress? Do you need to get laid again?”
“No, why do you think that? Can’t a girl just change her outfit every once in a while?”
“Depends if that girl is actually a fucking whore.” She sighs. “Hailey, you’re not a real ho. I know I said that, but it was only a joke.”