Page 33 of Bad Teacher
Thomas: You. Will. Trust me on that.
My fingers hurt from typing so fast. God, what I wouldn’t give to be able to bend her over my leg and spank her hard right now.
Hailey: Really? And who’s going to make sure? You? How? With words?
I can already hear her laughter.
Thomas: Just because I ended things, doesn’t mean I don’t care.
Hailey: You don’t get to have your cake and eat it too.
Thomas: Watch me.
My anger gets the best of me as I slam the laptop shut and throw it beside me on the couch.
Growling out loud, I get to my kitchen and reach for the bottle of rum, taking a sip without pouring it into a glass first.
Fuck glasses.
I need some heavy liquor to get me through this.
My cat suddenly jumps up onto the table, scaring the living shit out of me.
“Ninja! Fuck. Why do you always have to do that?” I yell at him, but when he purrs and rubs his face against my hand, I instantly forgive him.
Something about cat love makes it impossible to ignore.
I pick him up and cuddle with him, like real grown-up men do, because fuck masculinity.
Giving my cat love doesn’t make me any less of a man.
I have my huge dick to prove that for me.
I smirk as I set Ninja back down and rummage in the drawer to take out his favorite play toy. A miniature dildo that rolls around on the floor.
“Go play with the dildo!” I jest, laughing as I throw it away, and he immediately jumps after it.
Suddenly, my phone buzzes.
I pick it up from the table next to my door and check the messages.
It’s a picture sent through Facebook from none other than Hailey Walters.
And it’s her fucking ass.
On a fucking table.
With a middle finger sticking up from her back.
I put the bottle down to stop myself from throwing it across the room.
Thomas: Have you lost your mind?
Hailey: I just wanted to give you a taste of what you’re gonna miss.
Thomas: I’m not missing anything. You’re acting like a child.
Hailey: Maybe you shouldn’t have treated me like a kid then.
Thomas: Do you even know how dangerous this is?
Hailey: What? Sending you pictures? It can’t be any more dangerous than fucking at school.
She has a point there.
But … she’s not doing this to make a point.
She just wants to piss me off.
Thomas: Don’t send me more.
Hailey: Why? Making you uncomfortable? Poor you.
I close my phone and clench my teeth. I sit back down on the couch and turn on the television, determined not to get distracted. However, each time the phone buzzes, I can’t help but wonder what she sent now.
Curiosity eventually kills the cat.
Well, not my own cat, of course.
It’s just a fucking figure of speech.
I open my laptop and check Facebook.
I regret it instantly.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen this many swear words in one conversation. Some are even British and make me chuckle. I have to admit, the girl’s brave. I close my laptop again, determined not to pay any more attention to it.
Except she doesn’t stop.
Not in the middle of the night.
Not the next day.
Or the day after.
Or the entire week, for that matter.
It’s driving me nuts.
Pictures of her flood my inbox, ranging from middle fingers to actual pussy and titty pictures. Her ass is everywhere, in strange positions, and with a variety of tools and toys, almost as if to mock me. I try to ignore it, even though it makes my blood boil.
She makes it impossible when she shows up in class in a tight red dress. Every boy in class looks at her like she’s some sort of sex bomb, their hungry little eyes and drooling mouths making me break a fucking Sharpie.
I get it. She’s fucking sexy, and now that she’s discovered it herself, she won’t give me or anyone else a break. The way she prances around class, showing off her best assets, has gotten my attention, all right.
To the point of me giving the entire class extra homework.
Now, everybody’s pissed off.
Well, at least I’m not the only one.
When class ends, I want to call her back and tell her to stay for extra study time. Real study time. If I can’t punish her my way, I’ll punish her the old-fashioned way.
“Hailey,” I yell as she’s the last one to leave with Lesley.
She sticks up her middle finger, not even granting me one look.
Shaking my head, I laugh.
I guess telling a girl you want to quit the random sex really does piss her off.
She just doesn’t realize she’s not the only one who misses it.
But just because I miss it doesn’t make it the right choice.
Not with so much on the line.
Every time I look at that girl, Lesley, I wonder if she’s going to burst one day … And then everyone will know what I’ve done. My life will be over.