Page 40 of Bad Teacher
I grin, nodding too.
“You’d like that?” he asks.
“Yeah … I think so.”
His fingers curl around my chin, and he turns my head toward him. “But I want you to always remember I am still your teacher. If anyone asks, we never did anything, and we’re not familiar with each other, other than being student and teacher. We didn’t kiss. We didn’t fuck. We never even touched.”
“Gotcha.” I make an arrow with my index finger and thumb and point it at him. “Well”—I get up from the bed—“I guess it’s time for me to go then.”
He just watches as I go back into the living room and collect all my clothes. It feels awkward with him leaning against the door. Somehow, he also managed to put on sweatpants while I wasn’t looking. Too bad. I kinda liked staring at his dick.
I scream.
“What the—” There’s a cat running through my legs, almost making me fall. Jesus Christ. There’s a cat. He has a cat?
Thomas laughs. “Ninja, don’t scare her.”
“You have a cat?” I say as if I didn’t already see it with my own fucking eyes. “Why didn’t I know that?”
Thomas laughs as Ninja hides under the bed. “He likes to hide when I have visitors. Doesn’t like pussies he can’t have.”
Shaking my head, I laugh and slap my forehead. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”
“What?” Thomas shrugs.
“That’s gotta be one of the corniest jokes I’ve ever heard.”
“Made you laugh.”
I narrow my eyes at him but can’t help smile. “That cat’s probably just as much of a hermit as you are.”
“Ha-ha. Very funny.” He picks up Ninja and pets him. “Ninja and I just share a special bond.”
“The bond of not getting laid enough,” I retort.
“The bond of always attracting pussy wherever we go,” he says. “I mean look what’s in my house right this very moment.”
“And you both have gigantic balls,” I muse, watching him stroke the cat which raises its tail to expose some parts I’d rather not see.
“And proud of it,” Thomas boasts.
I roll my eyes and stop fueling the fire by keeping my mouth shut. I put on my shoes and brush my fingers through my hair. Then I turn around. “So … I’ll see you later then?”
“Um …” He points at my neck. “You put your dress on backward.”
My eyes widen, and my cheeks turn red as I notice the little tag sitting just below my collarbone. How could I mess this up? Fuck, I’m stupid.
“The cat distracted me,” I say.
He laughs as I hurry to take the dress off and on again, suddenly very conscious of the fact that I’m undressing in front of him. Again. I wonder if I’ll ever get used to his penetrating gaze. It’s like he fucks me with just his eyes. As if he still hasn’t gotten enough. Will he ever?
Will I ever have enough?
So many questions I don’t know the answer to.
All I know is that I don’t want it to end … yet.
I bite my lip and say, “Um … Thanks. I guess. See you in class.”
I turn around and walk toward the door when he interrupts me again. “Hailey … I’m going to make an appointment with the doctor for both of us. To get tested. I don’t expect anything to show up, but I just want to make sure.”
“Why?” I ask, my hand resting on the door handle.
“So I can fuck you bare. No condom.”
That comment returns the heat to my body.
“I’ll be expecting you to show up if you want this little thing we have to continue,” he says.
I glance at him over my shoulder. “I’d like that.”
His eyes narrow, but his tipping lip reveals a hidden smile. “Between the two of us … I don’t think we could quit. Even if we wanted to.”
I grin. “Touché.” I turn around again but then hesitate. “Before I go … I just want you to know, I’m not some hooker you can just call up to get laid.”
“Of course, not,” he says.
“I have feelings too.”
“I know,” he says, taking a deep breath.
I lick my lips then ask, “Do you promise not to shove me aside again?”
His brows draw together, and he purses his lips. “I …”
“Don’t tell me something you don’t want to say,” I interject. “I want the truth.”
“I won’t do it as easily as I did before,” he says.
“You’d better not because I won’t be as easy to win back either.” I smile at him and then turn my head away, determined not to let him get to me.
Even though he already has.
Because who am I kidding? I’m already head over heels … and I know my crush is also doomed to fail.
But that doesn’t mean a girl can’t dream.
Chapter 16
I come home in the middle of the night.
Lesley is fast asleep, snoring her way through what looks like raunchy dreams, judging by the amount of drool on her pillow. She moans a little when I close the door. I chuckle to myself as I take off my clothes and hop into bed. The moment my head touches the pillow, she groans again.