Page 5 of Bad Teacher
I shrug, smiling. Guess I don’t even have to bother. “Cool. Keep it then.”
She narrows her eyes and then storms off.
After a few seconds, I hear the shower running, and I smile to myself. I don’t think this girl really knew what she was doing, after all. She seems clueless, yet it’s kind of endearing too. Not that it matters because I probably won’t ever see her again.
When she’s done showering, I place two cups of coffee on the counter and wait for her to step out. She’s still in her bra and panties as she walks over to me.
“Don’t want to put your clothes back on?” I ask, raising my brows.
“Too hot.”
“Then I guess you don’t want this either.” I attempt to pull the cup of coffee away, but she grabs it before I can.
“I’ll take it,” she muses, our eyes locking for the first time since we had sex.
She blushes and pulls the cup away, almost as if she’s afraid to touch my fingers.
I sigh. Time to pull out the big guns. “Look, I know this is awkward, but it doesn’t have to be,” I say. “It was just sex.”
“Just sex,” she repeats as if it’s a mantra to herself.
“Right, and it doesn’t mean anything.”
“Meaningless sex.” Her eyes drift off a little as she takes a sip of her coffee.
“Doesn’t mean it wasn’t good,” I say, taking a sip too. “You tell me.”
She glances at me and then looks away again.
“Or not. It doesn’t matter. As long as you don’t regret it.”
“No,” she says, looking straight at me. “I don’t regret it. It’s just … the first time I’ve ever done this.”
“What? Just sex?”
“Yeah. Just sex. No boyfriend. No date. No nothing.”
I smile as I put my cup down. “And did you like it?”
A wicked, dirty smile creeps onto her lips. “A lot.”
I grin. “Good. Just remember that.”
After she drinks her coffee, she gets up and collects her clothes, putting them on again with ease. I watch her from a distance as she makes her way to my door. I hesitate to follow her and open it for her, but I know it’ll only make it more difficult, so I don’t.
“Thanks for the coffee,” she says as her hand rests on the door handle. “And for the sex. Oh, and for the broom, of course.” She grins playfully as she grabs the broken broom off the floor.
I laugh and wink. “You’re welcome, I guess.”
She nods, flicking her hair back as she opens the door. “See ya. Or not.”
“Or not,” I repeat.
Not is what I usually say … but, for some reason, looking at her leave gives me the shivers. Like I’m supposed to say something. Like I’m supposed to make her stop and ask for her number. Or at least ask her to come back sometime.
I don’t know why. I never have this thought with any girl.
But then the moment disappears as she closes the door behind her and sucks all the hotness out of the room in an instant. I walk to the door and listen as she walks away. Her wedges are the last thing I hear clicking in the dark before I turn around and walk away, repeating my mantra over and over in my head.
Walk away, Thomas, walk away.
Don’t get attached.
Don’t ever get to know them.
Don’t ever fall in love again.
Chapter 2
I tiptoe into my dorm room and close the door without making a sound. My roomie, Lesley, is sprawled facedown on her bed. One of her feet almost touches the floor, and I can hear her snore. Containing my laughter, I go to my bed and quickly undress to hop under the warm blanket.
Smiling to myself, I can’t stop thinking about what I just did.
Sneaking out to dance in the middle of the night.
It’s so not what I usually do, but it was definitely worth it.
Fuck. I just fucked.
For the very first time.
And Jesus, it was just as amazing as Lesley says it is.
Although I don’t think she got tied up. Or tongue-fucked right before.
God, it was amazing, and all I wanna do is scream, but that would make me an asshole for waking her up, so I don’t.
I’m no longer a freaking virgin. Fucking finally.
* * *
The next morning
I don’t think I’ve ever slept this well. At least not while sleeping with that snore whore next to me. I smile stupidly as I put on my clothes and look at myself in the mirror, thinking ‘fuck yeah, this bitch got laid!’ Then I pack my bag for the first day of the second semester at college.
Yes, I know it’s seriously fucked up, but I really didn’t wanna end up in class being the only virgin. And I can now honestly say I am in love with dick. Maybe I’ll become a junkie. Beats getting drunk at a party any day.