Page 50 of Bad Teacher
Suffice to say, once we reach my door, I immediately smash my mouth into hers.
“Fuck, you sucked me so good. You almost made me come,” I groan into her mouth.
“Almost? More like damn-we-didn’t-have-enough-time.”
“I was on the verge of bursting multiple times. I would’ve come in your mouth if I wasn’t too busy trying to get us home alive.”
She laughs. “Right … I’m not that good.”
I bite my lip and press another soft, sensual kiss on the right side of her mouth. “It was so good. I’m going to make you do it again.”
“I already had other plans for you tonight, but now that I know how good you are with your tongue, I’m going to make you use it more often. And the next time, you won’t be the one deciding the pace.”
“Oh …” She grins, chuckling devilishly. “Continue …”
I lean in, grab her by the waist, and whisper into her ear, “Next time you suck me off, it’s going to be rough, and I might come in your throat, depending on whether I can choose between filling your mouth or your ass.”
She closes her eyes and she hisses; the sound so familiar it makes my cock twitch again. She makes that sound when her panties are soaked from just my words. The effect I have on her is amazing. We’re attuned to each other, like we can feel each other’s needs without even having to say a word.
Connected in a different way.
Connected, not just with sex … but something deeper.
But now is not the time to explore that.
My cock is too hard and eager, and the heat in her pussy is begging to be quenched.
My hand drifts to her dress, and I casually slide down her zipper, peeling away the dress. It falls down onto the floor, our eyes never ceasing contact. The silence between us is electrifying, so much so, that I immediately pull away the clip that keeps her bra in place and let it fall too. Her panties are gone within a few seconds too.
Without lowering my head, I let my eyes roam free across her body, taking in her perfect figure, with its dimples and blemishes, admiring each and every one of them.
From top to bottom and back again. Her face, framed by a bob cut, so sweet and innocent, with a smile that could warm even the most frozen of hearts.
A heart like mine.
I take a fistful of her hair and pull, forcing her head down as my lips smash to hers. I push and push until she goes to her knees, at which point our lips detach. Her tongue dips out to wet them, almost as if she’s begging for more without actually asking for it, and I oblige.
I reach down for her chin, tilt her head, and kiss her once more before turning away.
“Wait here,” I say.
She doesn’t even object.
The soundlessness of her non-existent protest is like music to my ears.
Even though just minutes ago we were having what seemed like an argument, it’s now turned into the greatest bliss there is.
Sex without repercussions. Sex without guilt.
Just sex.
And maybe a little bit of heart.
Just a tiny bit.
So tiny, it’s practically invisible.
And if anyone asks, I’ll deny it’s there … even though it is.
Chapter 20
I sit on my knees on his floor, awaiting his return. I don’t move from my spot. I don’t ask questions. I do what a good girl does … wait for her lover to return.
I don’t feel like I need to move or say anything. I’m content where I am now.
Well, apart from the buzzing in my ass, but now that I’ve felt it for so long, I’ve almost gotten used to it. Every jolt reminds me of him and how he steals my breath away.
I’m addicted to him.
Addicted to giving myself away to someone like him, someone I can feel in my heart I can trust.
Addicted to the power play.
The distraction.
The sex.
Because that’s all it is.
God, I’m a liar, but a good one too.
When I feel his hand on my shoulder, I melt a little.
He said I belonged to him. That he owned me. That I’m his.
And those words went straight to my head.
Made me so complacent and weak in the knees.
“Hands behind your back,” he says, and I do just that. Something soft and silky is tied around my wrists. “I’m going to put something over your eyes too. Don’t be alarmed.”
He holds a dark, purple scarf in front of my head, and brings it closer until it blocks out the light, binding it around my head. It smells like him, and I imagine him wearing this under a thick coat in the winter.
“Stand up,” he says, and I get up from my knees.
I hear him circle around me, a soft, leathery sound in the background. My ears focus on the sounds more now that I can’t see, and I can hear every breath he inhales and every thump of my heart in my throat.