Page 63 of Bad Teacher
Thirty minutes later
As I run up to his apartment, I hear voices yelling from afar. For a second, I contemplate leaving again, but my curiosity is too strong to deny. I wanna know what’s going on, so I sneak up to the door and listen in on a conversation I know I shouldn’t be hearing.
“Please, just leave me alone,” Thomas says with a low, defeated voice.
“No. I followed you here for a reason. You might think you’ve gotten off easily by storming off like that, but I don’t accept it.” It’s the woman’s voice.
“I never said I had it easy or that I want it to be easy! I just want it to be over.” His voice fluctuates in tone.
“Tough shit, Thomas. You should’ve told me what was going on. Should’ve been honest with me.” It sounds like her, the woman that came to his office. Natalie.
“It’s none of your business,” he growls.
“Yes, it is! And you know damn well why!” She sighs out loud. “You’ve been acting so strange lately, and now, I know why. I told you to get your shit together, to stop drinking and finally pick up your life, and what do you do? You fuck it up with one of your own fucking students.”
“I know!” I hear glass shattering, and it makes me jolt against the wall. I almost lose my balance, but I catch myself on the doorpost. “Dammit, don’t tell me what I already know.”
“Then you also know you have no right to be pissed off at your own mistake. I’m the one who should be pissed off. You slept with a student. How am I supposed to think that’s right?”
“You don’t,” he says.
“Of course, not! Goddammit … After everything I did for you.”
Everything she did for him?
“This is how you repay me?” she adds.
“Please … just leave me alone,” he mutters.
“No. I need an explanation.”
“I don’t have one, okay?” he yells. “It just happened. We fucked. A few times. It didn’t mean anything.”
Didn’t mean anything?
Tears well up in my eyes again, but I blink them away.
My heart is breaking slowly.
And when I thought it couldn’t break anymore, she opens her mouth again.
“It’s done. You’re done. I’m done. Over. I quit.”
She quits.
They’re done.
With trembling hands, I release the doorpost, only to stagger forward.
I thought it couldn’t be true, but apparently, it is.
Without thinking, I peek through the open door and look at the both of them, stampeding through his room. He’s rubbing his face while hers reminds me of thunder and lightning.
I suppose it’s only fitting … for an angry girlfriend.
Because that’s what it’s always been.
That’s what I was afraid to see. Afraid to admit.
That moment when she dropped him off, I should’ve believed Lesley. Shouldn’t have ignored that looming feeling of betrayal.
Because damn … what a sad thing to find out that you’re not the only one.
That it’s all just been a fling.
And I fell for it.
All along, I could’ve known. I could’ve asked, but I didn’t.
I let us stay in limbo. And now, I pay the price.
With tear-stained eyes, I stand in front of his door, not giving a shit if either of them sees me.
When they look up and see me, their faces turn cold with sweat, and his eyes grow big.
I stand strong, even though I feel weak and broken.
But I refuse to let him see.
I refuse to be his victim.
I will stand as he falls.
And when his lips part, I turn away and run.
Run as fast as I can, away from his apartment, for the last time.
Chapter 24
Fuck, fuck, fuck!
“Hailey!” I yell, but she’s already disappeared from view the moment I step out my door.
“Let her go,” Natalie says, and she places her hand on my shoulder. “It’s not worth it.”
“Dammit, she heard everything,” I say, shaking her hand off. “I knew it. I knew I never should’ve let you in. Look what happened.”
“That’s all on you,” she says. “You should’ve dealt with it when you had the chance.”
“It? Her name is Hailey.”
“And now her name is ‘gone-girl,’” she jests. “It’s too late, Thomas. She won’t come back, trust me.”
I look out the window, but I can’t see her anywhere, not even in the parking lot. Fury makes me slam my fist into the wall. “Fuck!”
“Calm down,” she says. “It’s not gonna help you.”
“I have to go after her,” I say.
“No, don’t. You’ve already ruined your career. Don’t ruin her too.”
“But she hates me,” I growl.
“Then it’s only easier for her to let you go. It wouldn’t have worked out anyway.” She rubs my back. “I mean, look at you two. She’s young; you’re not. You have a job; she doesn’t. You already have a whole history behind you. She’s only just starting out. She’s different than you are. Your lives don’t match. It could never have been more than a fling.”