Page 36 of Naked or Dead
My breath catches in my throat. “I didn’t think we were talking about that.”
“That’s the only good thing that came out of that night. It’s the only part that I want to focus on.”
My back hits the tree, and my mind conjures an image of the way he kissed that girl at school. I want that.
The breeze whips through his hair, sending it across his face. I push it back behind him and then hold the sides of his smooth neck, letting my thumb feel for his pulse. It throbs against me, synchronizing with my own.
“You always look at me like that.”
“Like what?” I breathe.
“Like you can’t decide if you want to see me naked, or dead.”
I blanche and then I start laughing hysterically because he has no idea how hard he just hit that nail on the head. “Something like that. Maybe both together.”
“That so?”
He lifts his shirt over his head, pulling it off in one swift move that flexes every muscle of his abdomen, making each pec tighten while accentuating every strong, deep groove.
Oh… wow.
I place my hand over his heart, and he puts his over mine. He’s so warm.
So tanned compared to me.
“I want to kiss you, but I don’t want to hurt you,” he breathes, letting his fingers drift over the swollen part of my face.
He kisses my temple, the swollen side. I close my eyes. His lips are softer than I thought they’d be and his touch sends lust and tingles spiraling through my body.
I gulp. “Why did you have to be shirtless for a kiss?”
“I wanted to give you more of a reason to say yes.”
I laugh and bite my lip. “You’re so arrogant.”
“Is it endearing?”
Shaking my head, I stand on my tiptoes, the bark of the tree grazing the soft skin of my back. “Not in the slightest.”
Our lips meet… at last.
I allow myself this thing that I will never allow myself again, and deepen it, pressing my tongue to his. He’s gentle, frustratingly so. Too gentle. I need more. I need harder. I need him to consume me.
I pull back and search his eyes. “I’m not a delicate flower. Kiss me harder than you’ve ever kissed anyone in your entire life.”
His brows rise and his eyes flare with arousal that he’s now pressing against me.
He says nothing, he just grabs me and pulls me into his body. Mine slots perfectly against his, like two human puzzle pieces now a complete picture.
I moan when he assaults my mouth with his tongue, stealing my air and making it impossible to get more. But he knows when to pull back, when to let me breathe and I almost hate my need for air because it means I must separate from him which is something I don’t want to do at all.
His hands wander to my hips and then sneak around to grasp my rear. We both groan, a rough harmonious note of wanting more, but more is where I have to draw the line. Or is it? Maybe I don’t have to stop. Maybe we can keep going. Maybe I can try.
Something is watching you.
My mind screams it at me, but I don’t want to stop. I loathe the idea that this has to end. It’s the most I’ve felt since… since…
I can feel the prickles of distant eyes on my skin. A flash of paranoia lights up my hazy brain like lightning through a gray cloud.
I open an eye, expecting it to simply be paranoia, but dread twists my gut, and a humming sounds through my head when I put a body to the eyes I felt on me mid-kiss. He’s back. The man from before.
Dark clothes, dark hair, heavy jacket.
No face.
“Nok,” I breathe, pushing against him and pointing to the shade of the trees across the stream.
He turns, sensing a change in me as I look at the faceless man watching us from the shadows. I point and the man ducks down behind a bush. “What is it?”
“He’s back, right there. Just staring at us.”
Nok pulls away, keeping me behind him as he surveys the area. “I can’t see anyone.”
“He dropped down when I saw him.”
He looks at me like he doesn’t believe me and why would he?
“I’m serious,” I admonish, slapping his chest. “He was standing right there.”
Sighing, he peels away from me with clear reluctance. “Wait here.” I reach down for my knife and pull it from my boot, but he immediately takes it from my hand. “You don’t need to be playing with that today.”
I’m not a delicate fucking wet paper towel that needs protecting but something tells me not to let him cross that stream alone without it.
He holds it as he hops across the rocks in the water, peering over and around all of the mossy obstacles that separate him from the creep.