Page 41 of Naked or Dead
“Stop,” I whisper, it’s weak, I’m not sure he heard me.
He pushes a finger into my slick sex, rolling it over my clitoris and making me almost scream with the pleasure it inscribes onto my very soul.
His large hands push down my pants, getting them halfway over my curved rear. The denim is tight and traps my legs together.
For a moment I panic, feeling an urge to run wash over me more powerful than my lust for Nokosi.
“Stop,” I demand, firmer this time.
He stops his frantic undressing of me and instead cages me in, his chest heaving. “Please… don’t make me stop.”
I tug up my jeans and fasten them before I can convince myself to keep going. I really want to keep going. “Use your hand later.”
“No hand of mine can cure how I’m feeling right now.”
I kind of like that. I want him to pine over me. I want him to feel desperate for me. I want to push him and watch him unravel with his need for me.
I guide him backwards with my own hand to his chest and shrug my shoulders. “Sorry, bro. Maybe next time.”
With blazing eyes, he storms away from me, acting every bit the petulant child that he is.
I smile, knowing I have him right where I want him. I’ll always have him right where I want him.
Hook, line, and sinker.
I hadn’t planned on using Loki as bait for Nok but it is working out quite nicely. It’s Tuesday lunch break and Loki, bless his heart, insisted I sit with him. Now, I was going to say no because I’m still mad at Loki for talking about my business. But… he asked me before school, by my car, right after Nok pulled up in his truck.
He didn’t just ask me; he also picked a bug off my collar and I saw Nok’s eyes find us and slowly change from normal to angry.
Nok had stared, glared, foamed at the mouth. I swear I even heard him growl when I looped my arm through Loki’s and let him guide me inside.
He’s possessive but in a really sexy way. Or maybe it’s just because I’m attracted to him, because in other men I’d find it irritating.
Loki slides his tray closer to me. “Want anything?”
I take a grape. They have those here.
“How are you feeling?”
“You asked me that this morning.”
He smiles sheepishly. “Maybe you’ve changed your mind since then.”
The look I level him with is flat.
“Or not.”
I look around the cafeteria, wondering why I even bother with this place. It’s boring and typical as fuck. I’m not learning anything worthwhile here. Not anything I need anyway. I’m just wasting precious time.
Yet I can’t help but find this place intriguing and endearing. The way people are with each other. How they help each other. It’s not as stuck-up as I thought.
Bullying here is at an all-time low from what I’ve seen. Girls who wouldn’t normally interact are hanging together in little bubbles. There’s no jock worship for the most part.
I’m going to be sad to see it in life’s rearview mirror.
All except one.
One whom I’ve seen today laughing and joking amongst their peers. I hate them by default, but they deserve it.
“I’ll be back,” I murmur to Loki who was talking about something I wasn’t listening to.
He huffs, but he won’t take it personally. He wants in my pants too much.
“Where are you going?” Nok asks me as I pass him and his group of friends. I know their names, but we’ve never spoken.
They look amongst themselves, confused, waiting to see if anybody knows what I said.
“Nonya?” Nok’s lips twitch.
“Yep. Nonya business.”
His friends laugh as I saunter past, one of them makes a comment about what a great ass I have. I give it a bit of extra sway until I’m out of the door. Gunning for one person in particular.
“Barbie,” I say, making my voice high and welcoming.
“Hi, Lilith,” she replies, making her voice equally as high and welcoming. Her eyes move to my swollen temple as students move around us at her locker.
Tish is looking at her phone, disinterested in this exchange.
“How are you? I heard you got into it with Nokosi?” Barbie winces when she sees the yellowing bruise. “What happened?”
“Can I talk to you?” I whisper, swallowing dramatically as my eyes fill with tears. “I just… I need to vent.”
She places her hand over her heart. “Oh wow, of course.”
When she clicks her fingers at Tish, the girl looks up at last and smiles. “Hey, Lilith.”
“Hey, Tish.”
“We’ll be back.” Barbie links her arm through mine. “I’m so glad you came to me. I know exactly how you’re feeling.”
“I know.” We enter the girls’ bathroom around the next corner, only unlinking arms to get through the door. It smells like peaches. Even the bathrooms in this place are fucking insanely clean.