Page 57 of Deep Woods
With my legs around him, he could free one hand from my waist. He slid his fingers through my hair, burying them deep in the cool wetness, using his thumb to wipe beads of water from my forehead as he kissed me. His palm was deliciously warm against my cheek and he used it to guide me, turning me how he wanted me for his kisses. They were becoming deeper, the tip of his tongue playing with my lips and then darting between them, seeking out mine and dancing with it.
He started moving around the cabin. Each one of his heavy footsteps bounced me against him, rubbing the washboard of his abs against my groin. At first, he was just turning around and around, too fired up to stay still. But then his steps grew purposeful and he marched us over to one particular spot and stopped. I still had my eyes closed but after a few seconds, I figured out where we were. I could feel heat bathing my back through the blanket and warming my soaking hair. He’d moved us next to the stove.
Realization hit. He’s moved us next to the stove so that I won’t freeze when he takes the blanket off me. My groin tightened and that scarlet drumbeat inside me boomed louder, faster.
His hand started exploring me under the blanket, running up from the naked curve of my waist, his thumb brushing the side of my breast and making me heady. Then down, sliding around the crease of my hip to cup my ass cheek and tug me harder against him. Both of us panted harder and he broke the kiss, lifting my head so that he could shower kisses down my chin and down the length of my throat. Between his warmth against my front and the stove warming me from behind, the last of the chill was chased from my body. I fumbled with the blanket, but it was trapped between us. I wanted to be naked against him, needed to be, but I wasn’t sure how to go about—
The hand that was exploring me slid around my back until he was holding me under the arms. Then he lifted me up and away from him. He used his other arm to gather the blanket and pull. Soft wool caressed my nipples for a second as it was whipped away and then it was fluttering to the floor and I was hanging there nude, dangling in his grip, my toes kicking just clear of the floor. I opened my eyes and found that he was looking right at me, his gaze raking up and down my body. I stared back at him, lips parted in shock. I’d never been so utterly naked before, not just bare but displayed, hanging there helplessly just a few feet from his eyes. I’d never been confident about my body but the way he looked at me, the way his gaze just ate me up, made me light up with pride.
He brought me closer to him and used both hands to lift me higher, so that my breasts swayed towards his face. I realized what he was about to do a split second before he did it and felt my lips open in an O...then his mouth enveloped my nipple. I arched my back, pressing against him as his tongue worked at the hardened bud, hotly bathing it and then circling around the edge in a way that made me grind my hips in mid-air.
He licked my breasts for long minutes, until I was a writhing, groaning mess. I could feel the heat of the stove baking my naked back and ass, blasting away the last of the water. But now my front was glowing, too, the heat of his mouth making me throb and pant.
He slid one arm around my waist and pulled me against him, and I threw my arms around his neck. That freed one of his hands and he slid it slowly down between us...and between my legs. When he cupped me, I went weak...and then a thick finger was sliding up into me, finding me wet and ready.
He carried me across the room and my heart sped up as I realized we were heading for the bed. When we reached it, he bent low and then dropped me the last few feet, so that I landed with a gasp and a bounce. His finger only left me at the last second and I lay there staring up at him, feeling the emptiness, the ache where it had been. And he gazed right back at me, eyes locked on that exact place, and then lifted his head and looked me straight in the eye as he pulled off his clothes.
His shirt first, tossed on the floor to reveal the caramel boulders of his shoulders and biceps, the chest so wide and strong that it made my pussy twitch and my skin tingle, my whole body anticipating the hard press of him against it.