Page 38 of Tender Triumph
"I am planning to."
Katie was now so angry she'd have knocked him down and wrestled him for the damned keys. She strode up to him, jammed her hand down into his side pocket ignoring the intimacy, and jerked them out. "Thank you," she said snidely.
"Thank you," he replied suggestively.
She whirled around and took a step, only to have her blanket come loose and fall to the ground—with the aid of Ramon's booted foot, which was firmly planted on the end of it. With her fists clenched impotently at her sides, Katie swung around on her heel.
"How could you think I would deliberately do a thing like that to you?" he asked her quietly.
Katie scanned his handsome, composed face, and her anger evaporated, leaving her deflated. "Didn't you?"
"What do you think?"
Katie bit her lip, feeling utterly foolish and thoroughly obnoxious. "I—I don't think you did," she admitted, glancing at her bare feet in dejected shame.
His voice was tinged with amusement. "Now what are you going to do?"
Katie's blue eyes were warm with laughter and apology when she raised them to his. "I am going to show you how sorry I am by waiting on you hand and foot for the rest of the night!"
"I see," he said with an answering grin. "In that case, what should I do now?"
"Just stand there while I arrange the blanket, then I'll pour you some wine and fix you a sandwich." With amused satisfaction, Ramon allowed her to fix him three roast beef sandwiches, keep his wineglass filled, and provide him with slices of cheese whenever he requested one.
"A man could get used to this," he chuckled when Katie insisted on not only peeling his apple but cutting it into wedges and feeding it to him.
Katie looked at him in the deepening twilight, her senses alive to his nearness. He was stretched out on his back, his hands linked behind his head, looking like a lithe, powerful jungle cat who knows that his prey is within reach and not going to escape.
"Katie," he murmured in a sensuous voice. "Do you know what I want now?"
Katie's hand stilled as she lifted her glass of wine to her lips, her pulse quickening. "What?" she asked softly.
"One of your back rubs," he announced, rolling onto his stomach, presenting his back for his ministrations.
Katie put her glass aside and came up on her knees beside him. His broad, muscled shoulders and tapered back felt like bunched satin, smooth and warm beneath her stroking fingers. She continued kneading and rubbing his hard flesh until her hands tired, then she sat back down and picked up her wineglass.
"Katie?" he said again, turning his dark head away from her.
"I did it on purpose."
In one lightning movement, Katie dumped her wine on his bare back, scampered to her feet and sprinted toward the house. Ramon grabbed her by the waist when she was halfway across the dark living room, his whole body shaking with laughter as she kicked backward at him. "You beast!" she gasped, caught somewhere between hilarity and hostility. "You are the most treacherous, arrogant—"
"Innocent person you know," he chuckled. "I give you my word."
"I could murder you!" she laughed, wriggling and writhing ineffectually in his unbreakable hold.
Behind her, his deep voice suddenly became very husky. "If you continue to do that, I am going to need a cold shower.''
Katie stilled, becoming aware of the stirring hardness pressing against her rounded bottom, while desire began to pour through her veins. His lips brushed her ear, then slid sensuously down the curve of her neck, tasting and exploring every inch of her exposed skin. His hands caressed her breasts with, the same possessive mastery that always made her knees weak.
"Your nipples are hard," he told her in a low, throbbing voice, his thumbs brushing over the hardened, sensitized nubs. "And your breasts are swelling to fill my hands. Turn around, querida" he murmured hotly, "I want to feel them against my chest."
Shivering with anticipation, Katie turned in his arms. He stared at the cleft between her full, aching breasts, then lifted his burning gaze to hers. Mesmerized, Katie watched his mouth slowly descending, as his hand slid up her nape and his fingers sank into her heavy hair.
The moment his parted lips covered hers the kiss was out of control. His tongue plunged into her mouth with a driving hunger and naked urgency that made Katie burst into flames in his arms.
His free hand swept down her spine, fusing her melting body to the scorching heat of his thighs, holding her there as he kissed her into absolute insensibility. He lifted his mouth from hers. "Come outside with me," he ordered hoarsely, and when Katie whispered "yes," he groaned and buried his lips in the moist softness of hers for one more endless, shattering kiss.
A blinding flash of light exploded behind Katie's closed eyelids at the same instant a voice demanded, "May I ask who performed the wedding that precipitated this honeymoon, Ramon?"
Katie's eyes snapped open, her shocked gaze flew to the peculiarly garbed man who was standing in the now brightly lit room, then ricochetted to Ramon whose head was thrown back, his eyes tightly shut, his expression a combination of utter disbelief, irritation and amusement. Sighing, Ramon finally opened his eyes and looked over his left shoulder at the intruder. "Padre Gregorio, I—"
Katie's knees buckled.
Ramon's arms tightened, his gaze swerving from the priest to Katie's white face with its huge, stricken eyes. "Katie, are you all right?" he asked anxiously.
"I am certain that Senorita Connelly is not all right," the old priest snapped. "She would undoubtedly like to go and clothe herself."
Embarrassed antagonism brought bright flags of color to Katie's pale cheeks. "My clothes are soaking wet," she said. Unfortunately at that moment she became conscious that with Ramon's arms around her, his shirt was hiked up above the lace band at the leg of her underpants. Self-consciously she jerked the shirt down and pulled away from Ramon's supporting arms.
"Then perhaps you would like to put that blanket I saw outside, to the use for which it was intended, and cover yourself with it."
Ramon said something in sharp Spanish to the priest and reached out to stop Katie, but she sidestepped and stalked outside. She was humiliated, intimidated and furiously angry with herself for feeling like a naughty fifteen-year-old. That hateful, domineering old man was the priest whose approval she had to win before he would perform their marriage, she raged inwardly. Never, never in her life had she despised anyone more! In ten seconds he had made her feel dirty and cheap. She who was practically a virgin by today's standards!