Page 5 of Leverage - Part 2
After a half hour ferry ride, he caught another Towncar, which took him to a small rental car agency and he climbed into the nicest vehicle they had — which wasn’t saying much — but he didn’t care about the vehicle. As long as it got him from Point A to Point B, he could give a shit about the wheels. A short drive later, he was at the luxury hotel and tossing his bag onto the bed, striping his soaked shirt to stand by the open window. There was a slight breeze but the benefit was suffocated by the cloying humidity. He was
going to need a shower before he could think straight. His hotel room had a stellar view but he wasn’t there to admire the azure beauty of a pristine bay. He turned away and headed for the shower but just as he was to the bathroom door, his cell chirped and he scooped it up with sudden anticipation when he realized it was a text from Hank.
She’s staying at a place called Larimar. Don’t ask how I got that information. A sizeable tip on my next payment would be appreciated.
Heady joy ripped through him at the realization that Julianna had been found but even as he wanted to jump in the car and drive like a maniac to the location, he forced himself to calm down. He needed a plan. He needed to ensure that he had the right leverage to ensure that Julianna never ran away again.
A slow smile spread across his mouth as he shut the bathroom door. Things were starting to look up.
A fine sheen of sweat slicked Julianna’s heated skin as she twisted in her lover’s arms, gasping and crying out as his tongue flicked the swollen nub at the epicenter of her pleasure zone, helpless to escape the riot of wonderful sensations marching up and down her nerve endings. Everything felt magnified and tripled in strength as her lover manipulated her body to greater heights of pleasure, so much so, that it bordered on pain.
There was something so deliriously awesome about giving yourself over to your lover, she realized with delirium, tumbling ever deeper into that chasm of dark desire and endless passion. She arched as her lover sucked the first aching nipple into his hot and greedy mouth, feeding him her flesh as if his life depended on her for sustenance, and groaned as tendrils of sweet pleasure spiraled through her body, knotting together into a giant pulsing ball of need and want. Suddenly his hand traveled her belly, pausing to cup her woman’s mound with possession as he murmured against her damp flesh, “You’re mine, sweetheart and you always will be,” before slowly working his finger deep inside her. He crooked his finger and beckoned, stroking her G-spot with unerring accuracy until she was panting and begging for more. How could he know her body so well? Without fail, heading straight for the most responsive places guaranteed to make her squirm and embarrass herself with desire?
“Not fair,” she gasped, shaking as his thumb lightly and very tenderly strummed her clit while his forefinger played with her G-spot. She was so close…and yet her blessed release skittered from her grasp. She groaned in frustration and he chuckled, the sound rich and knowing, and she gripped his cock, squeezing the head and popping a groan from his lips. “Two can play that game,” she murmured, closing her eyes as he withdrew his fingers, knowing what would come next. And she wasn’t wrong. Within seconds, his mouth had replaced his clever fingers and within seconds she was nearing her release. Her skin erupted in sweat as she strained against his mouth, greedy for more. “Yessss…” she begged, twisting her hands in the sheets, holding on for dear life as the biggest orgasm of her life threatened to knock out her lights.
But just as her thighs began to shake and her breath caught in her chest, readying for that awesomely beautiful and rending of her soul that came from every muscle clenching at once in perfect concert, her eyes popped open and her promised orgasm disappeared like wisps of dandelion seeds floating on the wind. “Noooo,” Julianna cried softly, still partly asleep but totally aware that she’d been denied something great. “That sucked,” she said, rolling to her stomach and burying her head in the pillow as every muscle protested the denial. She returned to her back and stared up at the ceiling, irritated and dissatisfied. Her core ached, wanting a big, thick cock to fill it, and she actually kicked her feet a little like a kid denied a treat. Well, that blows in a big way. Was this a pregnancy thing? If so, she was going to have to invest in a vibrator because she couldn’t go through nine months of thwarted orgasms — that combined with her hormones could get someone killed.
Julianna bit her lip and closed her eyes…maybe she could…well, it was worth a shot. She let her fingers stray to her damp folds and after using her own juices to slick the tender nub that demanded release, she slowly rubbed it until she found the right spot. Boston jumped to her mind and she let him remain. In her mind, it was his tongue, not her finger, pushing her to that brink, coaxing her to shatter into tiny, wet pieces and suddenly, she was there — falling apart and seeing stars as her womb clenched and pleasure radiated throughout her body, sending her into blissful oblivion for a few moments. Ahhhh, she’d needed that. Yeah, except she’d needed Boston in her head to get there. She swung her legs over the side of the bed and suddenly needed to vomit.
Yep. That seemed appropriate. Mind-blowing mental sex and then the need to puke.
Ugh. So far pregnancy sucked.
After a quick shower, she slipped into a sundress and went into the communal breakfast room where she found the resort host, Lilah Cales, fixing a plate of fresh fruit for her four-year-old twins, Lana and Jack, as they climbed into chairs and waited. They were adorable island kids with matching white-blond hair and giant blue eyes that mirrored the impossibly clear waters of the Caribbean. “How did you sleep?” Lilah asked as she put the plates in front of her children with a warm smile. Lilah had been the first person Julianna had met when she checked into the upscale resort and she’d liked her immediately.
“Pretty good,” Julianna lied. In truth, she’d tossed and turned, too accustomed to Boston’s solid body nestled beside her to get good REM but she wasn’t about to tell the owner of the resort that. Besides, she was going to have to get used to sleeping without Boston eventually anyway. You’re never going back to him? She shied away from answering that pointed question in her head because she didn’t have the answer. She was confused about everything and she couldn’t trust how she felt because her hormones were hijacking her brain. “You have a beautiful place. I’m glad I found it.”
“Thank you. It’s a family business. Me and my sister, Lora and her husband Heath, run the resort while my twin sister, Lindy, helps from afar.”
“A family of three sisters…wow…that sounds awesome,” she said, having often wished she’d had a sister, although her brother was pretty great as far as a sibling went.
“It can be but it can also be a pain in the butt,” Lilah admitted with a laugh. “Ever hear of the old saying, ‘Too many cooks in the kitchen spoil the soup’?” At Julianna’s nod, Lilah said, “Well, we’ve spoiled a number of soups before we got it right. Now things are good but it wasn’t always that way. Do you have any sisters?”
“No, just a brother.”
“Ah. My brother-in-law Heath was like a brother to me when we were growing up. And then he went and married my oldest sister and now he truly is my brother. So it all worked out.”
Julianna smiled at Lilah’s story, liking the willowy blond even more. “Well, I love it here. It’s so peaceful. And the water is so beautiful.”
“I agree,” Lilah said with a dreamy smile. “Best place on the planet as far as I’m concerned but then, I’m biased.”
Julianna’s gaze strayed to the twins and she couldn’t help but ask, “Were they a surprise? I mean, having twins?”
“Not exactly, because I’m a twin, too, but they were definitely a happy surprise to me and my husband.”
Of course she was married. Very happily judging by the silly smile on her sweet, tanned face. What would it be like if she were married to the father of her baby? Like a normal person? Not someone who had sold her virginity for an unholy amount of money and then gotten pregnant by accident? Yeah, not the sweet story Lilah probably had with her husband. She swallowed a self-pitying sigh and pasted a bright smile on her mouth for Lilah’s benefit. There was no sense in dumping her sob story on her nice host. “Well, your kids are adorable,” Julianna murmured and excused herself to grab a plate of fruit.
“Is everything okay?” Lilah asked, noting her sudden change. “I’m a great listener.”
“That seems to be everyone’s thing here,” Julianna said, risking a small shy smile, not sure if she should share such person
al details with a near stranger. “No, I’m okay. Just going through something right now. I don’t want to bore you or make you uncomfortable.”
“Not possible if you knew my family better.”
She laughed. “Well, I’m not sure I’m ready to talk about it yet.”
“No problem. I’m here if you change your mind.”
“Thanks. I think I’ll just take my breakfast on the patio to watch the waves.”
“Excellent choice. Very soothing. Enjoy!”
And then Lilah joined her children for breakfast, leaving Julianna feeling very sad that her situation was so vastly different than any normal person and wondering how she was going to parent a child under such circumstances.
She supposed she had nine months to figure it out.
Miles emerged from the water after his early morning swim and realized someone was sitting on Larimar’s patio enjoying breakfast. As he walked closer, shaking off the water as he went, he recognized Julianna and hesitated when his pulse jumped a little. Larimar was owned by the Bell family and operated by the three sisters, Lora, Lindy, and Lilah, along with their various husbands and he happened to be friends with all three, which was why he was renting one of the resort’s bungalows. Damn, why did it have to be her? He had two choices, stop and head in the opposite direction or keep going and walk right up to her and say hello. Of course, he knew what he should do but that option didn’t appeal to the distinctly male perspective checking out how lovely she appeared in the morning sun. Before he could make his choice, fate took matters into it’s own hands and Julianna glanced up and startled when she saw him coming toward her. Well, time to be neighborly. “Good morning,” he said with a crooked grin to cover the sudden butterflies erupting in his gut at her sweet, uncertain smile. “Now what are the odds that you and I are both staying at Larimar? Are you stalking me or am I stalking you?” he joked and his insides warmed at her amused chuckle. “Seriously though, funny coincidence, huh?”