Page 1 of Leverage - Part 3
Boston tipped his beer back slow and deliberate, barely controlling the urge to break things. Soft twilight bathed the swanky hotel room with a pale glow but he made no move to turn on a lamp. He’d chosen to return to the hotel rather than stay at the resort with Julianna. He didn’t trust himself not to bang on her door and scream at the top of his lungs like a spoiled child or worse, a deranged stalker. Everything had deteriorated to shit in the space of heartbeats. What was wrong with him? He could’ve made it all better by apologizing, for begging her to forgive him instead of the other way around. Of course, she’d been pissed. His Julianna wasn’t a delicate flower easily crushed under his boot. It’s what he found so incredibly sexy about her. She’s not yours. She doesn’t want you. Something hot and anguished threatened to incinerate his heart and he didn’t know how to handle the pain.
How did they come to this place in their relationship? Things had been so good. He’d been on top of the world. He wouldn’t blame the baby. That baby was a fucking miracle. He was desperate to know more about his child. When is the due date? How soon can a person find out the gender? He didn’t have a preference — just a healthy child. Ten fingers, ten toes. And whatever else babies are supposed to have. What if it was a daughter? A little girl to spoil and lavish every red cent he owned; a son to pass on his legacy. Tears sprung to his eyes and he didn’t know if he was about to bawl because he was pissed drunk or because he was terrified of losing the one thing he’d been warned he’d never have. Or maybe because he was near crazy with fear that Julianna would never come back to him unless he twisted her arm so far behind her back that it broke from the strain. And then she’d really hate him.
She signed the contract, a voice reminded him, make her stand by her word.
How? And maybe that was the worst thing to do. Forcing Julianna was a mixed bag. She didn’t take kindly to being coerced. Even if it worked in the short term. Threaten to pull the plug on her brother’s therapy. If she cares so much about her crippled brother, use that to your advantage.
Holy shit. Was he going insane? Was there a devil crouched on his shoulder, whispering terrible schemes in his ear? What the hell? Had someone slipped absinthe into his beer? He was definitely drunk off his ass and starting to hallucinate voices that weren’t being helpful at all.
Did he love Julianna? Love…a concept he’d rejected after his experience with Gigi. Nobody truly loved another human being. It was a chemical process in the brain. So with that understanding, he had to accept that in order to gain the upper hand in this negotiation, he had to stop being a pussy and make Julianna come to heel. She might hate him for it, but that was tough shit. She created this storm, she’d just have to deal with the damage.
He was Boston Kincaid. No one pushed him around. Not even the mother of his child.
Julianna rose early, eyes gritty from crying most of the night, and wandered into the kitchen to grab a bottled water and something to nibble, her thoughts still lingering on Boston’s unexpected appearance. She hugged herself, still able to feel his fingers on her skin. Why couldn’t he just be a normal guy for once and drop the emotionally constipated Alpha Badass routine? Julianna shuddered in spite of herself. She couldn’t deny that when he took control, literally bending her to his touch, there was absolutely no stopping the pleasure that rippled down her spine, pooling in her belly and spreading like a hungry flame. He had a way with her body that defied explanation. When pressed together, tongues tangling and hands grasping, they created an orgasmic symphony that was hard to ignore.
But forget all that! Because whether or not he could medal in gold between the sheets, paled against the stark reality that Boston Kincaid was a raging asshole.
And he’d knocked her up.
Ugh. Julianna downed her water and grabbed her towel. She was going to take a morning swim and try to forget that she was stuck in a really bad situation with no end in sight.
Miles had just finished his morning swim and was treading water, enjoying the peace that only came from spending time in the ocean, when he saw Julianna heading for the beach. She dropped her towel and he sucked a wild breath at her sweet, soft curves that he could dream about when he closed his eyes at night. There was something so tantalizing about Julianna that beckoned, causing him to ignore that small voice of reason that kept insisting that he take a step back. Clearly, she was on the rebound. Rebound girls were toxic. He didn’t want anything to do with a woman who still had feelings for someone else. But when Miles thought of Julianna, he melted just a little.
And that was bad.
So when he nearly drowned at the sight of her bikini body, he knew that was even worse. And what did he do? Not the smart thing — which would be to paddle his ass the opposite direction. No, he had to do the stupid thing — and start stroking straight for her.
Julianna broke the surface, gasping a little, and he smiled in greeting. She pushed her hair back and away from her face, smiling as they treaded water together, but it wasn’t hard to see her eyes were red-rimmed and puffy. His smile faded and couldn’t help the concern in his voice as he asked, “Are you okay?”
“You know the worst thing you can ask a woman is if she’s okay,” Julianna answered with a small sad smile. “Because if we say, we’re fine-“
“Then you’re absolutely lying,” Miles cut in with a knowing grin. “You forget, I speak womanese. It’s a perquisite in med school.”
A bigger smile warmed her mouth and he wished he could spend the rest of his days making her laugh. He’d also like to pound into the ground whoever was making her cry. “Why are you so awesome?” she asked. “I mean, please tell me something unflattering about you so I don’t romanticize you too much.”
“Hmm…well, I have been known to s
teal the covers at night,” he shared with open chagrin. “A past girlfriend said one time I spun around so many times, I’d wrapped myself in the blankets like a burrito and she froze her ass off.”
“That’s a terrible habit,” Julianna agreed with mock seriousness. “I mean, I can’t imagine a bigger offense.”
“Well, it is my private shame.” He enjoyed watching as the frown lines eased in her forehead as she relaxed but he knew he’d have to broach who was making her cry. “Speaking as a friend…stress isn’t good for the baby.”
“Why do you think I’m stressed?”
“I’m going to take a wild guess that this is an ‘ex’ problem?” At her faint nod, he said, “And I’m guessing you didn’t get much sleep last night.”
“Not much.”
“You need your rest. The first trimester is very delicate,” he advised her, knowing he was coming off as simply her doctor but he couldn’t help himself. “I know it’s not my place but…want to talk about it?”
“Not really.” She dunked under water and resurfaced, swimming closer to the shore where she could touch. Once her feet could reach the soft shifting sand, she slowly made her way to the beach where she grabbed her towel and wrapped herself in it. Miles followed, grabbing his own towel and wrapping it around his torso. She sighed and said, “I’m sorry. I’m terrible company, aren’t I? Weepy, hormonal, and wishy-washy. You want to know why I was crying? Because I’d hoped that Boston had changed and that things were going to be different. But nothing was different. He’s still the same old Boston and I’m still his property.”
Miles frowned. “Property? You’re no one’s property.”
She bit her lip as if she realized she’d shared too much and he tried to reassure her that he would be there for her. “Listen, I don’t know this guy but he’s an idiot if he doesn’t do whatever he can to hold onto a girl like you. Of course, I have a unique perspective but if this guy makes you cry more than he makes you smile — ditch him. He’s not worth it. And you’re worth more.” Her gaze snagged with his and he fought the urge to pull her close. He had to remember that she wasn’t ready for that kind of entanglement yet. And besides, he didn’t want Julianna for a one-night stand, he wanted her for keeps so he wasn’t going to jeopardize anything by moving too fast. Instead, he forced a light smile and said, “Besides, you’re in paradise. Don’t you know the rules?” At the small shake of her head, he replied with total authority, “Well, let me educate you. There’s no crying allowed in paradise. All that’s permitted are good times. For most people that includes a drink in their hand, suntan lotion or sunscreen, and plenty of vacation time to use up. You feeling me?”
“I think so,” Julianna said. “Can the drink be nonalcoholic?”
“Absolutely. And as your doctor, I will insist,” he whispered conspiratorially. “So, with that out of the way, please do yourself a favor and stay away from the jerk that makes you cry. Okay?”
Her eyes watered but she nodded. “I think I can do that.”
She hesitated at first but then nodded again. “Promise.”
“Excellent. Now that we have that out of the way, time for breakfast on the patio? Celly’s making fried bananas this morning.”
“I’ve never had fried bananas,” Julianna admitted, smiling up at Miles when he tucked her under his arm, leading the way.
“Then you’re in for a treat. There’s nothing like genuine island cuisine. Honestly, I don’t know how I’ll ever survive going back to the States.”
“Thank you, Miles. You’re turning out to be a lifesaver and a good friend.”
“Ahhh, shot through the heart,” he teased dramatically, acting as if he’d just been drop kicked in the balls. “I’ve been punted to the friend zone.”
Julianna laughed, clearly delighted by his company, and possibly forgetting why she’d been crying in the first place.
With any luck, Miles wouldn’t stay in the friend zone forever. Well, at his core, he was an optimist.
Only time would tell if he was also an idiot.
Boston, dressed and ready, made his way to Larimar, a plan of action in place. He shuddered to think just how close he’d come to dropping to his knees and begging for forgiveness, prostrating himself before Julianna in the pathetic hope that she might come back to him when in fact, she was the one who should be begging. Didn’t she realize he had the power to destroy her? The point was to win — not limp into second place, licking wounds and whimpering over lost opportunities. Weakness simply wasn’t tolerated.
He strode into the airy lobby of Larimar and waved at Lilah, heading for the bungalows when Lilah stopped him.
“Are you looking for Julianna?” she asked with a bright smile.
“Yes, actually I am. Care to give me a hint?”
“She’s on the beach. Morning swim.” Lilah winked and his smile deepened for her help. She gestured at the bright spray of flowers gracing the counter. “Help yourself to a flower. It always helps.” Ah, the girl was observant. She must’ve realized that he hadn’t stayed at the resort last night.
Boston plucked a bright fuscia bloom from the bunch and inclined his head with false gratitude for Lilah’s benefit. He didn’t need flowers to get what he wanted but there was no sense in raising suspicion. Boston found his way to the beach and saw Julianna talking and laughing with the same guy he’d seen the other day. His body language made Boston want to growl. Yeah buddy, keep touching her shoulder like that and I’ll rip your fucking arm off. She was pregnant with his kid, for Christ’s sake. Get a grip, don’t let your emotions run off with your mouth. Boston took a moment to calm himself and then strode down to the beach to join them. “Good morning, lover,” Boston said, walking right up to Julianna, enjoying her sudden look of surprise and then immediate scowl as she recovered.
“What are you doing here?” she asked, her gaze hot and resentful. Even pissed off, Julianna was a vision. No wonder Surfer Boy was practically panting after her, hoping to piss on her leg before breakfast.
“Let me take a guess. This is…Boston?” the man supplied with a guarded smile that certainly didn’t reach his eyes. When Julianna jerked a short nod, the man extended a hand, saying, “My name is Miles Lassister. Dr. Miles Lassiter. Pleased to meet you.”
Boston regarded his extended hand and patently ignored it. As if he would shake the hand of the man clearly looking to move in on his territory. “Doctor is it? Such service. I had no idea Larimar offered house calls. They really should put that on the brochure.”
“Stop it,” Julianna hissed, looking ready to pelt him with rocks. “There’s no need to be such a prick. Miles was just being nice. And before you came along, I was having a nice morning. Now you’ve ruined it with your face.”
“Funny, you weren’t complaining about my face or my cock yesterday.”
She gaped, immediately embarrassed that he would bring up their interlude in front of a relative stranger but she recovered sufficiently to reply coolly, “Well, from what I’ve been reading, a pregnant woman’s hormones can lead her to do all sorts of foolish things. Sleeping with you is only a step above eating paint chips. Excuse me, as much as I’d love to say that you’ve killed my appetite, nothing does and I’m starving.” She pushed past Boston and Miles went to follow but Boston stopped him with an arm across his chest.
“Where do you think you’re going, Doc?” he asked in a deceptively mild tone.
Miles pushed at Boston’s arm with an expression that said, go ahead, keep pushing because I’ll gladly lay you out for the pleasure of it, but Boston wasn’t intimidated by Surfer Boy, no matter what degrees he had hanging on his wall. He mentally sized his competition up and felt fairly confident he could handle him. “She’s taken.”
“Doesn’t look that way to me.”
“Maybe you need your eyes checked.”
“Want to know what I see?” Miles didn’t wait for Boston, continuing with total confidence, “I
see a man stalking a woman who doesn’t want him anymore. You lost your chance. Now you need to step aside for a real man who knows how to treat a woman right.”
“Oh, and you’re that man?” Boston dearly wanted to bury his fist in the fucker’s face but there was a frisson of fear squeezing his heart that Miles was right. Julianna didn’t want him. She’d never wanted him. All she’d wanted was his money. And now? She had even better leverage against him in the form of his child. The sense of loss and inadequacy threatened to strangle him where he stood and leave him in the sand like forgotten trash but he never showed weakness to the enemy. Not even when he was losing. He stepped forward, making his meaning crystal. “Let me get something very clear: she’s not available. Just ask her. Ask her why,” he dared Miles, a taunting smile on his mouth. He’d love to see Surfer Boy’s expression when Julianna admitted that she’d sold herself to him. Hard to pretty up that truth.
“Are you threatening her?”
“Not threatening. Just stating facts. You’d do well to steer clear.”
“Oh, now you’re offering advice? Looking out for my welfare? That’s kind of you,” Miles said with open sarcasm. His gaze went to the patio, clearly done with Boston and his advice. “Look, the lady doesn’t want you any more. Why don’t you handle this with a little class?”
“Says the man moving in on another’s man’s pregnant woman?” Boston mocked. The man had balls. “But then I guess sloppy seconds are your thing?”
“Try to show some respect,” Miles said. “Julianna is a woman, not your plaything.”
Richard’s advice rang in his ears and he faltered. There was the tiniest voice beneath the roar of his outrage that begged him to stop chasing Julianna down, to tell her exactly how being without her was driving him mad but how could he do that without seeming weak or pathetic? The answer skittered out of his reach and he was left with absolute nothing but his current course of action. He couldn’t back down, couldn’t retreat. He forced a laugh but it rang with the ugliness curdling his heart. “What’s your game, pretty boy?” he asked. “Is it simply about the chase? Are you only interested in fucking her? Is that your fetish? Fucking pregnant women? I know that’s a thing but I suggest you find a different woman to get your rocks off. Like I said, Julianna is taken.”