Page 1 of Sold To The Sheik
*This naughty bit of a story is intended for mature readers only. It features acts of sexual gratification and dubious consent of the Master and slave kind. If you’re not 18 years or older, find something else to read.
The following short story of approx.12,300 word is a work of fiction.
My eyes were blinded by a swatch of coarse black cloth, my hands bound and hung above my head. I remember firm, supple fingertips, kneading and testing the smooth pliancy of my flesh. I was warned not to utter a sound or my punishment would be severe. I was to accept the poking and prodding, the delving into my most private of places, without a murmur of complaint.
And those fingers did not hesitate to explore roughly or crudely.
I was at the mercy of strangers, frightened and alone. My only currency was what could be bartered between my legs. I’d had no idea such things happened to real people until the day I was stuffed into an awaiting van with a black hood thrown over my head.
“Imagine my surprise,” the woman I came to know as CoCo had said to me, mindless of the tears that streaked my face, after I’d been examined on a dirty table presumably by a doctor of some sort, “when I was told you were still a virgin. Hard to find these days, especially with a face and body such as yours. Everyone’s a whore it seems, no matter how young they are.”
CoCo, crossed her arms delicately and peered down at me, assessing me with cool efficiency. “You will fetch a good price at the sale. Much better than anyone else. You’re the crème de la crème, my dear.”
I didn’t bother pleading — the woman was cut from stone — but I could do nothing about the tears that continued to fall.
A shadow of concern flitted across CoCo’s face and she perched along the edge of the bed where I was tied to the headboard to smooth the hair from my eyes. “Darling,” she purred, gently pushing an errant strand of my white-blonde hair behind my ear as if she were a kind relative rather than my captor. “You mustn’t grieve for a life that was not for you. You have the body of a goddess. It is to be celebrated and honored, my sweetness. Men will pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to have the honor of plucking that lovely cherry. It is an honor and gift I give you. You shall see.”
“I just want to go home,” I’d said in a raspy whisper. My voice had grown hoarse the first three days of my abduction. By the fourth day, I’d given up crying and screaming and tried reason but to no avail. “Why are you doing this to me?”
CoCo ignored my question and plucked at an invisible piece of lint before answering with a smile that scared me. “Why not?”
I licked my lips, tears leaking down my face. “I’m a person, not something you can buy and sell. What you’re doing is illegal. This is human trafficking!”
Irritated by my show of emotion, CoCo stood and her eyes lit up as she began to talk about the night of the sale. “You know, it isn’t often we find someone of your caliber. Of course, we sent out an exclusive invitation to our most valued and discerning clients and the response was overwhelming. Far better than we could’ve imagined,” she said, making me cringe. She patted my bare knee. “Now, enough with these silly tears. You must look your best tonight, darling. You will be bathed and waxed, your beautiful blonde hair will be washed and styled and then your fingers and toes tended to as well. We are saving you for last in the show. The anticipation is already building within our buyers. You will be our showcase event.” She added with a cold smile as an aside, “Oh, and darling…please remember to be silent. Our clients do not like weepy girls. They like obedient, pretty and quiet.”
Perhaps I ought to scream my head off. She must’ve read the defiant thought from my expression and warned, “If you disobey, I will personally strip that sweet flesh from your bones and then sell your worthless carcass to the worst possible brothel I can find where I can guarantee your body will be ravaged by disease before the year is out. Am I clear, sweetness?”
I shuddered with real fear. CoCo’s threat was not idle. There’d been whispers of terrible things…of consequences too horrific to talk about in the light of day. I didn’t doubt CoCo’s threat and it scared me into compliance.
It hardly seemed possible that a week ago I’d been waving goodbye to my friends as I loaded onto the plane to Europe, planning to spend a year abroad as part of a college immersion program. Right now, my parents believed I was settling in with my host family. It would be several days before they realized something was amiss. By then, only God knew where I’d be.
That’s how I came to be hanging like a piece of meat, blindfolded, subjected to pokes and pinches by total strangers, as they inspected what they considered chattel up for bid.
“She is untouched, yes?” one accented man asked with a salacious grunt, pushing a fat digit roughly into my shrinking folds, mortified to my bones that I was being subjected to such an invasion. I bit my lip to keep from crying out. He chuckled and twisted a sensitive nipple. “She is a succulent fruit, eh? I like the American girls…they are so much fun to break.” He pushed his finger deeper inside, past the knuckle and I jerked against the assault, biting my lip so hard I tasted blood.
Polite laughter ensued and tears wet my cheek.
“If you continue to fuck her with your finger, she will no longer be a virgin,” a dark voice said, a hint of warning in that smooth timber. I automatically turned my head in the direction of the sound. “And her value will drop. Isn’t that so, CoCo?”
CoCo’s nervous titter followed as she said, “Yes, yes…she is a temptation, isn’t she? But please, gentlemen…for the sake of preserving what is most special about her…no insertions until after you’ve paid for the privilege. Then you may do as you like to her young body.”
A paper-thin sheath barely covered my body and did little to shield me from the cold in the room. The temperature was only chilly enough to perk my nipples but not enough to cause shivering.
“And you are certain she is pure?” the man asked, his hands gently spanning my waist and framing my hips to squeeze the firm muscles of my rear. I’d been a competitive dancer for years and even though I no longer competed, my body had retained the muscle built from years of diligent practice. In fact, my dancing friends had teased that I’d grown soft because my breasts had filled out and my hips had rounded whereas they had remained lean and taut from maintaining a rigid diet combined with their rigorous training. My breath wheezed painfully in my chest as my heart thundered against my breastbone. His touch was different from the others, as if he appreciated the value of what he held in his hand; unlike the brutes who had likely left bruises in their rough handling.
“Of course,” CoCo answered assuredly, her tone almost subservient and so unlike the tone she’d always used with her crop of girls. “Our physician did a thorough examination. Her hymen is intact.”
My cheeks burned hot at the casual mention of my private matters. Suddenly, my decision to abstain until marriage seemed a foolish and romantic notion when faced with losing it to a total stranger who’d simply purchased my virginity for his own pleasure. I fought to contain my trembling b