Page 24 of Between You and Me
With a heavy sigh, she took a few more deep breaths. It was only a quarter to ten, but going to sleep early seemed like a wonderful idea.
Her cell phone on the nightstand buzzed with a text message. Already sleepy, she debated whether to look at it or not. Curiosity got the best of her and she reached for it.
Hi Tess, it’s Terrence, read the text. I’m okay. Still in the hospital, staying overnight for observation. Because unfortunately, you were right, I have a concussion. You missed your calling, you should have been a doctor. Haha.
She smiled and typed back quickly, Hi there! I hate that I was right. But you’re a lucky man—you hit that floor hard! Very glad to hear from you, and that you’re okay.
Hi! Yes, I’m okay. Just will be slow going for the next few weeks, I guess.
Do whatever they tell you and you’ll be fine sooner than later.
I will, Terrence answered. Thank you again for hanging out with me on the floor. Really was nice of you. I’ll admit now, when I woke up, I was dizzy as hell and that scared me. Your being there kept me calm. I won’t forget that.
“Awww,” she said aloud, then wrote, I’m glad I helped. Sincerely. Stay in touch, please let me know when they release you from the hospital.
Okay. Probably tomorrow. Will rest at hotel for a day or two, then head home. Hell of a Happy New Year plan, huh?
She chuckled wryly and wrote, Yeah, sounds like your New Year’s Eve will be a rocking party.
Not anymore, I’m afraid, he texted. Hope you have good plans tomorrow night? Do something fun for both of us.
She sighed at that. She had no plans. Allie had invited her over to their house for a small party, but she’d declined. She’d stopped drinking at Christmas to start cleansing her body, and the noise of strangers held no appeal this time around. A quiet New Year’s Eve was what I had in mind, she wrote. Sorry to disappoint you, but I’ll be home alone with my dog. My choice.
Guess we’ll both ring in the new year quietly, then, Terrence wrote. Okay, going to sleep now. Just wanted to let you know I am alive and okay.
Thank you for doing so, she responded. If I hadn’t heard by tomorrow morning, I was going to call the hospital and try to find out how you were.
You’re very thoughtful. Thank you again, Tess. Happy New Year to you.
You’re very welcome. Happy New Year to you too.
She put her phone back on the nightstand and snuggled up under the covers again. As she stared serenely into the flames and drifted off to sleep, she wondered what various people in her life would be doing the next night for New Year’s Eve. Her brothers . . . her closest friends . . . even Logan Carter.
* * *
Logan helped his mother from the front seat of his truck, then carefully wrapped her arm through his as they walked across the parking lot to the hospital.
“I’m not made of glass, you know,” she reminded him, but patted his arm as they walked.
“I do know,” he said, but slowed his stride to match hers. She was weaker and slower, that was clear. “Why’d they have to schedule your radiation session on New Year’s Eve, for Pete’s sake? That’s just gloomy.”
“Well,” she started, but shook her head and swallowed the words.
“No, what?” he nudged.
But she didn’t answer. Instead, she said, “So what are we having for dinner tonight?”
“You’re avoiding,” he said flatly. “What were you going to say?”
“Shut up and tell me what we’re having for dinner.”
He chuckled wryly. When Annmarie Carter didn’t want to talk about something, nothing would pry it out of her. He knew that all too well, because he was just like her. “I was thinking I’d make you a nice juicy steak. Get some iron in you.”
“That sounds nice.” The wind blew harder, icy and crystalline. She huddled closer to him and continued, “Any chance of some broccoli rabe sautéed in garlic and oil to go with it? You make it the best. And mashed potatoes?”
“Whatever you want,” he said. The thought struck him that it could be her last New Year’s meal, and a lump formed in his throat. He withdrew her arm from the crook of his elbow and slipped his arm around her waist to hold her closer as they walked against the wind. “Whatever you want, Mom, I’ll be happy to make it for you.”