Page 68 of Between You and Me
She didn’t move, transfixed. The waves of intensity and longing that came off him were so strong and raw, they were palpable.
“Somehow, my little texts with you became a bright spot in my day. I . . .” His voice softened, but his gaze didn’t waver as he admitted, “I missed that. And you. I’ve enjoyed the growing friendship. I only hope I haven’t wrecked it permanently.”
Her stomach filled with butterflies. She drew a long, deep breath, then said, “Your coming here to talk like this . . . goes a long way. It’s not wrecked permanently. I’ve . . . I enjoy you too. We can try to move on from this.”
His stare intensified. “Do you still trust me?”
She blinked at that. His direct question deserved an honest answer. “Not like I did before, but yes, mostly I still trust you. What you did doesn’t change who you are.”
His nod came slowly, processing. “Fair enough. All I can do is try to earn your full trust back.”
She just stared. That was something he wanted? Did she mean something to him, then? The way he’d started meaning something to her? Her heart did a little fluttery thing that made her draw another deep breath.
“Well. Okay, so . . . there’s the other thing I want to talk about.” He scratched his beard, his eyes flickering away and back again before it seemed like he was ready to forge ahead. “If you still want me to be your donor, even after what a jackass I’ve been . . . I’m willing. Actually, I’d be honored. I want to help you. I’ll do it.”
Her jaw dropped and her heart rate skyrocketed as she stared at him. He . . . he was saying yes? He wanted to help her? He’ll do it?
“Wow. Your whole face just . . .” His sensual lips twisted in a grin. “Who’s the shocked one now?”
She huffed out a breath, stammering, “I . . . I, yes, I’m in shock. That was the last thing in the world I expected you to say.”
“I’m sure.” He grinned, but it faded as he asked, “Is it too late? Did you scratch me off the list for being an asshole?”
“I took you off the list because I thought your response was a loud and clear hell no,” she said. “But . . . Logan. Seriously?” She edged a tiny bit closer, questions filling her mind even as her heart thudded away. “What changed your mind?”
“I’ve been thinking about it.” He snorted and added wryly, “Haven’t been able to think of much else, really.”
She gaped at him, stunned speechless.
He reached forward, cautious, tentative, and took her hand in his. His skin felt a little rough, and so warm, as his huge hand wrapped around hers. “I can’t tell you how flattered I am that you want me to . . . well, I was going to say be the father of your child, but that’s not it, really. That you want any of my DNA in your child. That you think that highly of anything I have to offer.”
“I do,” she whispered.
He squeezed her hand and she squeezed back as they looked into each other’s eyes. “You’ll be an amazing mother, Tess,” he said. “I have no doubt of that. You deserve to have the baby you want so much . . . and any child will be so incredibly lucky to have you for his or her mom.”
Tears sprang to her eyes. “Oh, Logan. Thank you for saying that.”
“I mean it. I really do, or I wouldn’t be here. Also . . .” He caressed the back of her hand with the calloused pad of his thumb. The gentle intimacy of the gesture fired sparks in her as he continued. “I have to admit that the more I thought about everything you presented, the more it made sense. I mean . . . you think my physical and mental traits are ones you’d like in your child? That’s amazing to me.” Something like awe lit his eyes.
“But then there’s the other part: I don’t want kids.” His voice was firmer now. “I made that pretty clear. And you know what? That does work to your advantage. Because you don’t want a partner, or a guy who wants to be an active part of your child’s life. You’re not asking me to be a father, you’re not asking anything of me except to just . . . contribute, and then leave you and the child alone. Which is pretty much the only way I’d agree to it, because I don’t want that responsibility. So all that makes me a dream candidate, doesn’t it? I’m the right guy to ask.”