Page 52 of Saving Rafe (Lords of Discord 2)
“No. Maybe we should discuss some ground rules before we begin.” Philippe’s voice was light but firm in his seriousness.
Rafe turned to face him, their bodies only a couple of inches apart. “I trust you.”
Philippe’s lips twisted in a smile, and Rafe could almost read his thoughts.
“Not because you wish to stay on my brothers’ good sides and not because you want me to help you find Piper,” Rafe continued. “I trust you.”
Rafe hadn’t realized it was true until he’d whispered those words, but he truly did. Every fiber of his being screamed that Philippe would not intentionally hurt him or his brothers.
The smirk vanished, and there was wonder in the wideness of his green eyes and in the part of his perfect pink lips. Very slowly, Philippe raised his hand and slid it along Rafe’s jaw, up to cup his cheek. Rafe closed his eyes turned his head, pressing his mouth into his palm. He reveled in that simple touch.
“I swear to do everything within my power to never abuse that gift,” Philippe whispered fiercely, and Rafe believed him.
“Tonight, I want to give you pleasure like you’ve never known.”
Rafe opened his eyes and met blazing bright-green ones. “For both of us.”
The hand on his face slipped into his hair and gripped tightly. Sharp pain pinpricked across his scalp before he was pulled the final two inches, his mouth slamming into Philippe’s. Relief was instantaneous, but it was almost as quickly consumed by a hungry fire that was flaring out of control within him. He’d missed the taste of Philippe, missed the confident thrust of his tongue, the haunting smell of him wrapping its way around their bodies to bind them together.
Rafe moaned and hungrily returned his kiss, meeting him thrust for thrust. With Philippe, there was the feeling of power pushing against him, threatening to surround him. Instinct demanded Rafe shove back, fight back, assert himself.
But there was a darker voice. An insidious whisper that he’d never allowed himself to listen to. It was begging him to let go. Allow Philippe to swamp him, overpower him. Give in.
With a moan, Rafe relented, relaxing on Philippe, and he was instantly rewarded with Philippe’s free hand clamping down on his hip and pulling him in even tighter. They were pressed together from knees to lips. The hand in Rafe’s hair eased and moved to caress the side of his neck. Fingertips traced unerringly along the artery running there.
His cock finally overcame that last of his brain’s demands, sucking all his blood south. Rafe ground his hard-on against Philippe’s, sending fresh spikes of pleasure screaming through his body. He was in heaven, and he hadn’t removed a single article of clothing yet.
Philippe broke off the kiss and smiled. The hand on Rafe’s hip slipped around to grasp and massage one ass cheek. “You’re beautiful. Every inch of you is absolutely stunning.”
“I don’t think you’ve seen every inch of me yet.”
“Then let’s get started on that.”
Philippe released Rafe and took a couple of steps back. Cold air rushed in where his hot body had been, and Rafe ached for his touch. He very nearly reached for Philippe to pull him in close again, make him a part of his own body, but he closed his hands into fists at his side for a heartbeat.
Gaining control of himself, Rafe led the way to his bedroom. Philippe’s movement was completely silent, but Rafe could feel him again. It was like leading a tiger, all sleek sinew and deadly claws, waiting for the creature to pounce and rip him to shreds.
Rafe stopped beside the bed and turned toward Philippe, but the other vampire had walked past it and crossed to the center of the room. He gazed about, seeming to take in the dark rosewood furniture and ornate rugs covering the marble floors. Windows from nearly floor to ceiling covered two walls, showing the twinkling bright lights of the city beyond. There were no toys lying about, but if that was the direction of Philippe’s interest, Rafe could happily supply some.
After several seconds, Philippe dropped into the heavily cushioned black leather chair in the corner. He sank low and spread his legs wide so that Rafe could easily see the outline of his hard dick pressing against the front of his jeans. Rafe started toward him, but Philippe held up a hand when he reached the center of the room, stopping him.
Rafe blinked at the command, and Philippe smiled.
“I want to see all of you. Want to know if you’re as beautiful as I believe you to be.”
If Philippe wanted a show, Rafe had no problem being an exhibitionist. With a smile, Rafe stepped over to the long chest of drawers along one wall. He toed out of his shoes while at the same time removing the gold cufflink at each wrist. Each one lightly pinged in a little glass dish on the bureau, the only sound in the room besides Rafe’s rapid heartbeat.