Page 54 of The Chosen One

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Page 54 of The Chosen One

8:54 P.M., OCTOBER 24




The loving couple stood on the windswept dunes. Both were staring at the restless waters. Each clung to the other as if their life depended upon it. The thick haze from the unrelenting battles had returned to cover the landscape in a sickly hue. Only a handful of faint stars and hint of a waning moon could be seen through the perverse smoke’s cover.

Still, their bliss hadn’t been dampened by the bleak surroundings. They’d found a lovers’ paradise in a dreary place called Press City. For two days, they’d hardly been out of each other’s arms. For forty-eight hours, they’d seldom left the uncomfortable cot in Lauren’s tent. Even so, they couldn’t get enough of each other. Both wished their time together could go on without end.

Despite the idyllic appearance of their embrace, neither was smiling as they looked upon the choppy seas. The reason for their concern was obvious. Each was staring at the British fleet anchored beyond the breakwaters. The unspoiled hours with few cares about the world beyond her tent were nearing their end.

“How many ships do you count?” she asked. He could hear the tension, with the slightest hint of panic, in her voice.

“Enough to hold two divisions of armor, I’m afraid.”

“I guess this means you’ll soon be rejoining your platoon and heading into the desert toward who knows where.”

“I didn’t have the heart to tell you, but I’ve already gotten my orders. This is our last night together. The tanks start landing at sunrise. By noon, their advance elements will move south. My platoon will be joining the lead unit and heading for Cairo.”

She brushed away the hair from her vivid eyes. “Well, we knew this moment would come. We’ve been living on borrowed time from the beginning. Even so, I’ve cherished every minute of our brief hours together. I hope you feel the same.”

“You know I do.”

“Please don’t tell me this is the end for us, Sam, and what’s happened was nothing more than a wartime fling.”

“How could you think that way? I’ll be back in your arms the minute the shooting stops. I still don’t know where we’re going with this relationship. But one thing’s certain, if I’ve anything to say about it, the wonderful days we’ll spend together have just begun.”

She glanced at her watch. “I guess we’d better make the most of what little time we have left. So what do ya say, mister, want to go back to my tent and show a girl a good time?”

“To be honest, I don’t know if I’ve got the strength. Morning, noon, and night, we’ve been at it without pause for two straight days. I’m beginning to suspect you’re some kind of spy who has been sent to kill me.”

“Yeah, but what a way to go, making passionate love to the woman who adores you. And think of what it’ll do for my reputation.”

“I assure you, Lauren, your reputation doesn’t need any assistance.”

“So are we going to stand here wasting time, or are we going back to my tent?”

“What do you think?” he said. “We’re going back to your tent.”

They turned from the flotilla and headed toward Press City. A few bouts of joyous lovemaking remained before the fortunes of war would pull them apart.

* * *

Neither slept a wink as they held on tight and relished every passing minute. The intensity of these dwindling moments knew no bounds. In between, they talked a bit about the past, and even more about the future. Admittedly, neither was certain of what the future held. There simply hadn’t been time to know what it was they had here. But whatever it was, each recognized it wasn’t your run-of-the-mill romance that would fade with the final echoing gunfire. For Lauren, the spark she’d recognized the first time she saw him had burst into a roaring flame. And Sam felt the same. The final night’s lovemaking was beyond either of their exceeding expectations. It was far more than primal lust, however. There was something about it, something each recognized, telling them this was a love affair that might last for the remainder of their days.

The night soared on toward the cold reality of morning. The desperateness of their final hours weighed heavy on their minds.

“Sam?” Lauren said softly.


“Don’t try to talk me out of it because I’ve made up my mind. Even if I have to call the president to get permission, I’m going with you tomorrow.”

“No, you’re not, Lauren.”

“Why not? It’s not just because of you I want to be there. I’ve got a job to do. And I can’t do it while confined to Press City. The American people need to know what it’s really like out there. They need to know what you guys are living through.”

“You’re out of your mind. It’s far too dangerous.”

“Danger comes with the territory for a good reporter. Do you have any idea how many times I’ve had bullets flying around me the past few years? I’ve probably seen more action than you.”

“Not like this you haven’t. This isn’t some crazy palace revolt with a few wild shots fired into the air. This is out-and-out war at its worst. These guys mean business. They’ll kill anyone and anything that crosses their path

. They won’t care who you are. Being a big-shot reporter isn’t likely to protect you this time.”

“I’m going, Sam. I can’t take being locked up on this beach while this all passes me by. I can’t take knowing the man I’m falling in love with will be facing the enemy and I won’t know what’s happening to him. So tomorrow, when your battalion moves out, my cameraman and I will be in the Humvee right behind you.”

“Lauren, please don’t. For my sake, don’t. Think about what my response will be if you’re in that Humvee. If you’re there, there’s a far greater chance of my not surviving. I’ll have enough to worry about keeping my guys alive. But with you tagging along I’ll have doubled the problems I’ll face. Making sure you’re safe might cost me, and the men under me, our lives. So if you care about me in the slightest, if you care about the Marines you’ve met from my platoon, you’ll do what I ask and not come with us.”

She lay in silence, taking in his words. She knew he was right. Being with him would significantly increase the danger. For once, she couldn’t think just about herself. She couldn’t focus solely on her own selfish ambition to get the story ahead of everyone else. Her growing love had seen to that. Her voice was almost a whisper. “All right, Sam. When you leave tomorrow, you leave without me.”

* * *

With the day’s first glimmer, they stood on the beach watching the initial landing craft coming ashore. The moment the lead tank headed down the ramp and crashed into the surf, a tear trickled down her cheek.


11:34 A.M., OCTOBER 25


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