Page 100 of King of Campus
Her lips lift at the edges and I wonder if she’ll argue. The thing she needs to realize is that this is going to happen between us. It’s just not going to happen tonight.
“Okay. When? Right now?”
I can’t help the low chuckle that escapes. “No. Not tonight.” Blowing out a long slow breath, I think about my school and football schedule. I’m leaving tomorrow for the UMass game and won’t be back until late Saturday night.
I love how much she wants this.
How much she wants me.
Just because I’m holding off, doesn’t mean I want her any less, because trust me, I’d like nothing more than to take her back to her apartment and have my wicked way with her. But it’s important to do this right. And despite the blue balls I’m currently sporting, that means waiting a few more days.
“How about Sunday afternoon?”
“I teach until one, so as long as it’s after that, it works.”
I can’t help the big grin that tips the corners of my mouth up. “Great. I’ll pick you up and we’ll have our date.”
Looking satisfied, she nods. Because I’m not harnessed in by my belt, I cup her cheek with my hand before leaning over and sliding my lips across hers. As I kiss her, I find myself experiencing yet another first- planning a date with someone I have feelings for.
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Roan King just played the best freaking game of his life yesterday. He caught three passes before plowing his way into the end zone. The last of which won a tied up game for the Barnett Bulldogs in the final seconds of the fourth quarter. RK is on fire this season and it’s almost a sure bet he’ll be turning pro when the draft rolls around. All hail the King of Campus!
I’m not going to lie, I’m nervous as hell right now. My palms are actually a little sweaty. It’s totally ridiculous. Up until this point, I’ve pretty much screwed my way through high school and the first couple years of college. This will be the first time I’ve ever made love to a woman.
Shit… That really makes me sound like a pussy, doesn’t it? Even in my own damn head, I sound like pussy whipped little bitch. Even so… it’s the truth. Ivy is the first girl I’ve slept in a bed with and she’ll be the first girl I don’t just fuck so I can blow my load without thinking twice about it.
What happens today, it matters. A whole hell of a lot.
So, you know, no pressure there at all…
Hence the sweaty palms.
In planning this date, I tried thinking up something that would be romantic yet wouldn’t come across as cheesy. I’m hoping I’ve come up with a winner. Cutting the engine, I watch Ivy check out her surroundings with interest before her eyes finally swing to mine.
“What is this place?”
I point to the small cabin about fifty yards from us. There’s a private five acre lake to the right that’s surrounded on all sides by dense forest. “This is my dad’s cabin. He just finished remodeling it a couple of months ago.”
Her gaze settles on the one story log cabin. “Wow.”
I nod towards it. “Come on, I’ll give you a quick tour.”
Exiting the vehicle, I take her hand as our boots crunch the gravel of the drive. Unlocking the front door, I hold it open as she walks inside. I watch her take everything in, absorbing it silently. I have to admit, my dad did a kickass job with the place. I love spending time here. Just tromping around in the woods. Doing a little fishing, some swimming, hiking. It’s the great outdoors with all the modern conveniences of home. And then some.
Big screen TV, state of the art kitchen with stainless steel appliances, and two bedrooms with king sized pillow topped mattresses. Hell, if this place were closer to school, I’d have no problem living here. It’s way better than my apartment.
“This place is really amazing.” Her voice fills with awe as her eyes continue flitting around the space.
I can’t help but grin with pride. “I know, right?”
Since the cabin is really just a kitchen, a living room, a kick ass bathroom with a waterfall shower, and two bedrooms, the grand tour doesn’t take more than a few minutes. Once we’re back in the main living area, I tell her what the plan for the day is and hope she’s into it.
Since I haven’t come up with any alternatives, I’m pretty much screwed if she’s not.
“There are a few trails in the woods we can hike and then I thought I’d take you out in a canoe so we could eat lunch in the middle of the lake.”
Her eyes widen as she cocks her head just a bit to the side. For a long heartbeat, maybe two or three, she doesn’t say one damn word. Nothing. She just continues to hold my eyes with a wealth of speculation in hers. Everything within me stills. I don’t even realize I’m holding my breath until the next words quietly leave her mouth.