Page 115 of King of Campus
Even though there were over two hundred dancers at the audition, I don’t feel like I could have performed any better than I did. At the end of my three minute piece, I left it all out there on the floor. No regrets. No second guessing myself. I was one hundred percent satisfied with my performance.
And really, if I don’t get it, so be it. I’ll chalk it up to experience, do a few more auditions in the late spring/early summer and keep working towards my degree in finance. I’ll be here with Roan for second semester. And I’ll be able to live with Lexie for the duration of our lease.
So really… it’s a win-win situation.
But still… I wanted this. Wanted to know I could hold my own with professionals. People who actually make their living in the world of dance.
“What does Eric say?”
I blow out a long slow breath before answering. “That it can take time. They video all the auditions and have to review it, narrow down the field, and then make decisions.”
Lexie nods as if that makes perfect sense. Which I’m not saying it doesn’t… It’s just that all this waiting is killing me.
Just as she opens her mouth to say something more, there’s a knock on the apartment door. Glancing at me, she hurries towards it. Since I’m sitting on the couch, I don’t have a clear sightline to the door. All I can hear are murmured voices pitched low.
When I finally hear the door close a few moments later, Lexie comes padding back towards me and…. drumroll please… Dylan is a few steps behind her.
I bolt up on the couch. My gaze bounces from Lexie to Dylan and then back again. “Hey, Dylan.” I’m not sure what this means… if anything. Dylan and Lexie still aren’t together. He’s been trying to give her the space she asked for. Where he used to drop over unannounced all the time, he never does that anymore.
Since Roan and I spend time together at his apartment, I see Dylan with a fair amount of frequency. We’ve talked, but there isn’t a whole lot for me to say. He’s definitely not the happy-go-lucky, affable guy I met the day before classes started. Ever since the breakup, he’s been a lot quieter. More introverted and melancholy. He spends more time in the gym working out and running outside. His body is definitely more fit and cut than it was before.
“Roan mentioned you had an audition in Cincinnati over the weekend. How did it go?”
“I haven’t heard anything so….” my voice falls away as I shrug my shoulders, “apparently not that well.” There’s no question about it- rejection sucks.
But that’s the way it goes when you’re pursuing a career in the arts. You have to really believe in yourself, be persistent, always be honing your craft, and have a thick skin.
He nods as our eyes hold. “I’m sure it’ll work out, Ivy.”
I can’t help but hoist a smile at his kind words. “It will,” I finally agree, “One way or the other.” At this point, that’s all I can tell myself.
He gives me a slight smile in return. But again, it’s certainly not a full blown Dylan Sullivan grin. Even though I understand why Lexie felt the need to pull away and get some perspective, my heart goes out to Dylan. He’s a really good guy and he’s been a great boyfriend. I just hope when Lexie finally decides she wants him back, he’s still available.
As silence falls over the three of us, his eyes flit back to Lexie. Clearing her throat, she jerks her head towards the bedroom. “We’re going to talk for a bit.” With that being said, they disappear inside her room.
My fingers are crossed that they’ll be able to work everything out.
Feeling restless, I click through a handful of channels but can’t find anything interesting to hold my attention. Just as I shut off the TV, my phone starts buzzing. All but falling on top of it, I almost swallow my tongue when I see an unknown area code flashing across the screen.
Wait… I think… I think that’s a Cincinnati number!
Shooting off the couch, I stare at the screen as it continues buzzing in my hand. An odd kind of paralysis seizes every single muscle in my body. It’s like I’m frozen with nerves. I’ve been waiting for this call for the past three days and now that it’s finally happening, I scared to answer it. By the third ring, I know I have to hit accept or it’ll end up going to voicemail.
Quickly whispering a small prayer, I stab my finger at the screen before bringing the phone to my ear. The breath trembles from my lips as I say, “Hello?”
If feels as if my heart actually skips a beat as I wait for the voice on the other end. I think an eternity slowly slips by before someone finally says, “Hello? Is this Ivy Kaster I’m speaking with?”